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Posts posted by Littlesister

  1. My grandmother and a couple of my aunts used to make those dollies.  That quilt is similar to how I want to make the jean quilts. I need to get started on them as soon as I can catch up around here. Lots to get done. The quilt may be my winter project. I want to make one for each grandchild as well as the new great grandchild.  



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  2. Jeepers with my GS most medication and including pot acts differently on him. Instead of being mellow he acts up and gets angry. This is why I want him to get in some sort of rehab to help him get off of it. DD did have him on meds for ADHD when he was young.  It made him out to be a little hellion. It was really bad. He couldn't take it and they would try different types of meds for his ADHD and it was always the same. He would act out and be totally out of control. I may have kicked him out of the house for that misbehavior but I haven't given up on him yet. He texted me earlier today once to tell me he is coming for a cookout tomorrow. And then I asked him if he had anything to do other than his video games. He text back to tell me he was thinking about his life and trying to work his issues out. So I am hoping he will come around and get off that weed and turn his life around. Prayers are still needed for this boy. 


    I think we all have had our share of family members that treat us in ways that shouldn't happen.  I washed my hands of my younger sister many years ago. Yes, I to still love her because she is my sister, but I will not tolerate how she was treating me. So I no longer see nor talk to her.  Life has been so much better with her out of my life. 


    Becca Anne, I am so glad you made it to your DD's house before the baby was born.  My great grandchild is due sometime in October and I am hoping it will be on Oct. 26 as that was my DH's Birthday.  That would be something for that to happen. But not getting my hopes up either. 


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  3. That is some real talent you have Euphrasyne,  Wish I had that talent. I do some things but not like that. I love it.  I saw where the fabric and quilt shop is starting up some classes next month on sewing and quilting. I think there was some other things involved also. If I can work it into my schedule with what I am doing now, I want to check it out and maybe take some classes. Don't think it starts till end of next month.  So will have to see how everything goes. If not end of June then maybe another month when the next classes start up.

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  4. Euphrasyne,  You can have my rabbits. They are going to be dinner if they keep eating my strawberry plants. Hope things settle down for you as well.  I will not be on here as much next week as I am cleaning and sorting. Need to pack up the rest of GS's clothes to go to the apartment in August. I cleaned up his room today and the smell is now gone. I have the whole house opened up to air out. My coughing seems to be starting to calm down a bit so that smell and the dust in his room might have been part of it. I couldn't get his room clean with him sleeping all day and I would be too tired to stay up all night to clean it. Not to mention both clean and dirty clothes all over the floor.  

    I am just going to take one room at a time this week and get it cleaned up and sort out what is in each room. Then I will tackle the garage and then the shed.  I haven't forgotten about the material.  Just ended up with a lot of other things stopping me from what I needed to get done. 

    GS texted me and is coming tomorrow for the cookout. I will be just him and me but should be fun.  I hope he is thinking about things and will thrive to do better in the future. He has to learn he can't treat his elders the way he has and I know it was the pot talking and he will have to deal with that on his own terms. 

    The kittens are so cute. I miss mine. They are fun.

    I am just going to work on house and getting it totally back together and then sit back and relax. Garden got rain so that is really good. Rain water is always best for a garden. Everything has perked up a lot. And growing.  Need to get ready for canning soon also. Still have the freezer to empty and want to get that going before the garden produces. 

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  5. Mt. Rider, You are right. We can come here with our problems to talk it all out. Some issues good and some bad.  Like you said good ones grandbabies. And yes I am praying that Becca Anne makes it there before the baby is born.  It's getting really close. 

    Jeepers needing prayer that her house will get done so she can move permanently to Indy. 

    Ambergris with her move to another apartment and her B/p issues. 

    Mt Rider for health for both her and her DH.

    Annarchy with her MIL and shingles. Hoping all goes well there and the job gets done before a rainstorm or something.

    And with me and my GS.  All went well in the end. And I just hope he learns from it now. 

    Yes we all need to vent and need prayers for many things.  And just so glad that prayers are being answered. 


