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Everything posted by HapyGirl

  1. How wonderful! Congrats to your whole family
  2. {{{{{{{{{{Mare}}}}}}}}}} I've had Bronchitis many times and it's so miserable Ricola cough drops work pretty well for that kind of cough for me. And the vaporizer and Vicks vapor rub on the chest. Sure hope something helps soon and you don't have to suffer much longer! Everyone's suggestions are good.
  3. Sounds perfect for your situation! It's always good to have something to leave the house for
  4. Definately both! Working on being more of a lover, fighting isn't getting me anywhere!
  5. I'm so happy you got to go! You should be so proud
  6. thank You again Hill! You are really sweet to keep raising my spirits Yesterday I met with the leader of a Bible study group in a town 30 min from us. The group is for women who are dealing with sexual betrayal of any kind in their marriage. So it's primarily a support group. Looks like a good fit for me, as it won't be heavy into the "co-dependency" stuff that doesn't apply to me. I never put up with the behaviour, nor did I ever cover for him. So I was worried I'd only be made to feel more guilty or like I was the cause of the problem in a 12 step group. The mens group is a Sexual Integrity Workshop, using all kinds of ideas along with the 12 steps to help men keep their energies directed at their spouse. So it's a great opportunity for my husband to model the behaviour and be taught the skills of how to be a man of integrity. It's also a Bible study approach. Unfortunately their meeting is held at 9 pm on a work night, so we will see how that works out. However it is a good group and I am hoping it works. Overall things are looking up a bit, I am feeling much more centered and calm this week.
  7. I am so sorry your husband is in so much pain and you must feel so helpless that you can't make it better! His symptoms sound kind of similar to my friend's. She ended up being diagnosed with Lupus after seeing a Rhumitoid specialist. It took a long time and many Dr's to come up with her diagnosis. I always get depressed in Feb fromt he cloudy weather. Thiis year the SAD missed me, instead I got some real things to be depressed about! We're here anytime for you. Hope the sun comes out soon for you in the sky and in your life {{{{{{{Theyd}}}}}}}
  8. The snow melted off really fast, but it was cold and drizzly here all day. I had a fantastic b-day. Went out to lunch with my friends, and tonight DH brought me roses and a carrot cake- my favorite
  9. Happygirl I hope the bad dreams stay away! They can at times be pretty realistic. Most of the time I can tell what my dreams are trying to tell me. Sometimes they even come true! I drempt I gave birth when I was very young, and it was exactly like the real thing except for the pain. 9 months later my baby brother was born! So in that case I felt it was a premonition. When I am feeling overwhelmed I have a recurring dream of a tornado, and having to go down to the basement. In my dream the tornado always misses the house, but it is very huge and scary every time. Haven't had that one in a long time thankfully. I think dreams do tell us quite a bit about what is going on in our unconscious mind, and if you get in the habit of writing them down it can be very interesting to read them later. My favorite dream of all time is the one I had when I was pregnant with Cassie. I dreamed I had a litter of black and white puppies LOL!
  10. Thank you Hill, what a lovely poem!
  11. Glad your DD had a safe trip home and a great spring break! Lightly snowing here this evening, just in time for my b-day LOL.
  12. HapyGirl


    {{{{{{{Twila}}}}}} Hope things look up for you soon! We will be praying for ya!
  13. Thank you Hill! It gave me the lift I needed today
  14. Corporal Adam Thank you so much for your service to our country!! We are so proud of you
  15. Not looking hopeful. See my post in where the heart is for details. I just don't know what to do! Dee- glad your mammogram came back o.k. Happy for you that you got your refund, my DH still hasn't started our taxes yet. Definately have to get that done by the weekend. Snow- Sure hope your knee mends faster so you won't have to slow down too much longer. Sorry it still hurts! Max got a Citizenship award at school today
  16. Well things are very very rough for me right now. I went to a meeting with DH's counsellor last night, and my worst fears were confirmed. My husband not only has an addiction, (which the counsellor was convinced we could fix) but in addition he has a Pervasive Developmental Delay called Aspergers Syndrome ( some describe this as a touch of autism and it's on the autistic spectrum) which basically means my husband never developed empathy and emotional expression, nor will he ever be able to understand how it is to experience emotions like a normal person. This is not "fixable" with therapy nor is is possible to be medicated to fix this. He will never truly understand what I really mean when I say it hurt me, or be able to meet my emotional needs in the relationship like any normal person. He can be taught what to do and say, but it will be a "script" not a real understanding of my feelingstgtvgbtvjkol;knb ,n,,b I just want to run away and cry for a million years, but I can't even leave for a weekend I thank God I have all of you to be here to listen or I think I would have gone insane by now.
  17. {{{{{Happygirl}}}}}} I'm sorry It sounds like a scam to me too. I'd look online and post his resume at Monster.com and the other online job sites. There should be something he can find there that will pay more than that. Can he get help through his former school's job placement office?
  18. HapyGirl

    My Mom

    {{{{{Armywife}}}}}} Get well soon! {{{{{Hill}}}}} How awful for you
  19. Yay It's finally April My favorite month of the year! Good luck with your taxes. My DH is in charge of ours, and he's not done with them yet.
  20. On our way up to Iowa City today we saw two Canada geese, and a bunch of baby calves. Some lambs too
  21. ((((((((Dragonfly))))))) I can completely understand why you'd have mixed feelings. Proud they are serving our country but missing them so much. I know it will be tough when my kids grow up and move out. We are so grateful to your sons for their dedication to protecting our nation. Please tell them we send our prayers and thank them for their service!
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