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Blog Entries posted by Stephanie

  1. Stephanie
    This morning I was doing some personal Bible Study and read the following scripture...
    Mat 13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.
    This made me think about being offended and what it means, how it develops and why it happens. Unless you are the Saint I Ain't, you, like me have found yourself offended at times. As a matter of fact, I'm struggling with an offense right now. Someone I love deeply and have invested a lot of my heart into gave me a 'low blow' and I'm still stinging from it a bit.
    If you know much about me, you know that this led to a word study, the word Offended.
    Here's the word in Greek σκανδαλίζω skandalizō
    It occurs 30 times in the New Testament Scriptures
    It means, for one thing, a stumbling block, to cause to fall away, to cause one to distrust, to have your foot entangled.
    You may pick up on the fact that skandalizō sounds familiar. Think the Latin word scandalum or our English version, Scandal.
    So, why were the people of Jesus' home town stumbling on the words of Jesus? What was the scandal all about? How did He offend them? Let's read the account in the book of Mark, starting with verse 1 in the NLT.
    Jesus Rejected at Nazareth
    Jesus left that part of the country and returned with his disciples to Nazareth, his hometown.
    2 The next Sabbath he began teaching in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished. They asked, "Where did he get all his wisdom and the power to perform such miracles?
    3 He's just the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon. And his sisters live right here among us." They were deeply offended and refused to believe in him.
    4 Then Jesus told them, "A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family."
    5 And because of their unbelief, he couldn't do any mighty miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them. 6 And he was amazed at their unbelief.
  2. Stephanie
    At one point this past weekend I just felt so tired and wanted to sit down, but, couldn't justify it with so much needing to be done. About that time, my second son who is 13 brought his blanket that had some tears in it and asked me if I could mend it.
    Well, I'm not much of a seamstress and I can't remember the last time that I sat down and mended anything, but I decided to try. This would give me a good excuse to sit in the recliner with my feet up and my hands busy.
    This blanket had been my dh's and he had passed it down after getting a new one. You may be familiar with them they are called Vellux Blankets. They are wonderful and we all like them very much. Here's a link so you can see what I mean.
    I'm not sure how the several tears occurred, but with lots of boys and dogs in the house, I can imagine a few possibilities. Anyway, as I sat there and contemplated the best way to approach this mending, I became a bit philosophical. I started thinking about how we all have times when we must set about mending relationships in our lives. Some times, we can just walk away, cut the ties and resolve the conflict by separating ourselves from it. Kind of like tossing out the blanket, deciding it wasn't worth the trouble.
    But, when it is someone we really care about, things can get a lot more complicated. In order to properly address the tears in the blanket I had to first do some trimming away, the jagged edges made it impossible to match and mend properly. At first glance one may think I was making the matter worse, making a larger 'hole', as I snipped. Truthfully however, the pruning was necessary for the best mending to occur.
    As I began to stitch I quickly learned another lesson, this luxurious material had to be handled delicately. If I pulled a stitch too tightly it would actually pull a hole in the fabric. When we are looking to mend a relationship we need to apply gentle pressure as well or new hurts can be added to the old hurts we are trying to address. Matters of heart and trust and love are very fragile.
    Finally I presented the blanket to my delighted son. "It looks just like new!" He exclaimed! I laughed and replied, "As long as you don't look too closely."
    While I had done my best to match the color of the thread, trim away the jagged edges and stitch carefully, a close examination would reveal the mending that had been done. Still, in his eyes, it was like new.
    Just like our relationships that may have been torn and tattered , then mended with tender loving care, the scars may remain, but only if we look too closely. Sometimes we just have to embrace the mended relationship, appreciating it for it's warmth and declaring it new.
    So goes the philosophies of mending hearts and blankets.

  3. Stephanie
    We knew that this year we were going to have to buy some dirt. I don't mean the bags of dirt which we've bought so much ofin the last three years, but dirt by the pickup truck loads. This Alabama Red Clay has been an aggravation each year as we've attempted to garden with it. This morning dh went to a gravel/soil business that opened up recently to get the prices and see what was available.
    The man who owns it says, "You came at the right time, you see that dirt over there, it's in my way and I'll give you as much as you want for free." He explained just how to use this free dirt to achieve the perfect mix. So, my dh and two oldest bags have just finished unloading their second load of dirt, it was still a bit wet and heavy. Their backs are aching but their faces are smiling. After all, they hit 'pay dirt'.