    Got up this morning to an almost clean kitchen.  Still some deep cleaning to get done. But didn't have to wake up to a sink full of dirty dishes, sticky counters, and sticky floor to clean up first thing this morning.  I should be in church but just needed some time for myself today.  Haven't had that just me time in a long, long time. Just hoping now I can get back into a routine of doing things around the house and start getting out to do things again. 

    Got rain last night so garden got watered. We are having more rain today. Garden really needs it. Cucumbers are not liking this cold weather we are having. It's been mild but down in low 50's some nights and cucumbers are getting stringy. So will be watching them. 

    Got most of the windows open airing out the house and mostly GS's bedroom. Will be washing sheets and blankets off the bed shortly and doing a lot of cleaning and dusting in there. It still has a slight smell in there now but working on it. Once it is cleaned up, dusted and floors mopped and such that smell will be totally gone. I think that might be what was causing my cough for the most part. Cough not as bad today. 

    GS is coming to house Monday for a cookout. Will need to go to store for some corn on the cob. Other than that I have everything I need for the cookout. It will be just him and me but that is fine. All other kids are in other states now and this is something I will have to get used to.  


    And yes Mt. Rider. GS surprised me and left peacefully.  He was moody when he first woke up and then got much better as the day  went on. He was talking and even gave me a hug and said he loved me before he left. After that last yelling and cursing spell he stayed off the pot till he moved out.  He had it in his car though. He is staying in a hotel which he will do till he moves to his apartment on August 25th. Bad part is he won't be able to save much money for that move by living in a hotel but he bought that on himself.  I know it was the pot that caused all his issues and I just don't understand why he won't get off of it. He does very well when not on it. But a total terror when he is.  He will still need a lot of prayers.  And I was glad he realized I left him in a much better place when I told him to leave than his parents and oldest sister did. Now to see how he does on his own. Prayers that he will stay safe and learn from his past mistakes and do well. 

    Now off to clean up.

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  6. Wow, an escape artist cat. Have fun with that.  Been there done that before. I know you are glad you are moving in the new place very soon now. Once you are settled in, you can have a little fun around there exploring new places. 


    It's been cool and cloudy all day today and is now trying to rain. I hope we do get rain as the garden can use it. Otherwise I will need to go out and water it. 

    GS is on his way to a hotel.  He was moody this morning but as the day went on he opened up and was talking normal. He left on good terms which surprised me but glad he did. He will still be coming here to wash clothes on weekends and coming Monday for a cookout. But he left me a mess to clean up. Still a lot of clothes that need to be packed up to take when he gets his apartment.  And I need to strip the bed and wash sheets and blankets. So will be box hunting soon. But right now I just want to relax and rest a bit. I have really been through he... He stopped using the pot after that last incident.  But he has not given it up. So might be why he was much better today. Now that he is on his own, maybe it will give him time to think about his behavior and how it affects other people. I'm just glad he left on good terms. I was worried about that.  He may have been really ugly to me and other family members but at least he left my house on good terms. I did work with him to get him in a better position to live on his own and taught him a lot. But he is way behind on medical bills again and I just hope he pays them soon. He doesn't need to start out in an apartment with those medical bills but now it is out of my hands and for him to learn some lessons. 

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  7. Glad MIL is ok and the only damage was the shingles.  Very scary indeed. 


    I am just moving around house today looking at things I need to do and want to do.  GS is still here but has packed up what he will be taking. He is staying in a hotel. He is behaving so far.  He took a shower and is still washing clothes. Told him he can come here to wash clothes each week. Not going to leave him stranded like his sister and mother did. Just can't let him live here. He is talking to me and being civil about it. No cussing, screaming or yelling. So maybe I hope he is thinking about his actions. 



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  8. Momo, I think we all have those times where we are just spinning our wheels. Once my GS is moved out. I will have so much that I had to put off doing because of his sleeping during day and working nights. That I will have my hands full trying to get things done in this house. I still haven't finished getting things unpacked and put away from the construction. And after GS moves out that room needs to be fumigated. It smells bad from him saying he's not smoking in there. But that smell is coming from somewhere. 

