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Everything posted by Lois

  1. I think #4, #5, and #13 would be appropriate here.
  2. Congrats on the promotion Becca!
  3. Count me in as one who was drug also when I was a child. and I had no problems when I drug my kids to the woodshed, or church, or such.... infact, they (my children) have drug their own children to the woodshed and church, and family reunions also. Nice family tradition in my books. The world has a problem today though, I dont believe for one moment that ALL children are bad LCM... but I do believe that if the children today were raised with the same sense of values that we were raised with and that most of us here at Mrs.S are raising our own with this would be a much better world to live in. According to the govt... if we spank our children we are abusing them,
  4. Well, I went outside and shoveled for about an hour and still only have half of my car dug outta the snow. 26 inches total from this storm and it is still snowing right now. I don't think my feet will ever get warm. TheGiant dug his explorer out and went to work this morning. We have plenty of food supplies and thankfully we didnt lost power during the snow storm, but I shot my diet all to hades with this storm and I just don't care right now to say the least. The girls lay around and sleep all day because they dont come home till 2 - 4 a.m. and then leave all the work for me.... I just don't care anymore about anything. This [censored] snow keeps me here prisioner when I want to get outta here and just go home where my family is... The LORD has a reason for this , but it is just beyond me to figure out what that reason is... All I know is I am miserable and cry all day long and most of the night anymore. The weather is so unpredictable that I am afraid to leave before spring now and I think that is gonna be months away...I sure aint counting on a date on the calendar, cause Mother Nature isnt being very nice to me right now. Snowmom, I sure hope that your inner ear infection is getting better... I know how they go and it isnt fun to feel dizzy all the time when you have things to do. Please take care of yourself! T.
  6. Just waded in using my snow shoes.... brought along some fresh applecrisp and hot cocoa.... Oh Yeah, it's nice and toasty here on the porch. Anyone seen that groundhog? That rodent and I need to have a little talk..
  7. Snowmom , I have about 2 1/2 feet in my front yard I can send your way and more is snowing right now... supposed to snow till sometime tomorrow afternoon. We are all warm and safe here, but sure wish i could find that darn groundhog! He has alot of explaining to do! My car is snowed in up to the windows and it is gonna take me at least two days to dig out..
  8. Lois


    I'd help but my snow shovel is under 2 feet of snow!
  9. What a mess here! over 2 feet of snow where I live in northern NJ and still comming down! I HATE SNOW!!! Everyon here is warm n safe and we're staying in the house .... no powe outages thank goodness and the snow is up to my Butt!!!!!!!!! this is just too much! Here groundhog..... come out little groundhog, i just want to play with you in the nice warm snow..... hehe twi hiding shotgun behind her back to cap the little rodent when he pops outta his hole!
  10. Another large winter storm is on it's way to the East coast AGAIN... I'm soooooo tired of snow! my shopping list: bread, bottled water, propane for the side burner of the grill if we lose power, milk, TP, candles to replace the ones we used last storm.... milk, canned food that doesnt need cooked or heated in an emergency, first aid kit where i can get to it fast if need be, gas tank in car full.... GL all during this storm, I'm thinking of ya... T.
  11. Lois

    The Church Gossip

    Too cute! Wonder if anyone asked Sarah what George's truck was doing parked in front of "HER" house all night for??
  12. Lois

    How to Annoy Women

    How to annoy a woman> 1. Open up a candy bar, eat it and crush the wrapper and toss it on the kitchen table and walk out of the room. 2. Ask her repeatedly for a drink of soda or water when you were just in the kitchen and too lazy to get it when you were in there. 3. Drive past 4 stores and 2 gas stations on your way home from work and then tell her that you need cigarettes and a pepsi and would she mind going out to get them for you because you worked hard all day and you are just too tired to do it your self. 4. Promise to cook her a good BBQ dinner and put the meat on the grill and then go to the store for 25 minutes and if she doesnt turn the meat it will burn up and noone eats and then it is her fault, not yours cause you had to go to the grocery store and spend 25 minutes buying 12 ears of sweet corn and a bottle of pepsi, but you forgot her cigarettes and does she mind going to the store and getting you a pack to while she is there...
  13. Prayers are in my heart for your brother and you and the entire family. T.
  14. hope youre feeling better soon snow! T
  15. Can I borrow caveman to build me two raised beds? I promise to feed him well and send him home in the same condition he came in. T.
  16. Lois

    Hi All!

    Welcome to the group Willow. So glad to see a new face! I think you will love it here too, everyone is loving and caring and we are a family. T.
  17. Cliff is doing much better, he is out of ICU and in a regular room now. The Dr. says the confusion from the head injury is beginnin to clear somewhat, bu we will just have to wait to see if there is any permanent brain trauma. I spoke with him on the phone last night and he recognized my voice. Thank you for all the prayers. T.
  18. I dont think there is much I can add to this post.. these are certainly scarey times for everyone, not only here in the USA but round the world as well. T.
  19. Huggs to you all. Been there done that 6 times and it doesnt get easier! I think the hardest seperation for me was when I left home and moved to NJ away from my grown children and grandbabies.. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you as your fledglings leave the nest, especially those who's chilren are serving in the military... T.
  20. I'm losing alot of sleep over this. If TSHIF today, I have about a weeks worth of food and water in the house.. I will be leaving here soon and am preparing my bugout bag with 4 days food and water supply and extra clothing and blankets to keep warm if the car breaks down. T.
  21. Come on down to the Humor Me forum and share the memories that make you laugh and giggle when you think about them.... I think its gonna be fun! twi
  22. Just changed a tire on my car ... does that count?
  23. Lois

    Route 22

  24. When I get down, I try to think of things that will make me laugh or smile. Here are a few that do the trick for me? #1. When my first grand child was born, I had her at the ranch because mommy and daddy needed some sleep, the baby had colic really bad . It was during branding time and I had rung the dinner bell for everyone to come down to the house to eat. I was changing her diaper when several of the cowboys came into the house to eat and one of the old timers looked at her and said, " Why, lookie fellers, we got us a little heiffer here!" This makes me laugh everytime I think about it. A cowboy is so silly he would stand on his head to make a baby smile. #2. When this granddaughter was 3 1/2 she would not get out of the way of the TV program I was watching... very frustrated I shook my finger at her and told her she was a little brat... she turned around put one hand on her hip, shook her finger at me and said, "Grandma, I'm not a brat... I'm breenana!" Come on share your good memories with everyone! I DARE YA!
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