    It is always such an encouragement when you're really trying and doing your best, to catch a break. Countless times this type of thing happens to us. Being at the right place at the right time. I don't believe in coincidences, as I know full well that I have a Divine Orchestrator in my life. Thinking upon the many instances where we have experienced the blessings of God, both large and small, I am reminded of this passage in Deuteronomy 28.
    Blessings for Obedience
    "If you fully obey the Lord your God by keeping all the commands I am giving you today, the Lord your God will exalt you above all the nations of the world.
    You will experience all these blessings if you obey the Lord your God:
    You will be blessed in your towns and in the country.
    You will be blessed with many children and productive fields.
    You will be blessed with fertile herds and flocks.
    You will be blessed with baskets overflowing with fruit, and with kneading bowls filled with bread.
    You will be blessed wherever you go, both in coming and in going."

  4. Stephanie
    This week the kids and I did an experiment with Peanut Butter Powder. Some months ago, I had purchased this...
    http://beprepared.com/product.asp_Q_pn_E_FS D140_A_name_E_Peanut+Butter+Powder
    I decided it was time to open it and see how we liked, what it tasted like, what in the world you did with it!
    The instructions on the #10 can say: Mix 1 TBSP of Powder with 1 Tsp of water. Add a small amount of sugar for flavor. Add a drop of oil for creaminess.
    First, we all tasted the powder plain, just to see (we are home educaters after all). Then we added the water, determined that wasn't even enough to get it moist and added a tiny bit more. We tasted again.
    The first two tastings, one while dry and one with just water, drew some interesting comments. One child said, it taste like coffee. Another said it tasted like the flavor on Honey Smacks (minus the sweetness). I personally thought it tasted like roasted unsalted peanut skins (not the nuts, just the skins). But, everyone agreed on one thing, this does not taste like peanut butter.
    So, we added a little sugar, more tasting. The sugar seemed to help a lot as far as tasting okay, but still, not a peanut buttery taste. Next we added a "drop* of oil to each persons own expermental bowl. This did wonders for the consistency. Now atleast it looked like peanut butter!
    The last part of our experimental tasting that day was to pull out a sleeve of saltines. Finally, success. The children all agreed that our concoction tasted just like the peanut butter that is in the crackers that you buy in individual packs. Everyone ate all of theirs and more.
    I cant' imagine at this point that I would be able to eat this in exactly the same way that we do peanut butter from the jar, but I can see some uses for it in our preps. Unopened that can is shelf stable for many years. It can be edible, if not tasty, with nothing but water added.
    The kids want us to try again with different types of sweeteners. I think they're on to something. I was using white table sugar. I think that next time we'll try brown sugar, powdered sugar and/or honey. It was hard to lose the graininess of the sugar and I think these others will dissolve better.
    We also want to make some of the recipes that we found at the Emergency Essentials site.
    I think we'll start with the one for Peanut Butter Cookies, although I don't have Shortening Powder.
    I also want to try our family favorite, Peanut Butter Fudge Frosting. I definitely need to keep trying because now I have an opened #10 can and it's shelf life will now be considerably shortened.
    I am considering one other thing for the future. For one thing, perhaps not all Peanut Butter Powders are the same. I think I'll order some of this PB2 that I've heard so much of.
    Any of you who have had experience with the Peanut Butter Powders, I'd appreciate any feed back. In the mean time, we shall continue to experiment, learn and adjust.
  5. Stephanie
    Did you know that Popcorn is a Whole Grain and has lot of nutritional and healthy benefits?
    I've always been a fan of Popcorn in its many varied forms. Whether it was dripping in butter at the Theater or in a box of Cracker Jacks at the ball game...formed into a PopCorn Ball at Halloween or caramelized with brown sugar... yum yum yum!
    I have loved it when I wasn't counting calories and I have loved it when I was. On its own, it's nothing but good... our adding toppings are sometimes tasty tantalizing culpits of extra sugar and fat and well, you know.
    I can remember when microwave popcorn was all the rage!! What an amazing thing it was !! I can't imagine how many bags I must have bought and eaten since that time, countless.
    Now, as the mom of seven snackers, I am even more fond of this tasty, frugal, healthful food. When you consider nutrition and costs, Popcorn wins hands down over Chips and such.
    Finally, I decided I was going to give up the Microwavable Bags, big decision, but we were spending too much on that convenience. So, I started buying 1 lb bags and standing at the stove, shake, shake, shake... for the shortest of times it was a novelty, my kids were amazed. Funny, but they had never seen popcorn popped the old fashion way.
