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Posts posted by Littlesister

  1. Jeepers as they say when it rains it pours. But glad things worked out better for you where your DS was concerned. it does give you more time to get things done.  


    My arm is doing a bit better now but having to be careful how I move it. It isn't hurting as bad and it is still swollen. I have no idea what I did to it. The whole arm below the elbow to wrist. I could have slept on it wrong or something. 

    I was able to finish weeding the big garden before the rain. But it still hasn't done anything but a few drops so far. But the big garden is fully weeded now. I have tiny squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, and tomatoes now. But tropical storm 3 is turning into a hurricane. Not sure it will hit here as for our area it is way to early but then this hurricane is also early for this time of year. So just watching for now. If they say it will hit my way then I will pick up yard and fill water containers just in case. Something I need to do anyway. I just hope if it hits it won't tear up my garden. I need to take the green house down also or it will get torn up in a hurricane. 

    Hoping to get a lot done tomorrow. Car is still loaded as I didn't get down to the Good Will. Will do that in the morning. 

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  2. Went down to vote a bit earlier than I planned. No one was there so got lucky. No line. My phone hasn't stopped ringing with the politicians constant calls reminding me to vote. Don't need reminding. They can stop calling. I am now ignoring the phone unless its a number I know. My right arm is killing me. Just started hurting bad a while ago. Maybe coming from the shoulder. I have done something so need to get it checked out soon. Going to take it easy from heavy lifting for a while. Will see how it does later today. Started working on garage and filled the car up again. So need to go to the Good Will. It's 73* right now and trying to rain. Just a few drops here and there right now. Going to try using blue emu on arm to see if that will help. 


    Jeepers, the stages of kidney failure does come with old age but you can live with it for years and nothing ever happens. 

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  3. Jeepers, Kidney infections are rough.  I think I saw where you were using advil at times. Be careful with that as it is hard on the kidneys. 

    Annarchy, I agree with Jeepers. It does seem like you just got back from Texas.  Have a safe trip. Seems your MIL needs to move closer to you. It would be so much easier on you. And you could keep a closer eye on her. 


    Going down to vote around lunch time as it is the time that it is not crowded. If it hasn't started raining yet I will work on the front flower bed. We are going to have rain all week. There is a tropical storm brewing in the atlantic. So guessing that is why we are going to get a lot of rain this week. Just hope it doesn't flood out the garden. It will be heavy rain at times. We need it but there is a limit to everything. Garden is looking really good now and I have squash on some of the plants now. green peppers are still small but growing. Also have a couple of cucumbers as well but to small to pick. I need to figure out a way to get one of the cucumbers off the ground before the rain. 

    Will work on house later this evening. I have a bookcase in hallway I need to empty and move the bookcase out of way for the furniture to be moved out of that bedroom. 

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  4. Mt. Rider I wouldn't put that one up just because of the word gun. But it sure is tempting. People these days don't have a sense of humor. You are so right about that.  People today are not what they used to be say 10 years ago.

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  5. Mt. Rider, both of you are in prayer for your DH's upcoming surgery. May all go well. And glad your MS is getting under control

    Jeepers, It might be a good thing that your son and family are coming back this soon. Sounds like they want to get as much stuff out of there and to the new house as soon as possible. You never know how much the gas will go up. It's going up here again now. You did great on your walk. Hope it goes better each time you take pup for a walk. 


    Didn't get as much done as I hoped. Didn't really feel well this morning for some reason but better now. Sprayed the yard for chinch bugs. The type of grass we have is a lot of work. But was what DH wanted. It is St. Augustine grass.  Then checked the garden. Need to water this evening or tomorrow morning if we don't get rain. I think we are getting rain later this week but garden needs it now.  Will be working in house all day tomorrow after watering the garden if I don't do it tonight. 

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  6. Jeepers, I have seen those hoarder shows also. I can't believe people live like that.  You are going to have a very busy week coming up. Just don't overdo it to the point you tire yourself out to much. Remember to take some breaks. 