    And I never knew that a wheel chair wheel would cost so much. I hope that includes them putting the new one on. 


    And yes we all need to take a break and remember our military and falling heros. 

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  9. went out and cut chives this afternoon.  Have them in dehydrator now.  should take about 4 or 5 hours but I am thinking less. Will keep an eye on them. 

    Went out and checked garden. Seems the tomato plants are loving this cooler weather but the cucumbers not so much. They are still growing but they are about a foot up in height and now getting spiny. Temps at night are in the 50's. Guess cucumbers can't take that cold. Hoping they do well and I don't have to replant. Our weather here is crazy. Was going to water tonight but we are going to get rain. So will wait. 

    Yesterday went I went to store to pick up RX, Harris Teeter had a great sell. They had hotdogs on sell by 2 get 3 free and a few other things like that. So I went shopping after picking up the RX.  I am looking to can pork & beans with the hotdogs in them. I used to buy those small cans like that for DH. But they have gotten expensive and they do make for a fast lunch. So looking into my canning books to see if I can do that or not.  I saved $118 just buying the buy 2 get 3 free deals. The hotdogs were the Nathan brand at $6.99 a pack. I always bought those because they were lower in salt. that made them come out to $2.79 a pack. This brand was always higher than other brands but needed the lower salt content for DH. And since I have high blood pressure I need to watch my salt intake or my ankles and legs will swell up. Those will last me a long time. Just hope I will be able to do what I want and can beanie weenies.  Next week I will thoroughly clean kitchen and get counters cleaned off as GS is moving out this week end and all his things will be off the counter. So I will have room to get things done. I will hopefully be able to get the freezer emptied this time since I won't be dealing with unruly children. Just hope being on his own that he will learn that even living on your own you are still responsible for your actions.  DD said with him back on pot which was a problem when he was living at home, that he cannot control his behavior. She said not even prescriptions did well with him and he would have behavior issues. He won't be on the street he is going to be crashing with a friend for 3 months. Just hope he doesn't give his friend any issues while he is smoking that mess. 

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  10. Plant manager works for me.  I think we all here would fit that category. 


    Love the cat fishing. That brings a whole new meaning to catfish. 

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  11. I had not heard that Tina Turner had passed. That is so sad. I really like her performances also.  Seems so many that I always loved to watch or listen to have passed away. Just can't into these newer performers. Music has gotten bad except for some country music. Some of the newer country music is pretty good.  But I have all my old rock and roll and country music on CD's so I mostly listen to those now. Haven't found a radio station that I like yet. 

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  12. Becca Anne,  Hope you make it to your DD's house before the baby arrived. Sounds like it won't be long now.  Stay safe and have fun with the new baby when it arrives. 


    Jeepers, glad all the furniture arrived on time and you are finally getting your house together.  I need to look for both den furniture and living room furniture. But will wait till I get everything situated after GS moves out.


    Got up this morning with a headache. Checked B/P. Ouch.  207/98. Took my B/P meds this morning instead of at night. They are only once a day. Will talk to doctor about what is going on again if I don't get it under control again. Might be that I have been on this medication to long and is not working like it should now. Yes your body can get so used to a med. that it just won't work for you anymore.  Or it could just be the stress of how GS has been acting. 


    Talked with daughter last night and she said that GS has an interview with Tractor Supply. He was wanting to do his full time job plus a part time job.  Asked her if he said anything about moving out this weekend and she would not answer that question other than to say he does not want to stay here.  It sounds like they are plotting for him to not move out. So hoping I won't have any issues with that. Going to be bringing in a couple of boxes to put by his door to start packing up tonight. Haven't talked to him in 2 days so don't know what he is up to yet. Just hope he won't give me any lip service or other issues. 