    Last month I put on my prepping hat and bought a 50 lb bag of popcorn at Sam's , talk about a huge savings, it was huge. And talk about a lot of popcorn, it was a lot. But, after a while, I grew weary of standing there at the stove, shake, shake, shake and if you left your post...well, we all know what burnt popcorn smells like.
    So, I went on a quest! And I have found the answer to our Popcorn Dilemna. Have you heard of a whirly pop? Here's what it looks like, they sell them all over the internet and we actually found one at our local Target store.

  6. Stephanie
    I struggle with this... Collecting my Preps and not wanting to use them.
    Whenever I'm canning something I am almost hoping one jar won't seal so that I can taste what I've done. I'm a bit better than I was, been working on it. I rememberJudy saying in a post, that we were 't creating a Food Museum with our canned goods (a while back). That really got my attention!
    Months and months ago I bought a Berkey, went through heck and high water to get it. I was so proud when it came, so relieved! It is still in the box!
    Now, in my defense, it came with several of the Berkey Sports Bottles and when I had to take that trip a while back, I pulled one out and have been using it faithfully since then. *Cool bottle btw!
    I seem to have this mentality of not opening and using things that I've collected until there is the need for them, or just the right moment. I'm a nut!
    The other day I had bought something, and my ds9 asked about it. I said what I say so often, "This is for an emergency."
    He looked at me thoughtfully and said, "How much longer do we have to wait for one of these emergencies?"
    I laughed, I couldn't help myself. It was so true! as the old saying goes....from the mouth of babes....
    I have also yet to try my Junior Wonder Mill Deluxe Grain Grinder or open any of my wheat. I've ordered MORE, I've read recipes and threads here. I'm still gathering my equipment and ingredients and information. I tend to do that. First I gather and think, think, think... then I act.
    So, now I'm wondering if I've crossed some kind of proverbial line in this Prepping vs. Collecting.
    We bought this really cool Butterfly Kerosene stove for a great price at a yard sale last summer...still in the box. But, I did mention to my dh that I'd like to try it and see how it works. I guess that's a step in the right direction.
    I DID open that #10 can of Peanut Butter Powder and we HAVE been experimenting with it. I made some cookies the other day that were so good, the kids were fighting over them.
    I DID open my FOOD SAVER that my mom gave me for Christmas after only a few weeks and use it! But, I haven't opened the jar attachment that I bought to go with it.
    I AM using some of my home canned food and not saving all of it for a rainy day. We are using some of the #10 cans of fruit and pudding and etc... to see what we like and what we want more of.
    I DID open up my first Pantry Stuffer of Dehydrated Vegies from Harmony House and use them very often ( and enjoying them very much). I ordered a second batch including some other things.
    Well, I guess I'm making some progress in this journey, but still need to start enjoying and using the neat things I've collected. Perhaps today I will try out that Food Saver Jar Sealer and 'can' up some Steel Cut Oatmeal that I have in buckets...leaving the buckets open for something else?

  7. Stephanie
    I seriously need to develop some routines into my life. I tend to resist the constraints of routine. I like to live in a free and flexible manner. But, although it is appealing, it is not necessarily wise or healthy.
    No matter that I don't have to set an alarm clock, catch the school bus, clock in at an office or have dinner promptly at six...there should still be some Routine Requirments in my life. I have the greatest of intentions. But, I don't always follow through. ::
    Our sweet little Nanny Goat is helping me to realize the importance of routines. If I want her to produce well, I must be regular with her milking routine. No haphazard, catch you tomorrow or today we milk in morning, tomorrow in the evening.
    I've noticed if I don't do my morning Bible Study and devotion...it often gets overlooked as the day's busy-ness increases. That should be a Routine Requirement. The same with exercise, if I'm waiting for that to 'just' happen, well it usually doesn't.
    I'm going to be doing some thinking about the Routine Requirments in my life. What are they? What are the priorities of my days? How can I fine tune them and be responsible and accountable without losing the joy of spontaneity that I so enjoy!
    Have a great day friends!
  8. Stephanie
    I just tried the Sam's 'Click and Pull' for the first time. So, hopefully after PT tomorrow I can go and pick it up without having to 'shop'. Here's what I got...