    Just got back from neighbor's house. She didn't have the party but did buy a cake for her DH's birthday and called me to come over for cake. I worry about those two. He looks really bad and she is having a lot of medical issues also. And now a GD that is really giving her a hard time.   I'm just glad I got mine GS straight. Or at least I hope so. He seems to be trying now to do better.



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  7. I have gotten tired of salesmen ignoring my NO Soliciting  sign. Pointing to that sign does nothing. They just keep talking their sales pitch.   So a new sign might be in order    



                  Protected by God and Gun

            If you trespass here you might meet them both


  8. I have a good way to organize. Get a shovel and start pitching. Just kidding. But I am loading up the car again tomorrow for Good Will. I decided if I haven't used it in a year, I'm never going to use it. So out it goes. 


    Worked on garden a little bit more but still hot outside. But sun is going down a bit now. Only thing is my get up and go got up and went.  


    Jeepers that is crazy what you are going through to get that check into your account so you can get the work on house started. 


    Momo, I am organizing because I had everything packed up because of the construction on house. Not quite what Jeepers is going through but had to empty some closets, bedroom, both bathrooms, and kitchen cabinets and box everything up. Had things piled up in living room, front bedroom and garage. I decided that since it is just me living here now, I don't need all this stuff. 

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  9. Well, GS and I was suppose to go to my next door neighbor's birthday party. She called me this morning and said she was having so many issues with her GD that she cancelled it.  She kicked her out of the house and told her she can't come back. Called her DD and told her how she was acting and to come get her.  She was so upset she said she just couldn't do the party for her DH. This Gchile is 18 years old, was kicked out of school for hitting a girl and the parents took her to court.  She has since hit another girl and is facing court charges for that one also. Seems teenagers today are so different from when we raised our kids. At least my GS didn't get in trouble with the police and tied up in court.  So I have a free day all day today. 


    Went out and did some gardening earlier and then it got to hot. So will try again later to at least finish up the big garden. Otherwise it's just been a lazy day for me. Can't get myself moving to do much in house today.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day with more energy. 

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  10. Checked the blueberries and they still are not ready to pick. I have strawberries forming now. I will be overloaded with squash in about 3 or 4 weeks. I have 4 kinds of squash with one that won't be ready till October. That is the one that grows about 4 or 5 feet. Might get one or two watermelon. Tomatoes are blooming but nothing showing yet. Going to be fertilizing this evening and some watering as well. Cucumbers are forming now. Some maybe an inch long. Radishes are done so will plant more this fall. Seems the okra and eggplant just won't grow. The plants are healthy but just not doing anything. Broccoli is growing good now. So maybe I will be picking veggies in about a month or so. I hope anyway. I think the cooler weather we had along with the cold nights slowed down progress on everything.  But starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. At least that weather didn't kill anything.


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  11. Jeepers and Mother our church used to do things like the women's shelters but I am not sure since covid and the church shut down that they are still doing it. I am trying to get hold of the lady that was in charge of doing that stuff from church. Our church is just getting back on its feet from the closure and a new pastor. 


    Went through some more stuff today. And then GS came over to wash clothes. Took him to get haircut and he got it all chopped off. It looks so much better.  He said he is coming out of his depression so I think I have been influencing him and it's working.  He has now stopped smoking pot.  I saw a huge difference in him today and he is even coming back over tomorrow to go to my next door neighbors birthday party. Yeah that will be interesting as his boss will be their also. He needs to get out to be around people.  He used to cut grass for my neighbor and he would let him get in the pool to cool off after cutting the grass. 

    That pot really did a number on him as he was hell on wheels when he was high. So I think he has had time to think about a lot of things and how that pot made him treat people. The change is good and I hope it keeps going in that direction.  I actually saw some of my old grandson come out today and all for the good. 

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  12. Carrollton is just over the bridge from me. My DD used to live there. About 15 minutes from my house. I knew one hit down somewhere but wasn't sure and had not heard anything about it last night or this morning. I did get the warning on my cell phone and things outside didn't look good. We did get some heavy rain and storms but that was it for us. 

