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Everything posted by Dee

  1. How have you ladies and gents been while I have been gone?
  2. Hey Debbielee, There is no catch to getting freebies. How can I get my e-mail to you to show you how?
  3. A plump wife and a big barn never did any man harm
  4. Hey Danny Lou, I will trade you a rose rock for a Maine or Cape Cod Beach Rock. If you smell the rocks long enough you can smell the sea. Let me know and we will figure out a way to get my e-mail to you.. reci
  5. I started collecting Teddy Bears years ago. Here is a list of some of my other collections: Doll House furniture for my dollhouse Music Boxes of all kinds, Anything Ocean related.. Lighthouses Cookie Jars Angels Rocks ( yes rocks) From the shores of the Cape and Maine, plus shells. I have the remains of a crab who was eaten clean by seagulls with only the shell and two crab eyes left. Its strange but its sea related. Fossils ( I have some really neat fossils) Pewter Anything Americana Amish Dolls and other Amish things COOKBOOKS Movies CD's Tapes and records. Tea Pots, Books These are just a few of the things I collect
  6. woodworking, oilpainting cross stitch quilting music..........and other
  7. I am working on a quilt right now. I am also finishing up some wood projects that I made and also finishing some grapevine wreaths decorations. When my Dear Hubby asked me what I wanted for my birthday some years ago I told him a band saw and scroll saws and anything saws LOL. not flowers or jewels just saws.... I love woodworking and am just finishing up a cedar chest I made for our bedroom.
  8. The Dells are on our list of places to visit so you will have to tell all about it when you get back... Have a good time.
  9. Hey Brigid, I expect in the future we will all be required to get the " chip " and not only for medical purposes. If I am correct a family from Florida is testing this chip right now. If and when its a requirement we will kick in the self sufficiency mode. I think its great that you recieved all those items just by collecting points. I did something similar and got a Ron Popeil Showtime Rotisserie, new pots and pans, a Breadmaker and tons of other stuff for nothing. Keep up the good work on those coupons. I always price shop and if there is a lower price at one store I bring in the circular to my regular store and they match the price. Heres a tip too. Ask your grocer when the days meat gets marked down and put on the shelves in the market. They have to sell the meat the same day they put it on shelves. I have picked up Sirloin steaks for 49 cents a pound family packs- chicken breasts at 25 cents a lb, pork roasts for 40 cents a lb and other meats for really cheap because of the markdowns. Its a great deal.
  10. First off I know what you mean about those cards although they are in my hubbys name. No under the skin Chip for me ladies. I will fight it till I take my last dying breath. On to Debbielee- I buy my coupons from a ministers wife. They reside in Florida but my coupons always get here on time if I have an urgent need to use them while there is a sale that week on the product. The website is: http://www.thecouponclippers.com And its run by Rachael Woodard whose is a wonderful person. The coupons are very cheap. If you go to her site you can look up the catagories of coupons that she has and order online. She will send you the coupons even before you pay her, thats how trusting she is. I have been getting multiple copies of coupons from her for over a year now and have never had a problem with delivery from her. I usually get about 5 to eight dollars worth of coupons every month some dated good till December. The Ragus I got are goog til December so that should give me time to stock up. I don't know how Rachael has time to run the service she is so busy with church work and being a ministers wife and partaking of all those duties. Check out her site if you get the chance. The coupons I buy from her have saved me money on brand names. By the way if anyone is interested I can show you how to get free items over the net, delivered to your home. This includes food, hygiene products, also soaps and shampoos, free cases of formula for babies, perfumes, coupons for free food at the store and also I can show you how to make up to a hundred dollars a month or more just by taking consumer surveys that pay. Let me know if your interested. Last Christmas I spent over 1000 dollars on my large family for gift and I didn't even pay a cent for anything. I earned gift certificates to Target, K-Mart, Record Stores, Barnes and Noble, Amazon.com and other well known stores. I also earned food gift certificates to Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Domino's Ponderosa Steak House, Kentucky Fried Chicken and other places, which I gave out as gift certificates. I also earned some Applebees and Outback Steakhouse GC's which I gave out. You can get so much stuff for free over the net. Some of the samples are full size. Lets just say we dont have to buy deodorant, soap and shampoo plus toothpaste and toothbrushes for 25 years. That only touches a tiny portion of what I have gotten for free.
  11. I love the Fall. There is something about the smells of Fall with burning leaves in back yard pits and fireplace smoke from chimneys wafting over the valley that makes me feel a comfort in this season. Its the time to go on hayrides up at the apple farm where we pick our apples off the trees by the bushels to lay in storage for those Thanksgiving and Christmas pies and desserts. Its the time when we rake up the leaves in the yard and jump in the piles having alot of fun.I love to rub the frost off the windows on late fall mornings. Its the time when smells of my baking fill the kitchen and house with mouthwatering delights. Its a time for family and togetherness. Then Winter is my favorite time because I love the first snowfall of the season. My constitution is to walk in the woods behind my home while its snowing and just enjoy the serenity of the moment every year. Many times I have spotted the forest critters under the big pines snuggling together to keep warm perhaps. At times like that I always wish I had brought my camera with me but I never remember. Our holidays are simple, not commercial. Home made gifts are appreciated and cherished more because they come from the heart. We always remember those who don't have alot and we give to different organizations who provide toys for children and foodbaskets for families. During this time we get the two seat cutter we bought years ago and hook it up to a borrowed horse and we sleigh ride along the country roads under heavy blankets. Sam loves riding in the cutter and he snuggles between us his little doggie face peeking up from the covers. By January the excitement of winter starts to disappear so its time for another walk in the woods, this time under starry skys. The crisp cold air is invigorating and the sky is lovely. We have fun identifying the constellations and just walking hand and hand through the wood. Valentines Day gives us renewed hope of perhaps an early Spring until the Chinooks blow over the mountains whistling their fast and furious tune of mockery. No Spring yet! When Spring finally gets here we look for the signs. Geese coming back from their winter homes in the South perhaps bringing a new addition to their summer homes. The blossoms of the tulips in the yard, grass growing lush green, a new fresh smell to the air, then Summer. When everything comes alive! I am longwinded so I will wind this up. I am also very tired because I was up late last night.
  12. You are Blessed to have such a person in your life and your memories will help you through your sadness. Our sincere sympathy to you and we will keep you and your family in our prayers Hillbillee.
  13. Dee