    Item Description Item # Quantity Unit Price Subtotal
    FULLY COOKED BACON 72 COUNT 272086 1 $8.52 $8.52 I try to keep a pkg of this on hand, very handy and shelf stable
    DQ PK SALMON 4-14.75 4-14.75 OZ 822899 1 $7.67 $7.67 noticed I needed mored salmon the other day when counting
    CHOCOLATE PUDDING 112 OZ. 488505 6 $4.08 $24.48 This is the best chocoatle pudding I've ever tasted, pie quality
    CHICKEN BOUILLON CUBES, 25 OZ 071148 1 $4.87 $4.87 To keep on hand with the dehydrated vegies
    CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER 2 PK / 40 OZ 049573 1 $6.39 $6.39 This is a good price for the size and a 2/pk
    ACTII SEASONING SALT 52 OZ 624038 1 $3.34 $3.34 Haven't tried this yet, hope it will be as good as the popcorn
    BAKED BEANS 117 OZ. 037053 6 $5.27 $31.62 I need to make some of my own...but in the mean time, these are handy
    VANILLA PUDDING 112 OZ. 488511 6 $4.08 $24.48 We tried these puddings last week and are sold on the quality & price
    BEEF BOUILLON CUBES, 25 OZ 071149 1 $4.87 $4.87 Works really well in recipes,soups, stews, etc... even alone?
    YLW RND TORTILLA CH 2 - 3 LB. BAGS 022202 2 $6.18 $12.36 These big boxes have a better expiration date than bags
    SHREDDED CHEDDAR 5 LB CHEDDAR 063903 1 $9.02 $9.02 This is some really good grated cheese, I divide and freeze
    AMERICAN SLICES 5 LB 160 CT 063945 1 $7.67 $7.67 This we get every time we go, good deal
    MINCED GARLIC 48 OZ 442118 1 $4.08 $4.08 I may never chop garlic again!
    PRAIRE RIDGE BF PATT 10 LBS 4 OZ PATTIES 293758 1 $17.88 $17.88 We're going to grill these tomorrow
    CHILI WITH BEANS 6 LB 11 OZ 192355 6 $6.28 $37.68 This and some tortilla chips will feed my whole family w/leftovers
    ACT II POPCORN 50 LB 624059 1 $16.58 $16.58 One of my favorite things to get at Sam's
    TROPICAL FRUIT SALAD 107 OZ 860346 6 $5.16 $30.96 We got one of these and liked it very much
    VLASIC DILL CHIP 5 GAL 2500-3000 CT 728740 1 $13.66 $13.66 My dh picked this out! It's is a 5gal pail!
    NO CALORIE GRANULATE SWEETENER - 1.2LBS 156010 1 $11.88 $11.88 This is Splenda
    I didn't get some of the normal stuff that we usually get...
    Canned Tomatoes #10 size
    Ketchup, Mayo, Mustard (pump size)
    Nacho Cheese #10 size
    Toilet Paper and Paper Towels
    Pinto Beans (25lbs for $13)
    I'm stocked pretty good on that stuff and will get more of that next time.
  9. Stephanie
    Everywhere I look blooms are bursting forth! Our gorgeous ornamental Pear Trees are solid white with tiny beautiful flowers. The peach trees are covered in delicate pink adornments. The plum trees are starting to display a little color as well.
    Seasons are a lovely gift that the Lord has bestowed upon us. Each has it's on purpose and is necessary.
    The important thing to remember about seasons is that they change. It's not going to stay as rainy or cold or hot or dry or humid as it is right now. A new season will arrive and it will be celebrated for its unique qualities.
    Tomorrow is the first day of Spring and today is sunny and warm! I will gather my small army of children around me and we will commence with the spring cleaning!! This will be an on going project for the weekend. My husband is off Monday and we will hopefully get the garden started as well. He bought his tiller last weekend and eager to 'turn some dirt'.
    Sweeping and dusting and organizing and cleaning out and getting things in order just feels great doesn't it!! We're going to cook out hamburgers and clean out the garage. We're going to attend church and Praise the Lord for the gift of seasons.
    Ecc 3:1 To every [thing there is] a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

  10. Stephanie
    Y'all, I am SEW excited!
    Last summer we changed churches and started attending a local fellowship. It was a good decision and has made it much easier for the kids to be involved with activities and etc... My dh is very involved with the boys groups, the FCF (Fronteirsmen Camping Fellowship) as well. But me, well, I don't know, since we moved here over three years ago, I've been a bit of a hermitress.
    Well, this latest story that I've been writing in Fireside has made me do some soul searching and thinking how much I'm missing by not making an effort to connect with the women (they are lovely people) at the church and be more of a part of our community. Anyway, so this morning I was giving myself a good talking to, as I got ready to go and told myself what I needed was a change of attitude, to change the way I was thinking.
    In the meantime, dh and the two oldest boys have become very active with FCF and this means that they need Period Correct Outfits. My mom is coming in one month to stay for a week and help me, which is such a blessing. She is a wonderful seamstress and I am a 'sewing wannabe'.
