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Everything posted by HapyGirl

  1. {{{{Sunnie}}}}} I hope things look up for you soon!
  2. HapyGirl

    IT'S A GIRL!!!

    Congratulations!!! Little prince must be so relieved LOL
  3. Hey everyone miss me? Nicholas decided my keyboard was thirsty this week and needed a drink so I had to wait until DH could get me a new one. Sure missed being connected to you all!
  4. Welcome Back Nana So good to see you here!
  5. HapyGirl

    About DD...

    Good for her! Hope the positve trend continues for you. Some kids get it really fast!
  6. How thoughtful of you to gather them a few mommentos of their family! We have a photo of my great grandfather because a distant cousin saved it and was willing to give it to us! It was such a nice surprise. I am sure your cousins will be very happy Momo!
  7. Too true! Here's a few of my observations, not nearly as funny. Keyboards do not make good stepladders If you do use the keyboard as a stepladder to push the pager button on the phone base you will get caught LOL ( courtesy of Nicholas) Even if you move the chair, somehow said child will find a way to move it back where he can repeat the stepladder incident until you seriously consider getting rid of the phone! Toothpaste makes good fingerpaint
  8. ROFLOL these are hilarious!
  9. HapyGirl


    {{{{{{Motherearth}}}}}} SO glad to hear all is well with you and your clan We'd all love to hear your tips for feeing your bunch if you have the time!
  10. Happy 7th b-day E Sorry I'm late! Brining you a big bunch of rainbow colored balloons! Hope it was a great one!
  11. Of course we will LCM! {{{{{{Tom and family}}}}}}
  12. Congrats Dee I think Crystal is one lucky lady! He's a catch for sure with that romantic streak too. I wish them many many years of happiness together!
  13. Just the kind of news I needed to give my heart a lift Dee Hopefully SPRING will come our way early this year. Luckily they are normally much better behaved.
  14. Hi all, snow day at home with the kids. Not getting out of my driveway either, the apt building piled a huge bunch of snow near the end right in my way so I can't get out until DH gets home and snowblows it out of the way. Good thing I wasn't needing to go anywhere today!
  15. Ugh Not fun.. Seriously potty training has been the hardest part of being a parent for me. I don't have any useful advise except to do a search on the web or at Amazon. I can only say that eventually they will get the idea that it is better to do their business in the potty not their pants. Good luck!
  16. I'm so happy he was able to be there for his daughter's arrival We'll have to get some goodies off to him! How is is wife holding up?
  17. You just rest now and enjoy your "vacation" Hope your knee heals quickly and that pesky inflammation goes down soon for you {{{{{Snow}}}}}
  18. I do! My Riggin ancestors came to this country in the 1600's to settle in MD. They were grated land by King James and owned several plantations there. You can see the information done already by a professional geneaologist at http://www.goldenlyon.com/riggin.html This was my first real online discovery when I started looking, and it was very easy to make a positive conncection for me! :cool
  19. So sorry your MIL is having a hard time. I am sure this is so stressful and sad for you! {{{{{Dee}}}}} Hope the accountant can straighten out the finances. We went to the opening of Cassie's first art show today Her art class is running the show for 2 weeks. I will post the pics on Cat's site if anyone cares to peek. http://groups.msn.com/CatsSurvival/beccaan...ily.msnw?Page=1 I am recovering from another bout with strep, the first time the antibiotics didn't knock it out and so I got another prescription Thurs and I feel 100% better today! Wow how nice it is not to feel like a load of bricks is on my head. I had a 103 fever Thursay. Hopefully that's the last of the germs for my house for awhile!
  20. Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Momo Happy birthday to you!!!! We love ya Have a great time today!
  21. HapyGirl


    Wish your DH a happy b-day from us! Enjoy the nice day DH's apts are $75/session, and I assume he will be seen weekly for awhile. If I go, that's nearly $200/week we really don't have. But we can't really afford not to either. I'll keep you all posted on how it goes.
  22. HapyGirl

    Hi all!

    Great to see you posting My DD would love it if we could have chickens, but we're in town and not allowed to . Her art teacher's husband raises the fancy unusual breeds. She thinks they are facinating! What kinds do you have?
  23. Happy Birthday Suzzee!!! I brought you a beautiful bunch of pink roses Hope you have a fantastic day!
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