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Babysitting Monday


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A bright and early good morning to all of you! :wave:


DH gets up every morning to be at coffee in town by 6:00. This morning I'm realizing that it's just too early. I used to get up early every morning for school and work but with retirement it's now usually 7:00-7:30 and I like it much better. :grinning-smiley-044:


Today though I'm watching the grands as DDIL is going 100 miles away to an all day meeting. She won't be home until 6:30 tonight. I will be tired after a day of this so I might just sleep in til 8:00 tomorrow morning. :whistling:


Still another rainy morning but I think the sun is coming out for awhile later in the morning. Being orginally from CA I need sun. I can handle a couple of days of this cloudy stuff but then I begin to get in a mood. One of those moods where I pull into myself and just want to be left alone. When I'm like this I can truly understand why people used to worship the sun!!!


So, what's your agenda for the day? Let us know!



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Good Morning!


Hopefully you will get enough rain to forge away the drought during the summer months, Wink.


It is going to be another hot one today. Yesterday we got up around 95. The rain we were supposed to receive amounted to about 5 minutes, then, blew away. Still grateful for the bit we did get.


Last week the electric company put in a new metal pole and took the "T" sections off the wooden ones. Poor birds lost several perches they used to use. So, now they are lining up in the trees, on the fences and on the power lines, waiting for me to give them their couple cups of bird seed and refill their water dishes.


I do not have any plans for the day, but that is not to say my DH doesn't. I am an early riser, he is a nightowl and sleeps in 'til noon sometimes. I will try to finish pulling weeds in the yard until he does wake up.


I am so excited with hope about the tomato plants, they are growing good and have a few bundles of little green tomatoes. This is the best I have ever seen tomatoes grow in my yard. Thank God.


I managed to accomplish some big jobs off my todo list and am focusing on the next ones.



What is going on in your part of the world?

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Good morning~ :bouquet:


I was up with you this morning Wink and agree, it's just too early.


The kids teacher is ill so school was cancelled so I think we are going to clean and look for the missing sippy cups<_< and running to the store. The rain blew in last night and it was on and off with some still this morning.


It's suppose to be in the upper 60's with a chance of rain so I'll take the kids out in between showers so they can just in puddles and play and I can spread some coffee grinds in a bed and maybe try and get a bed of potatoes in. DD is in her princess dress playing so it might be a little work to get her in real clothes to go outside. DH moved dirt from two beds into one of the new ones with the help of the kids and I managed to weed beds and around the asparagus (and am guessing I can plant two pots of parsley in-between two of them. I finished up a row of lettuce and two of carrots in one bed before the first drops of rain started yesterday, too.


Have a great day! :hug3:

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Monday is cooking day for me. I was up at 5 am and fed the dogs and then DH. When he left at 6:15 I got Italian sausages with bell peppers and onions started and in the crockpot, made 2 pounds of pico de gallo, Cooked scrambled eggs, sausage and hash browns for burrito filling for the week. Now at 9:30, I am starting Stuffed Pepper casserole and then will make blackberry dumplings. That's about it for today. Only one frying pan fits on this stove so it take a long time to get everything saute`ed.


Yesterday we fed the cows again for BIL and went to Lowes to check on things for for the house. Is it naptime yet?

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I am normally awake just before sunrise. The roosters begin to crow and the dogs always start barking when the roosters crow. Add some guineas, 40 honking geese, quacking ducks and 14 goats yelling and it is hard to sleep in.


While I was milking I noticed young Salsa bouncing around outside the fence on the other side of the paddock. So I finished the milking and noticed Salsa was in again. Put the milk tote on the front porch and grabbed a shovel. Sure enough, big huge hole under the fence where the dogs had been going in and out. So I filled that up. Came inside and strained the milk, put it in fridge.


Expecting my new dishwasher but they keep postponing delivery. Now they expect to be here after lunch. I made chocolate pudding last night and put it in the fridge so I ran it thru the ice cream machine and had frozen pudding for breakfast. Daughter doesn't like it so I have t to eat the entire batch, boo hoo.


I need to call a fellow recommended to me to come do some fencing. Maybe will get him to clear some mesquite and help me clean some stuff up and get the storage trailer packed better. I am trying to get this place sold and need to get boxes of stuff out of the house. Just need some good help.

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