    So, this morning I go to church and about half a dozen ladies sought me out after services, hugging my neck, telling me my dress was pretty, asking how I was, etc... It felt very nice, I have to tell you. As the chatting went on I mentioned to them that I was trying to get my supplies for the FCF clothing and guess what they said???!!
    They said, "Stephanie, why don't you join our Tuesday night sewing club?"
    I said, "Well, I don't know how to sew really, I bought a machine, but I don't really know what to do with it."
    And they said, "Bring it, bring your manual and we'll teach you!"
    I said, "Do you know how to do these FCF clothes? Could I bring my material and let you look at it?"
    They said, "Sure! We just made the Pastor's outfit for him and we'll be glad to help you figure it out."
    I am telling you, I am SEW excited!! I will be learning a skill, getting out of the house, making progress on this FCF project and making some real life, in my community, friends! This is a major deal for me!
    They meet every Tuesday evening plus the last Sat of the month for an all day sewing/craft day. They do crochet, tatting, sewing, scrapbooking, etc... Doesn't it sound wonderful?? What a blessing! God is so good to me!
    Just had to share!
  11. Stephanie
    I have a new signature and I wanted to tell you about it. It was a difficult decision for me as I went about looking for the picture that would represent me and who I am.
    I am a homesteader-in-training and love my goats and chickens. I homeschool my children and have adopted them all. I love to read and write stories. I could go on and on, just like you could when you try to summarize yourself. But finally, I decided that one particulary scripture was the best representation of me and my life and who I am and what I do.
    "He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children,praise the Lord! Psalm 113:9
    I'll never forget the morning that I read that scripture sitting on the front porch of a rental house more than 14 years ago. It did not bring me comfort or encouragement, it stabbed my heart and made me cry. All my life I had loved the Word of God and even as a teen was so drawn to its wisdom and truth. But that day I grew angry and declared that this was one time that the Word was wrong.
    You see, I had been trying for over a decade to become a mommy. Unless you have ridden that particular rollercoaster of turmoil, you won't know exactly how I was feeling. On the other hand if you have ever prayed for a long, long time and waited and waited, well you might can understand quite well.
    I could not imagine, I could not see, I could not understand or even figure out how this verse could be true. After a while of tears, I stopped and made a decision to believe, it was a crisis of Faith and I took my stand. After all the Scriptures also say in Hebrews 11:1 that "What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. " (NLT)
    Now, all these years later, I am EXACTLY what that scripture said I would be. Not only did He give me a home, but he filled my empty arms. So now, when I speak of the Word of God, I can say with every confidence,
    "God's Word and What He Says
    Is MORE real...
    Than what I see,
    What I hear,
    Or what I feel."

  12. Stephanie
    For months, literally, I have been wondering what September would bring. Why September?
    Well, it started about seven months ago when I was on the treadmill and reading my Bible passage for the day. I was reading about Joseph when he interpreted Pharaoh's dreams.When Josephs explained to Pharaoh that this was a time of 'plenty and prosperity' and that during those 7 years that should prepare for the 7 years to come, I just knew that I was to do the same. Not necessarily for the seven years (more like months), but for the spring and summer. I felt VERY impressed that we needed to be very diligent and productive during the Spring and Summer so we would be prepared for the Fall/Autumn and a Significant Event. Yesterday was the first day of Fall/Autumn and I took a moment to look back over our Spring and Summer, to take a good look at what we had managed to accomplish. It is a lot, a whole lot, but is it enough?
    I don't know what the rest of September and the subsequent Fall/Autumn season will hold for us, but it has already been significant with the torrential raining and floods here in the Southeast. So, was this the Significant Event that I was preparing for? Perhaps. Perhaps Not. I do know that they just announced that more rain and more potential flooding are on the way. I do know that this all happened in the same time frame as Rosh Hashanah (Yom Teruah) which is significant to me. This Biblically mandated holiday is also known as the Feast of the Shofar, which signifies a warning, an alarm.
    Perhaps this flooding is just the sounding of the Shofar, the warning of things to come? I do know that I felt like my family would be significantly impacted and that has not happened yet. I also know that I've made a genuine effort to prepare and set aside and gather in and clear out and increase skills and grow in knowledge. I also know that when I'm not enough, the Lord is.
  13. Stephanie
    I almost giggled out loud, assuming the man was making a funny. But, then I caught the sincere look on his face and caught myself. We were at Aslan's Puppy Training and he was a visitor from another class.
