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Low-Carb works for me!

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Hi! From the breakfast post of MidnightMom a day or so ago, it seems we might have something very important in common! One year ago, I put sugar and starch out of my life....Having stayed strictly with protein and veggies this year I have lost about 95 lbs!!! I am still a lot larger than she appears to be, but I am feeling much better and have begun to WALK!!! That is a miracle in itself! At 400 lbs...that was an impossibility! Now you gals know my deepest horible truth..YES, I used to weigh 400 lbs!!!! UGH! My blood pressure soared to 230/145, and according to my Doctor was "a stroke waiting to happen"!! Through God's grace, and the support of my Mother who came to stay with us to help with the kids while I focused on my own diet and well-being, I was able to avoid stomach surgery and have experienced great success this year! I love low-carb eating, and have had no ill affects physically at all!

Back to virtual breakfast.....did anyone bring and eggs and bacon?? ;-)

anyone who wants to email me is welcome!


Have a wonderful day!



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((((((Dee K))))))))

What a blessing you are and such an inspiration to me!! -95 pounds is wonderful!!!Way to go, Girl!!


I have thyroid disease and have gained about 60+ pounds on my small 5 foot frame. I am trying to make a go of it with the drug synthroid, and even though healthwise I feel much better than when I was first diagnosed

(I thought I was going to die)....

I have with no such luck keeping the weight off. The low carb diet is the best diet for me as people with thyroid disease cannot process sugar and carbs efficiently. But I have fallen off the wagon, into piles of convenient easy to grab carbs! Slowly and surely they have made their way into my diet.

I am interested in all there is to know about those that have made lo-carbing a way of life. Recipes and all. I'm all ears among other lumpy things smile.gif



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WAY TO GO GIRL!!!!! smile.gif That is terrific!!! You have most definately inspired me!!!

My dh and I are on the path to eating protein and veggies as you, for health reasons (for him) and weight loss (for me).

I know I sure feel better when I eat this way. We have definately cut down drastically on starches and totally cut out the sugar. I have done so much reading on how much these harm our bodies and cause illnesses. So, we are on a new path for living! I am glad we are not on the path alone! Thanks for the encouragement!!! smile.gif

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The first few days away from sugar and high-carb things are the WORST!! After the junk is out of your system, you will experience a great deal of control in your eating! The cravings will go away in time. We have all been fed a whole lot of "bologna" from the media that certain foods make you healthy, beautiful, or popular! That eating Pizza and Pepsi puts excitement in your life! Etc. etc. ! The truth is, Pizza adds padding to my hips, and Pepsi had better be Diet, or it will do the same!!!

There are a multitude of low-carb sites on the web. But is it great to know there are some here at Mrs. S. who are interested! I'll try not to be too pushy....but it's hard not to get excited as I am beginning to really see a difference in my life!!! Every step was laborious still time last year....and NOW I CAN WALK!!! I am amazed! I'm not usually very good in group efforts, but I can't contain my excitement here, and am willing to share the path with anyone needing some company!!

I have a Turkey Breast and Whole Chicken in the oven this morning! As soon as it is done, it will be deboned, and put in the fridge for meals; also, some will be put in small packages for lunches at work.

My mainstays are:





Salad/Mayo's OKAY

green beans/leafy greens

Strawberries/Melon in season

Wonderful Low-carb bars and Endulge Chocolate bars serve as special treats when I get really bored with my mainstays!!

I'm hungry now....I knew this was gonna happen!!!! (grin!)



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adding back in carbs can be a real challenge!

I had a nice long post for you...but hit a wrong key somehow and blew it into cyberspace!!

The main idea of it was that using the new Low-carb products and SPLENDA (the newest sweetner) you can really prepare some delicious treats for yourself and still stay Low-Carb!

If you're a chocoholic....Cocoa powder, cream cheese, Splenda and Whipping cream will make you a "to die for" Chocolate Cheesecake!!!

I don't have a lot of time to post right now, but you get the idea!

I just returned from shopping for a couple of things for my 13 yr old daughter...she too has been losing weight, and didn't have anything for camp next week. Get this! She used to be busting out the seams on W16 jeans....now she is in size SMALL! Size 10!!! I am so proud of her! She's a beautiful girl, but the weight was going to hinder her in her teen years. In Dec. she put her foot down and determined NOT to be fat! She has lost 35 lbs and is 100% more confident and happy with herself!