    So you like dogs??

    I have my baby Sam Clemmons aka Mark Twain or otherwise known as Sammy, Hooney (the longer doggie version of the word honey) Bo and shy boy. He's a black and white shih tzu who loves kissin and if burglers ever tried to rob us he would open the door for them and help them and give them a spare key to the house. This baby is spoiled. He has to be hand fed and he won't eat dog food. We bought a kitten to keep him company when we go out for a few hours. The kittys name is Winston ( after Churchill) Horatio Umberto Bell( the old guy Chalmers friend of the Treasures) in the Sarah Plain and Tall tv movie otherwise known as Sporky or Nuclear Kitty. This cat is wild. Sammy was named after Mark Twain because he looks like him..hahahaha.
  14. Hey Gals, Its good to see some couponers answer. Thanks DebbieLee. I am starting to feel a bit better. Wow that was a bargin that you got on the Friendly's Ice Cream especially because its expensive. I look for those deals myself but they are few and far between here. Debbielee and Brigid we have to get after Darlene to NOT forget her coupons when she goes shopping. All those pennies add up Darlene...(giggle) I have to tell you a local grocery was having a sale on Ragu Spaghetti Sauce at 79 cents a jar. Ragu is a popular brand so its seldom on sale but when it is I stock up bigtime. I bought 50 jars of Ragu and had coupons for 75 cents off per jar and had fifty coupons.. lets see if I get this math right...I think I got all 50 jars for about 2.00 with using the coupons. But I forgot they doubled the coupons to 1 dollar so they actually had to pay me 11.00 back I think.. its too early in the am for this LOL... anyway after that purchase I noticed when the sauce came up on sale at that one store they posted a limit on how many jars you could purchase. I think I need some tea
  15. I was just sitting, resting on the porch with a big old glass of ice tea and this thought just came to mind. I was wondering if all of you out there in survival land use the coupons? I don't know if this post belongs here but I thought I would ask the question. We have a nasty virus thats going around which zaps all the energy out of you. I am trying to recoup from that. Your all in my prayers. reci
  16. A long drive is one of the most soothing happenings for ones spirit. There is something about it that creates an inner peace within ones soul. Music is an absolute must whether its playing my piano or guitar, or just plain listening to some good tunes on the stereo. I also love sitting on a beach just watching the world go by. Listening to the waves crashing on shore the gulls chirping and all the wonderful sounds of the sea. Nothing better than to sit on a beach and take in the smell of the sea air, the sights and sounds around you. Hiking to the top of a mountain and just hanging back for a while . I love all that stuff and have done all of it.
  17. Same here with the A-cells. Follow Homesteaders advice and give him/her a great big smile.
  18. A Child called it was an excellent read. For those of you who like poetry, Caroline Kennedy has put a poetry/little stories behind the poetry book of her Mother Jackie Kennedy Onassis's favorite poetry. It has wonderful childrens poems in it besides other poems I think the poetry lover would enjoy.
  19. How about getting a few sheet pizza's, having salad, chips, dips, snacks, meat and cheese plates, rolls and a couple of fresh fruit platters.
  20. Your most welcomed Danny Lou. I have taken their Astronomy Courses and also a Walt Whitman Poetry Class plus a couple of other courses. I decided to sign up for an advanced computer course just for the heck of it. Dee did you check out the site? The free classes are very nice also. I hope everyone feels free to take advantage of the free courses. You will learn alot yet have great fun with other students in your class via internet.
  21. I think I am catching a summer cold and can use all the vitamin C I can get. I envy you being able to pick fruit from your own trees. Your so lucky....
  22. Dee


    I am a newbie poster MOgal but I can tell you this. These gals and ED are just the nicest bunch of people I ever met online. They make you feel so welcome and at home. Im glad you posted and look forward to reading your future posts. Hugs.......Edna
  23. Why we are all just babies ladies even you Snowmom!!!! I do know that the Grand Dame Edna Character is a cross dressing male but I like her/his style of dress as the Dame. I also want to be like that old woman on the Hallmark Cards.I dont exactly know what her name is but some of those cards are great and pretty funny. We can be a bunch of rowdy " middle aged " ladies. What fun we are going to have in our maturing years although experts say the older you get the more you regress back to your childhood. Wooooooohoooooo I'm all for that!!!
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