    The trainer asked how Aslan was doing with the goats and the man said, "Oh, we really want some goats. What kind do you have?"
    Eager to help I said, "Oh we are just getting started, we have two Nubians and two Wethers."
    That's when he asked, "So, do Wethers make good milk goats?"
    Repressing my almost escaped giggle, I answered. "A Wether is a boy goat that has been neutered." I was proud I had been able to answer evenly so as not to discourage his newbie questions.
    "So," he continued, completely ignoring the fact that we were in the middle of dog training, "only the girl goats produce milk?" The smile came forth, I just couldn't help it. But I still managed to carry on.
    "Yes, a doe is girl goat and a doe produces the milk." I paused for a moment to let him ponder this and then added. "Are you planning to have milk goats?"
    "Oh no," he says, "we just want a goat to help clear out some brush."
    "Well, sounds like a Wether is just what you need."
    "So you suggest that breed." He continued to querry.
    "Wether isn't a breed of goat, it is a condition of a goat. A wether is a neutered male, good for companion goats, weedeating or barbeque." I added for good measure.
    "Did I hear you mention chickens?"
    "Yes," I answered cautiously as the trainer stands listening intently. I tried to avert my gaze in her direction so she could finsih the class. But, now she's interested.
    "What kind of chickens do you have?" I tell them.
    "Do you have any roosters that crow?" I admit I do.
    Then he says, in all seriousness, "But roosters don't lay eggs, right?"
    I assure them that is the case.

  14. Stephanie
    I think I'll tell you a bit about me. I think I've been assuming that everyone already knows, but maybe you don't.
    I live in Alabama with my dh Henry and our seven children whom we have been blessed to make our own through the miracle of adoption. We have been married 26 years! I assure you he is the only man on earth who could live with me that long, he is amazing and the love of my life.
    Our children, and how they came to us, are miracles indeed. Just briefly, the are
    ds1 - 14 (joined our family at age 8)
    ds2 - 13 (our first adoption and came as a 2 week old premie 5lb infant
    ds3 - 9 (was 2 mos old when he arrived)
    dd1 - 9 (birth sister to our other daughter, came at age7)
    dd2 - 8 (came at age 6)
    ds4 - 5 (straight from the hospital at 2 days)
    ds5 - 4 (birth brother to the girls and was 3 yrs old when he came)
    I was born in Louisiana, lived in Texas and Mississippi during my growing up years and then married and was imported to Alabama 25 years ago. Alabama has been good to us, my dh and dc were all born here, but I have a secret yearning to return to Texas. shhh ... don't tell anyone. All of my family lives in Arkansas and the sensible thing to do would be to move there, but dreams aren't always sensible.
    Three years ago we bought an older house on 5 acres of land and have been going about making it into a homestead.We have a pond, a creek, goats, chickens, dogs and a parrot. In a few weeks Aslan, our Anatolian puppy will be joining the family.
    If you know me at all, you know that I love the Lord. I'm doing my best to live a life that is pleasing and acceptable to Him. I love the Word of God and use it as the Plumb Line, as a standard for all things Spiritual.
    MrsSurvival is a wonderful resource for me. I have made 'real' friends in a way I would never have thought possible on an internet setting. I have conquered my fear of pressure canning! I bought a Nubian milk goat and she delivered her baby right here on our little homestead. I'm enjoying my chickens immensely, they are wonderful homestead animals.
    I home educate my children in a very Eclectic manner. That basically means I'll use any method or manner I can to help my children learn how to learn. That's my goal, I know I can never teach them everything, but if I have taught them how to teach themselves, to read, to investigate, to learn...I have done a good thing.
    We're hoping to have a big garden this year and better success with it as we try some new techniques. This is an area I'm still trying to learn and grow in. With a famly our size, we need to be gardening!
    Well, just thought I'd tell you a bit about me!

  15. Stephanie
    This morning, as I was taking an inventory of my dried beans I decided to make a Mix. We love the mixed bean soups and those bags of beans are much more expensive than individual bags. So, we looked at our assortment of beans, we had nine. I commented that this was one variety of beans per person in our family. I used one of the storage containers on wheels that I have mentioned before and we began to pour in the beans (4lbs of each variety).

    Black-eyed Peas Navy Lentils Green Baby Limas Small Red Beans Black Beans Pintos Green Split Peas Large Limas  
    Because the container is clear, it was really neat seeing the layers that the beans made. It was very attractive as each bean represented different colors, shapes and sizes. I once again commented that these beans were like us, all unique and different.