    Just going to relax a bit today and do some reading till my blood pressure goes back down. Need to mop the sticky kitchen floor again but will wait for a bit till headache goes away.  Really didn't need to start my day out with Blood pressure issues. It hasn't been this high since DH passed away. And that was just over 2 years ago.  So I need to remove the issues of GS and his screaming, yelling and cussing at me. Not to mention all the extra work I have had on me and the destruction of my house. I not only have the closet door to replace as it can't be repaired but other things around here that need painting or cleaning because he can't keep his dirty feet off the furniture or walls. He goes barefoot all the time both indoors and outside and never wipes or washes his feet. So the dirt on his feet are on walls and furniture. He will lay on the floor and prop his feet on the walls to watch a movie on his cell phone. I clean as much off as I can but will have to pull out the paint when he leaves to paint those areas.  I really feel like my house will never be clean again.  He did clean up the kitchen other that what he spilled on floor, so that is a plus. 


    Garden is doing really well but I thought this was the end of May. We have had some really cold nights and even daytime is cold. Should be getting up to 69* for the high today.  Don't know rather to put on summer clothes or winter clothes these days. But the tomatoes are loving this weather.  They are growing fast. Just hope they produce a good crop.

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  13. Ann, there could be an animal roaming around and had been laying on the onions. That would be the only thing I could think of that would flatten the onion patch. Hope you find the answer to that soon.

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  14. Midnightmom, around here right now I can't even get to my sewing machine. Stuff still piled up in living room as first I had stuff packed up in there from construction and the bedroom my GS is in right now used to be my office, sewing and craft room. But then I made that room into a guest bedroom. So now doing away with the guest bedroom as soon as GS moves out and I can get that bedroom suit out of there. I will need to paint that room and wash blinds and windows before I can move things in there from living room. Much easier to paint an empty room than to have to cover furniture. 


    All plants are now planted, weeded and watered.  I am beat. Hopefully I will sleep good tonight.



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  15. Ambergris it will all work out to your advantage in the end. I know you will be happy no matter where you are living. 


    Went to the feed and seed this morning. Bought more seeds and plants. Going to try my hands at planting broccoli. I have never done it before but a first for anything. I am wanting to try new things in the garden as store bought fresh veggies and fruit are getting worse in taste and more expensive. Next week I will be pulling all my canning supplies out to see what I have an what I need. Though I don't think I really need anymore supplies right now but want to get it all in one place to see how low I might be on some things. Once that bedroom suit is out of the front bedroom. I will be using a small area for desk which is all the office I need and a corner for the sewing machine also. I still have a shelving unit I haven't put up yet, so will set that up against one wall for craft and sewing supplies. That will be so much more organized and make it easier to find things. Need to see if I still have any small baskets in attic or shed to store needles and things in them and set on the shelving unit making it easy to grab what I need. Going to be a busy summer. 

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  16. Midnightmom, I think you had it worse than I am having right now. At least so far GS hasn't broken my car windows.  His mother won't take her son back to live with her. I think he was worse with her than me so far. He is moving out this weekend though. After his screaming and hollering at me yesterday before going to work, He called me and was real nice because he locked his keys in the car and needed me to bring him the spare. He is always nice when he needs something. I had gone to bed before he came home last night. Don't know if he was high on pot last night but saw where he had been drinking. This boy has some real anger issues. But won't go get help even though he admits he has a problem. Just wish there was a way to help him but when you try to get help for him he refuses to except it. 

    GS is in bed asleep right now, so will see how he is when he wakes up for work. I am just going to work in yard and stay away from him. Don't need his drama.  His mother did call me last night and was much better towards me. Guess she figured out I'm not his mother and have had enough of his mess.  He must not have told her I am kicking him out of house this weekend and that he is lucky I am waiting till this weekend as he will be off and can pack up his stuff to leave. He only has his clothes, computer and a few small items to pack so not to bad.  It will all fit in trunk of his car with no issues.  DD said he can crash on a friend's couch. So fine with me or live in his car again. 