You can do it Girls! Jump in the Boat! Or back on the wagon, whichever!



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Ok I made it. *whew*

ummmmmmm...I definitely need to start exercising again...even if it's only walking. The illnesses and the depression I had been going through made me just wanna isolate...

And today I went for a gyn checkup...haven't been to see him for about 5 years...talked with him about my smoking and he's put me on some meds that are supposed to facilitate my stopping, so keep me in your prayers there.

So now I'm a little nervous about quitting smoking and gaining weight...LOL



A real friend walks through the front door as the rest walk out

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Wow DEE,

That is just awesome! I am very happy for you..Really!

I just lost 52 lbs and am feeling much better. But i have lot's more to go so your not alone there!

I have low thyroid too.....funny my Dr. never mentioned low carb diet.....man ...i'm thinking of getting a new Dr!

I also have gallbladder problems so i live on a low fat diet. Very similar to what you say you live on. But i don't think i can live without my bread. That's what i fill up on.

Now i need to find out more about this low carb thing......if i take out fat-carbs AND sugar..(i love sugar) what's left????? Grass???????


I'll be praying for you! I see what happens to my brother when he's out of ciggs....not good....it must be horribly difficult! Hope the meds help!

And so you get a little rounder....more to love!!



[This message has been edited by debbielee (edited July 22, 2002).]

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Well, no, grass has carbs! You'll have to eat the bugs on the grass....


Bugs are low fat, right?

Here's a breakfast if you need a break from bacon and eggs. Tofu (the 0 carb kind) and Atkins Vanilla syrup with some melted butter (or spray butter for low fat) Blend and then heat...voila maltomeal....add some flax meal for the specks in maltomeal (and for your gut!)

[This message has been edited by PeggyJo (edited July 22, 2002).]

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Plant carbs don't do the same thing refined flour carbs do......so, you can eat the grass without the bugs if you want, but you know.....you can have the protein so if you really WANT the bugs...... rolleyes.gif



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TOFU Maltomeal? Sounds interesting! I'll try anything ONCE!!

Ever had "mock" mashed potatoes?

You steam, chopped CAULIFLOWER until very tender; drain; add butter,cream, salt and pepper to taste; and SMASH it all together!!! TIP: be sure you get as much of the water out as possible! Sounds weird, but it works! I made this for my daughter without letting her see what I was making it out of, and she couldn't figure it out. She thought she smelled cabbage while it was cooking; but she loved the end product!!! Not a small challenge trying to fool a 13year old mashed potato addict!!! I added a little seasoned salt as well to give added flavor.

Here I go....gotta find some Tofu! I don't think they have that in Virginia! (TeHe!)



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Duplicate post from the Sunporch! I accidentally posted it there....


Dr Robert Atkins is the Best!!!

Regardless of what you may have heard in the news, his New Diet Revolution is Wonderful!

For those of you who know what I'm talking about, Isn't it great that the mainstream medical folks are starting to seriously check into the claims that Atkins has made for the past 25 years!!!

It works! It works! Yes....if after you've lost the weight you return to a high-carb lifestyle and overeating, you WILL REGAIN THE WEIGHT!!! But DUH!!! High carb/sugar and overeating isn't good for anyone!!!

What Atkins has you do initially, is to cut all starches and sugar out for the first two weeks (or more if desired) and you eat only proteins PLUS 2 small green salads each day. Gradually, you are allowed to add in more veggies, nuts, and low-carb fruits in TINY increments!!! You do this over time until you reach the level of carbohydrate grams per day that halts your weight-loss; you can live this way indefinitely!!!

Some people take one day off a week to eat whatever they want....but that never worked for me. It just started up all the cravings again. So I do better to count carbs every day! Anyway....for anyone who thinks I'm speaking Greek.....Get the Book! It is loaded with explanations of why it is good for Thyroid and Diabetes problems, as well as heart disease, and a multitude of other ills! Even Depression! Good luck all....I'm going to WALK! WALK! HipHip Away....I can walk around the block!!! (I can't believe I'm saying this! I hate to exercise!!!!!




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One More Thing Folks ( I can't believe I forgot this!) You HAVE to drink LOTS of WATER while eating low-carb!!!! You need to live with a water bottle or cup with a straw handy throughout the day! Some low-carbers say drink 8 glasses a day PLUS another 8oz for every 25lbs you are over-weight!! (and get used to going to the Bathroom all night!!!)