    Some of the children thought we should leave them like that until I pointed out the problem. Our goal was to have a mixed bean soup and if we didn't mix them up and combine them we would never have the full flavor that they could only bring together. As a matter of fact I concluded, we wouldn't even be able to experience the bottom layers of beans for a long time to come and if we weren't going to mix them up...we should have just left them separate. Talk about a teachable moment!
    Our family does not consist of all the same 'variety' of people. And yet, God Himself combined us together to create a special family that holds a unique flavor, all its own. While we are each individuals, we have been put together and made into something lovely...a family!
  16. Stephanie
    I did it!! I spent the money and made the commitment and signed up to Weight Watchers On Line! I've been trying to get ROUND TUIT for over a year. Kept looking for that perfect moment to get started. This morning wasn't perfect at all, but I did it anyway.
    So, I entered in all my info and got my "point* allowance for the day and realized I had already spent about half of that daily amount with the big breakfast we had eaten of sausages, eggs and grits
    But, I don't care, well I do care. What I mean is, I can't do anything about what I had already eaten for breakfast. Right?
    So, I have been perusing the on line site and they have a list of 'free' foods. That was encouraging. I was glad to see that a lot of my favorite foods are listed there. So, I'm going to cook some brussel sprouts today, I love those things and they are FREE . :wink (2):
    It has this tracker where you mark down when you drink water, when you take a multivitamin, and other good habits.
    It has another area where you record your physical activities. You can earn more points to spend on food by doing more activities.
    I signed up for a three month deal, so we'll see how it goes. You're suppose to lose an average of 2 pounds a week. If I lost 50 lbs by the end of the year I would be ecstatic! What a difference that would make in my energy level, my blood sugar levels, blood pressure and etc...
    I told Henry that next summer I was going to feel much better than I do this summer! Wish me luck!!
  17. Stephanie
    One week ago today my mom and step-dad arrived and now they have gone. It was a lovely visit and so very productive in every way!
    My step-dad brought all of his handy man tools and my dh took the whole week off to tackle numerous building, maintenance, repair projects in our home and on our little homestead. My two oldest ds's worked right along side them assisting and learning so much. A new kitchen counter top, a new bantam coop, new nesting boxes in the big coop, an addition to the goat stable and a new back porch are among their accomplishments, but there were more!
    My mom brought her wonder sewing machines, a Bernina and Serger as well. We had many sewing projects but the main thing was the period correct outfits that my dh and two oldest ds's needed. I was right at her side assisting and learning. I may even be brave enough to try something on my own now. My fellows will be among the best dressed pre civil war participants!
    While my mom was here I finally opened up and set up my Berkey Light! My mom is a big fan of good healthy water and so we promptly sat down and ordered her one for herself. BTW, we really like the Berkey Light and I'll try to do a review on the forums.
    We intended to try my Wonder Deluxe grain mill while they were here but our time slipped away.
    And to top off our wonderful visit, as they drove off this morning, we went to check on the broody hen and had the pleasure of seeing two brand new little chicks tucked under the momma hen's wings.
    It is a wonderful thing to have a supportive family, what a blessing!

  18. Stephanie
    Today is Tuesday. Since Henry went to a four day work week several months ago, Tuesday is the beginning of our week days. Since Monday's are now a part of our three day weekends, I never dread Monday's like I use to.
    I find that I'm enjoying Tuesday's as well. I try to never schedule anything on Tuesday and just stay home and do what needs to be done after three days of projects, chores, errands, shopping,etc... It's revolutionized our life style and I am so thankful that Henry's company has given him the opportunity.
    So, today I'm here and seeing about my broody hen, milking my nanny goat, tidying my house, sipping on coffee, considering what we'll eat for supper and loving every minute of it. Wednesday night brings church activities, Thursday evening brings Puppy Training Classes, and then Friday is the night that we drive to the Camp grounds and see my dh and two oldest ds's inducted into the Fronteirsmen. So today, the only day we're here from waking to sleeping, you couldn't get me to budge out of my own little corner of the world.
    I really need to do some hair cutting, I always procrastinate doing that. So, I've told myself that when I've done the three youngest boys, I'll reward myself by jumping in the pool and get some refreshing exercise.
    I'm still struggling with running out of hours before I run out of things to do, but I'm not complaining. I see progress being made in most areas and my children are well fed, taught, trained and cared for. That's the priority in my life. It seems like they are growing up so fast. My second oldest son passed my in height (talledr than my oldest ds) and now he's like 3 inches towering over me!!
    I did a thread on Rag Rugs in the Forums and I am so excited about the possibility of doing this. I think it seems simple enough that even I can't mess it up! Plus it is very frugal and recycles old worn out clothes! How cool is that!