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  13. Still working on the reorganizing.  GS should be here later today or tomorrow afternoon. I am hoping he comes today.  He is going to help me move some heavy things and I need to empty the bookcase in hall and move that out of way soon so GD and her DH can get the bedroom suit out of that bedroom. I am sure DD and SIL will be here to help also. Then they will be back middle of August to help GS to move into his apartment. That will finish getting all the furniture out of house that I am giving to the kids. So the only furniture I will have left to get rid of is a couch and loveseat. But that won't go till I get new den furniture. I have a lot of bottles of shampoos and conditioners. Some left here from kids moving in and out from DD to all the Grandchildren. The closet is full of that stuff and I don't use it. So trying to figure out what to do with it all. It is taking up space in hall closet that I need for other things. I am open for any suggestions on rather to just box it up and put in garage, pitch it in trash or find someone that might want it. Which I had already tried finding a source for someone that might need it with no luck. Kids don't want it back. So I guess I am the collect all of what they don't want and that has already come to a stop. I know with things getting bad around the world and prices going way up, that maybe I should keep it but I can't use a lot of that type of shampoos and such. 

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  14. I haven't checked my blueberries today but should be getting close to picking time. So far the only thing I have harvested is the radishes.  Green peppers are forming now as well as the squash. Tomatoes are in bloom now, so hoping to start seeing those forming before long. Due to weather garden got a later start in the planting department. So harvesting will be a bit later than normal for me. 

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  15. Been working on a lot of stuff and moving things around in bathroom cabinets.  We are having thunderstorms now and under a tornado watch.  Haven't heard yet if the warnings have passed yet so thinking we are still under the threat. I have a lot of sample face wash, shampoos, conditioners and such. So I gathered them all together and put them in the top drawer of the main bathroom. When kids come in to visit or stay the weekend if coming from out of town. They can use the sample stuff in there. Need to start looking for den furniture soon. Then after the stuff in living room is out of there, I will start looking for living room furniture. Both couches' will have the fold out beds. So instead of a guest room, they can sleep in living room or den when they come into town to visit. It would make it easier on me and not so comfortable for them that they try to move in again. GD and her husband will be moving back here I think by first of the month or possibly sooner. Not sure yet when her DH has to report in. 

    That makes it nice they will be living close to me as I will get to see the great grandbaby a lot more. So won't have to drive to where they are to see baby for at least 4 years. Then it will depend on where the Coast Guard sends them. 


    Becca Anne,  enjoy the rest of your trip and the site seeing.  I know you live to far from your daughter but hopefully there will be lots of pictures sent your way and you can visit again in a few months. And maybe she came come visit with you also. 


    Mother I know what you mean about your kids living all over the country. I have one in CA one in Washington state. DD and another grandson in NC though I think that Grandson is overseas right now. He is in the Army.  And for now a GD living in NC but soon to be moving back here and the other grandson that was living with me is still living here but now has his own place. He comes here to visit every Saturday and to wash his clothes till he gets settled into his apartment. He works Monday through Friday so not working weekends any longer and said he will be coming to visit every Sat. or Sun. and help me with garden. So hopefully he is starting to learn you can treat people the way he did and expect them to take it. I wasn't the only one he was treating badly so hoping he is now learning from his mistakes. 




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  16. Jeepers, I know all to well about having to much stuff.  I had to laugh when I saw the picture of all your canning jars, TP and paper towels.  I think we are about even on those items. But those are a necessity. I plan to do a lot more canning. I had to redo the small bedroom so I can put what I can in there. I have filled that room up but it is for a good cause. 

    And nope no kids are moving back in with me. They can visit but need to have their own place to live. That is why I am no longer having a guest bedroom.  When they were little, they stayed with DH and I a lot. Most weekends there was always a grandchild here. Sometimes we would have them for a week or more during the summer months. We enjoyed them so much back then but we could always send them home again for a break. They are all grown now and don't need to be living with grandma any longer. Seems as soon as they found out I was working on a guest bedroom it meant they could move in. 

    I want the freedom now to come and go as I wish and not have to worry with cleaning up behind them. I can sit down and watch TV or watch a DVD, play music or whatever now with no interference from kids. Time to enjoy my freedom.

