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Everything posted by Lois

  1. My response is if it aint growing hair it's good!
  2. Snow, I'm just following the WeightWatchers 1-2-3 step points program. I try to only take in the minimal amount of points allowed me a day and bank some for the days I feel the urge to eat more. Yesteday was my "pigout"day! So I will be banking points like crazy the rest of the week to make up the difference. And to top it off, lol, there was too much salt or msg in the chineese food and I have fluid retention today too ... looks like tomorrow will be a lasix day for me also. All I can tell any of us is keep on keeping on.... I've had 3 fantastic weeks, and I blew it yesterday, but today is a new day and life goes on! T.
  3. Lois

    Get your new name...

    Falafel HampsterChunks reporting in! ROFLMBO
  4. Anyone care to help me up date my bag? Sure could use the suggestions!
  5. Ok I've lost 2 more pounds!
  6. Lois

    Our Ancestors

    WELL HOOOOOOOT [censored]! We're ALL royalty!
  7. -10.2 pounds for January! WOOOHOOOO Will be weighing in tonight at Weight Watchers, so will update this later on tonight with any loss or gain. Snow, did ya ever think that maybe the gain might be water weight? I know it sure happens to me sometimes. I know I'm feeling bloated this morning, and my ring feels a little tighter than yesterday.
  8. Thanks for the great post Ginger!
  9. Lois

    As promised

    Well, that isnt fair that everyone doesnt know! LoL twi
  10. HI lowie! I joiined Weight Watchers a few weeks ago and have had a 10+ pound weight loss. I am a nurse, but have learned nutritional things I never knew before. It is not a diet for me, it is a change in life style and eating habits and I find I am eating better now than I ever did before, more fruits, more veges, less red meats(by my choice). I feel good about myself.
  11. Lois


    Well to be frank, I lovvvve a man in a kilt... sure would love to see some of those cowboys back home in one when they're riding horses. YEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAA! twi
  12. Oh Snow, I'll never catch up to you. Give me one mile walking and 2 miles with "Richard" and sweatin to the oldies . Did lose another 5.2 # though with WW last week.
  15. Lois


    You have said it all so Beautifully, Cora. Mrs.S has been my home for ove 4 years now. I have been blessed with a family "from the heart" here. Yes, we are all different personalities, different ethnic backgrounds, but we are a family. I have been lifted up when I wanted to end my own life, by my sisters and brothers here... they kept me going and lifted me up in spirit and in prayer, when my marriage ended, when my grandson died. Frannie took me in when I was homeless and had no place to go. And except for knowing me here at Mrs.S. she had never met me in person until she drove up, put her arms around me and took me home with her for 2 months while she nursed my heart with her love and understanding. And she asked nothing of me in return, not even to be her friend. But I would lay down my own life to protect hers in a heart beat... she is my sister by choice, not by birthright, and I will always love her. Our Dear Ed, was my Big Brother by choice also. He held me in his arms and comforted me online so many times, and I him. I just wish I could have done more for him and I will hold him in my heart and memories till the end of time. I did get to meet him in Arkansas at the first Mrs.S. get together... and he was such a wonderful, caring, fun loving man. He Blessed us all here at Mrs.S. online and off. Diinmi,has become a sister of my heart too. She is in my thoughts and prayers each and everyday, thanking the man upstairs, for her love, her wisdom, her acceptance of me with my shortcommings and all. She will never know how precious she is to me, because words cannot express the love I have for her I've met Darlene, and she is the nicest person you would ever want to meet... she and I have had our ups and downs, but she is still my sister of my heart. None of us are infoulble and she is able to forgive our short commings and still cherish us as friend and family. Like you, Cora, I am a private person. And like you, at times when I am down, or hurting I disappear for awhile to try and figure things out in my head... but ya can bet when I do disappear, i get emails, and icq messages, and phone calls to find out what is wrong and to tell me to get back home, here at Mrs.S. , where I belong. This will always be home to me... and I love you all. twi
  16. Cold here and supposed to get some sno flurry's and wind shill of-15. just gonna stay indoors and do more packing I think. twi
  17. looks like a great site to me am going to write down the url and check into it futher when i get back home and can begin my food storage again . T
  18. Well Sis, ya could always make him go work out in the barn for a few days and teach him a lesson! Men are so funny sometimes Luv ya T.
  19. Thought I'd better check in before ya thought I'd left the planet or something! I started Weight Watchers 1-2-3 points program a week ago, joined WW this past wednesday. Can't believe how simple this program is for me. I can have my bread and taters... the only changes in food I have made is to skim milk-plus, low fat margarine, eggbeaters, and slim fast snack bars. Couldn't fight the urge to step on the bathroom scales this morning... I know alot of it is water loss, but I have lost 5 pounds in week, and I dont weigh in till wednesday at the WW meeting. Hopefully another pound will be off by then. I'm eating 3 times the food I was before, in order to stick to the points program, but I am eatin more veges, and fruit.... I never ate much fruit before. Taking in alot less fat than before too, but I feel good about dieting this time. I've finally taken control of me and my life and don't care what anyone else thinks or likes. I didn't realize how self-centered TheGiant was until I joined weight watchers, he is not supportive of my decision to join WW or to lose weight at all. But when he loses a few more pounds I am supposed to clap and praise him. That seems pretty petty and selfish to me, to say the least. This has only reinforced my decision to go back home and be with my family. I have been mending clothes, and sewing new ones to take with me. I'm not wearing these old rags back home. It would embarrass me an the kids to death. Will write more later. Twi
  20. Lois


    As most of you know I joined weight watchers offocially on wednsday. I couldn't take it anymore and stepped on the bathroom scales this morning... I know most of it is water loss, but 5 pounds off! YES!!!!!!!!!! T.
  21. Lois

    Cookbook anyone?

    Cora, check around with people and see if any of them have th origional Mrs.S cookbook copied from 1999-2000. It was great! Twi
  22. Welcome back Reci! So sorry to hear about your friend and hope you are feeling better real soon! twi
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