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Thursday, July 1

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Good morning all. My body is getting me up early as well. Summer smells, light and birds arouse my brain before my body desires to be up.


Momma your life is full of change. I am not sure how you suvive. That is a lot to handle. I used to hate it when my boys would go back to school. Each year I would become depressed at the end of summer. Having your son go to school after homeschooling must be even more depressing. I will keep you in my thoughts.


Yesterday, after a lot of local heat, I found a ten year old and a mom with a couple of kids and we headed to the mountains to find snow. We had an ideal summer day, we drove an hour into the mountains, hike a mile and found our snow. We had a great time in the cool green of the Cascade Mountains.

Afterwards we drove down the river to a sweet swimming hole and the kids and dogs went swimming. I am truely a summer person. My dreams drift towards days like these all year long. It is so nice to be able to actually live those days.


I work all day today, but my will still be in the mountains.


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Good morning everyone . So I'm slowly going over that. I have a lot of time now but I get tired/frustrated trying to solve storage problems. Some day this will be solved.

Joan: What a fun trip to snow in hot weather!

Snowie: What great ribbons and things you entered in the fair.


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Wow I can't believe it's afternoon already. I haven't even started my day except to feed the duckies. Hope all of you are having a wonderful day! Hot and humid here in Central Illinois... Ok I am off to feed chickens and rabbits, and do the dishes. Take care.....

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Hi there everyone. Hope everyone is doing good. Snowmom, that's fantastic about the ribbons! My grandmother puts things in our fair every year, people tell me I should, but so far I've never gotten around to it.

Has anybody checked out FlyLady.net? I go there to try to get rid of the clutter. It has been the most helpful thing I've found for all the junk I seem to collect.

Hope everybody is doing great. Blessed be.

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