(((Here I go....slosh, slosh, slosh, the sound of the ocean of H2O about to overflow my bladder if I dont' get there soon!!!!))))



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Dee!!!! 95 pounds is tremendous!!! I'm so proud an happy for you.

I know how much better I feel after having lost 27 lbs, I can just imagine how good you feel! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

The diet my doc gave me for my thyroid is low carb and no processed sugars.

I did great the first 3 months but now I'm drinking one Pepsi a day and eating bread once a day. I've not gained any weight back but it stopped the weight loss like turning off a faucet. I guess that just shows how sensitive to the carbs and sugars I am.

It's got nothing to do with total calories and everything to do with what my body does with processed sugar and carbs.

You have encouraged me more than you know. I'm getting "back on the wagon" and taking care of my health!!! grin.gif



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Wow! Ginger, Goosie, Debbie, PJ (I knew about her smile.gif ) all doing low-carb-it IS a small world, isn't it???

Ginger-I am hypothyroid too, and taking levoxyl (I think it's the generic for synthroid). My TSH was in the low normal the last time I had a test-so I talked the doc into increasing it just a bit. I'm hoping it will help the "diet" be more effective. I am also type II diabetic, so I have too much insulin floating around in my blood, and it does NOT do a good job of getting the glucose into my red blood cells. I need to talk to him next time about getting some kind of test for checking how much INSULIN I have, not just how much GLUCOSE I have traveling around in my system-after all- it is the INSULIN which stores the excess carbs as body fat!!! Did you know that? I didn't. Whatever carbs your body doesn't use right away gets converted to BODY FAT by insulin- it's known as the fat making hormone. frown.gif

Debbie- are you willling to do an experiment? I'll bet you that if you cut out the carbs, but keep the fat (the good kind-olive oil, butter, cream, sour cream, etc), you will NOT suffer the gall bladder attacks you experienced while eating fried foods (food deep fat fried-not fried in butter). I had acid reflux disease (constant heartburn) and I no longer take the meds for it. smile.gif It is worth a try-dontcha' think?

PJ-glad to see you here! Did you get the e-mail I sent you?

Darlene-if you're giving up the cigs, and you must do something with your mouth, chew gum-SUGAR FREE gum of course!!!

BTW-Soy IS NOT a good substitute for people with thyroid disease! I can try to find the info again if anyone is interested. It's too bad that all the low-carb stuff uses soy, or soy protein isolate-even Atkins! frown.gif But, then, he is a cardiologist, not an endocrinologist.

And prepping for a low carb lifestyle is a definite challenge!



"Sooner or later everyone quotes their mother."

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Thank You Midnight Mom! Such good information!!

How much have you lost? You really know the facts behind all this stuff!

I'm still mortified over the "dextrose in salt" Can't hardly believe it....but it would explain why Salt can make me hungry!!!! .....interesting...



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I have to say that you are really, really doing great Dee. That is a great amount to lose and you have done a great job. smile.gif

Also am happy to see you all posting about this and want to thank you for the ideas you have given and will give.

I need to get back on the diet, but have to be careful, I posted in a different post why. smile.gif Anyway, thank you for ideas and recipes and all.

One day soon, I will start the low-carb diet again.



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Oh, Darlene, if you have the will power to exercise and everything, you probably won't gain a lot of weight. But, you do need to take care of your body and stop smoking. smile.gif Glad you are doing something about it.

I know how hard it is to quit. No, I never did smoke, but DH did for about 35 years. It was 4 years ago next month that he had a heart attack, small one thank goodness, but still, it was a heart attack. The Dr. told him he is NO longer a smoker. He has not had a cigarette since that time. He has said there were times he would have liked one, but hasn't had one. He is at the point now that the smoke bothers him about as much as it bothers me. smile.gif

Keep us informed on how it is going, please. We are all concerned.




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Hi Midnightmom!

I'm on levoxyl too!

About the experiment....i can use the smallest amount of fat in any form. I keep each meal at 5 grams total fat or less if i can help it.....use cooking spray very sparingly if at all......i have learned the HARD WAY that i'm very sensitive....

But i'm listening and learning....maybe i can work around the fat....

I'm seriously thinking of getting this gallbladder ripped out! Then we'll see.



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