    Just jabbering, so I'll go for now. I hope you are enjoying your Tuesday!

  19. Stephanie
    Welcome my friends to my little corner of our new home on the internet. I can't wait to get to know our new place! It just looks so sophisticated and classy! Thanks to everyone who worked to make it possible.
    I'll be adding more later, but just wanted to greet you and give you a warm welcome! Drop by often!
  20. Stephanie
    A little over a year ago I ordered the nicest whittling beginner's kit for one of my sons for their birthday. He thought he'd like to give it a try, I thought it could develop into a neat hobby for him. He tried it, He didn't like it. It was too painstakingly detailed for his happy-hyper self and so, I gave him the money I had spent to go on something he liked and inherited the tools, books, blanks and etc... for myself.
    From the beginning, I was captivated. Taking a piece of wood and making something out of it? I spent hours and hours on my first project, a detailed cowboy boot. I took it to Georgia to show everyone when we had the get together at Darlene's. I took it to Arkansas when we visited my family. Westie said, Stephanie, I think you've found your niche'. My mom said, I'm not one bit surprised (naturally my mom would say that). But, I was surprised and secretly delighted that it seemed I might have discovered a hidden and unexplored talent.
    Alas, as with so many of my projects, I found myself distracted and doing other things. As we have seen a few warm days here and there in the deep south, I pulled out my whittling bag over the weekend and sat myself on the swing by the catfish pond. I decided to start a new project with one of the whittling blanks, a dog. At some point the younger children meandered over to observe me and ask about what I was doing. I proudly pulled out my ONE finished project, that little 4 inch Cowboy Boot. They admired it and went about their play.
    A good hour had passed and I had made a little progress on the dog, just a little as whittling is a series of tiny cuts and grooves and slivers of wood. I decided to put my things away, feeling refreshed and focused. I thought I'd try to walk around the pond until my legs ached with exertion. As I carefully gathered my glove and thumb protector and gingerly closed the extremely sharp knife... I saw it, at my feet. There laid my Cowboy Boot that I had so proudly shared. Evidently my pet Border Collie had discovered it and decided the nice soft wood would make for a good chew. It was ruined. I couldn't help myself, I just cried.
    Silly girl, I tried to tell myself, it's nothing to cry about. But, still I did. I looked at the disfigured creation and announced, "It is ruined." I stuffed it in the bag and took off for my walk at a brisk pace, wiping my tears as I did. I couldn't even bring myself to tell my husband or children. I felt so angry, so frustrated, so much more than I thought I should feel over such a little thing.
    As I walked I remembered the passage of Scripture that talks about the Potter and the clay. Do you remember? It says that the vessel (that the Potter was forming on the wheel) was marred in his hand as he made it. Unlike me, the potter did not cast it aside as ruined. Instead he did an amazing thing...he made it again, another...that's how the KJV reads. He made it again, another.
    With legs that were aching but a heart that wasn't, I retrieved that little boot from my bag and looked at it closely. Could it be made into something again, another? I felt a bit deflated as I realized I didn't posess the skills to figure it out. God, on the other hand can figure out what is required to remake our broken and damaged lives. He will use our imperfections to bless others. He will take us in His hands and make us again, another.
    I'm saving that boot, and Iam practicing on my whittling. One day, I'm going to take that piece of damaged wood and make something out of it. It won't be today, but one day I will do it. In the mean time as I work on the newest piece and learn to follow the wood grains and to take little tiny chips, slivers and grooves, I am growing more skilled.
    Perhaps there is a relationship, a situation in your life that has been chewed up until it is barely recognizable and doesn't even resemble what it started out to be. Could it be you even that you don't recognize in the mirror anymore? Allow the Lord to begin His creative work, He is a Master Craftsman. Some of the chiseling may hurt a bit, some of the grooves may be down right painful. But in the end, in the hands of the Master, you can become a thing of beauty that is cherished by your Creator.
  21. Stephanie
    Well, my first morning to wake up with my coffee and come to this new MrsSurvival with so many wonderful possibilities! Of course I've got to figure them out a bit, but that's part of the adventure! Plus, don't you think it's kind of neat that we're all learning together! This is an historic moment for MrsSurvival and we are a part of it! How cool is that?
    I am discovering a little at a time some of the many perks that this upgrade has afforded us. We are in high style to put it straight. I think that as we get a handle on the new gadgets we'll be sitting pretty! Well, I'm off to investigate a bit more and see if I can't get some pictures to post or something!
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