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  17. Becca Anne I know you don't want the time to end that you are spending with that Grandbaby.  Enjoy the rest of your trip and stay safe. 


    Mt. Rider, glad the water situation is being fixed and your driveway won't be flooding. 


    Jeepers, hope you get things straight with the money soon. 


    Today washed sheets and then switched out summer and winter clothes.  Going through some boxes that were in closet. Looks like another trip to Goodwill is in order.  There is so much stuff in the house and sheds and I haven't even touched on the sheds yet. DH never wanted to get rid of anything because he always thought there would be a good use for it later down the line. He was right on some things but this is just more than I can handle. So now it just has to go. DD and the grandkids will never want it and with 2 grandchildren on the west coast it would be to expensive to mail anything much to them. I just want the house cleaned out and fixed to be a more manageable place for my old age. 


    Depending on weather tomorrow might be working in gardens. Will try to get an early start and then see where it goes from there. 


    Granddaughter that lived with me for 4 months is moving back my way. Her DH will be getting out of boot camp and he will be stationed here. They are looking now for a place to live. So looks like I will get to see a lot of the new great grandbaby. 


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  18. Banks are getting ridiculous these days. I don't see why that all has to be done that way. And yes after you get check back and take it to deposit they will hold it for at least  7 to 10 days. 


    I think I typed in Equator about going out to Harborview this afternoon. I thought I was in Watcha doing today. Sorry about that.  I meant to type that here. I must be tired. 


    Anyway went to a couple of stores T.J. Max and Homegoods store. Bought a few things I needed and then left and went down old college drive to see how the building was going.  It's not the same place. Will have to check it all out another day when I have more time. Houses, apartments, stores you name it.  Came back up to the smaller shops and had dinner.  Then came home. It felt good to get out for just a few hours. And no I won't talk about the lousy traffic.  

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  19. Mt. Rider, hope the beaver issue is taken care of soon. They are cute to watch but can cause a lot of damage. 


    Miki you are right. Never a dull moment with Ambergris and Mt. Rider. But I think we could add Jeepers into it with her house situation. 


    Having a slow day today. Just can't get moving around here today. Haven't been out of house in a couple of weeks so getting ready to head to Harborview to walk around and see what else they have done around there. Might do a little shopping while there and maybe pick up some dinner instead of cooking tonight.  Guess I just need a change of scenery. Was going to Lowe's and Tractor Supply but never did. I'm not one to shop unless I am in the mood which isn't that often. 



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  20. Jeepers I really hope things start to improve for you soon. That is so crazy that the insurance company is so slow to get things moving. 


    It's crazy how medical insurances are.  Doctor I worked for had a work around that pill issue. He would subscribe the pills as if the patient was taking double to get it filled and then talk to patient about taking one and a half pills. It happened to me a long time ago as well. There are ways doctors can work around the insurance but not all are willing to do it. 


    Been going through things around house and trying to get things in the rooms I want them in. I have nowhere for my hair dryer and things other than the main bathroom. So I am working on moving things off my dressers to go into the main bathroom. The master bath is nothing more than a cracker box. I do have more storage,  but for some things it's just not possible. Very small master bath. No drawers under sink to amount to much and the linen closet is small. I moved my towels and such to that linen closet from the closet for clothes. So it is mostly holding towels, TP and some cleaning supplies for that bathroom. Plus a few other things that I needed in the master bath. I can dry my hair in the main bathroom as I do have more room in there. Plus much more storage. I have a lot of sample toiletries I am going to put in top drawer of the main bathroom. I have that stored in a box. I use those when I go on trips so the drawer is deep and long so I can easily organize everything in there and just grab what I need when going on trip.  


    Found out that DGD's DH will be out of boot camp in 3 weeks and will be stationed in Portsmouth. So that would be Craney Island. And no they are not moving back in with me so will have to find an apartment or house. After GS I am totally done with kids moving in on me again. Can come to visit but that is it. I can't handle the constant cleaning up behind them and me having to cook and clean up kitchen just to have them mess it up again. To old for that mess.  Though till they are transferred again, I will be seeing a lot of the new great grandbaby. That I can deal with. 

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