    Went to Tidewater feed & seed this morning. Yes bought more seeds and some plants. Making work for me but it keeps me busy and produces food.  Need to head to tractor supply but might wait till tomorrow morning. Don't like leaving house close to when GS gets up as I have lost my trust in him to leave him here alone.  I really feel like some weight has been lifted off my shoulders knowing he will be out of here either Sat. or Sun.  

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  17. Thanks OOTO. GS does not have keys to my house. He has the garage door opener. That I will be getting back when he moves and I will be changing the code for the garage door.  Right now I am waiting for the other problem to call me and tell me I need to be gentle with him and that I need to be positive with him. Positive I have been with him from day one. But I will not baby him not treat him like being disrespectful and going down my throat when he doesn't get his way I will not do.  So will be dealing with DD later this evening if I decide to look at her text. She can't pick up phone and call and I don't think this should be handled by a text.  I hate that I had to kick him out but enough is enough. I'm old, tired and need my house back to being clean and organized. Tired of having to be quiet all day so he can sleep and not being able to do anything. I stopped canning because I had to get up every morning to clean kitchen before I could start canning as he makes a mess during the night and I get up in morning to clean his mess up before I could start canning. That puts me late getting started on what I need to do so I gave up. He doesn't like the noise the pressure can makes and gets mad. So be it it is what it is. It is going to take me awhile to get my sense of humor back and just be normal again. After he is gone and the garden is not producing yet, I will be changing the code on garage and then maybe take a trip somewhere to unwind from almost 2 years of his abusive behavior. He has had times when he was doing really well and Sunday was one of those days. But then he came home Monday night from work high as a kite on pot. That was a rule that he could not start back smoking it again because it causes his bad behavior. One of the reasons his mother had so much trouble with him. Now he's trying to make amends with his mother and get back in her good graces. That is a good thing as she should be the one to help him. So I just handed him back to her but she doesn't know it yet.


    Looking at my seeds and trying to figure out what else I want to plant. I now have the space in backyard under bedroom windows. I planted the okra earlier this afternoon. But just can't figure out what else I want to plant. Such choices and lots of seeds. Need to get another batch of lettuce going in the aero garden. The lettuce bolted as I had not been keeping up with it as much for salads and such. It took off and was a bit more than I could use. So only going to plant one tube this time. Got the areo garden cleaned up and ready to go so just need to fill it up with water and drop seeds into the pods and it will be ready to go.

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  18. GS did get that apartment for August 25th. He was very high on pot last night and the pot got him into trouble many times when living with his mom and dad. But i will hear garbage as to my kicking him out this weekend. Told him if he is high on pot like last night not to come home and I got told off. I really thought this was my home but got told different on that one. So said pack up and move out this weekend. Could not talk to him. He came back home after going to apartment to pay the deposit and he was like a different kid. Talking normal instead of telling me off. But I did tell him not to come home from work if he is high on pot. And I got told real good. Decided that enough was enough. He said he might as well quit his job also. I didn't say a word. That will be his stupidity. It will more than likely take me a while to get myself back to a normal state. But at least after this weekend I can at least breath without his mess. 


    On a better note, I finished cleaning up the smaller flower bed at back of house this morning. It was windy and cool. But really felt good. Got the cow manure and lime down and graded in really good so that tomorrow I can start planting in that area. I am debating rather to sell off the furniture I was holding for GS. Don't think I will ever see him again. He still after almost 3 years won't talk to his sister in Washington but did start talking with his mother after she kicked him out. Guess he needs to get back into her good graces. So now he is back to being his mother's problem to deal with. This should never have been my issue to start with but didn't want him on the streets of Washington in the winter time. My mistake. I am to old for this kind of behavior. But it will be over soon and I can finally get the house back together again. Will be a very busy summer. 

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  19. Ambergris, you are lucky you can do that. Not easy to do here. One you will lose your deposit and if I remember right I think they can charge you rent up to the end of the lease.  My granddaughter and her DH broke a lease in Newport News because it became very unsafe. They were shooting at the apartments they were in and also at the stores around there. So they tried to break their lease because of that. They did break it but ended up losing the deposit and had to pay up front I think she said 3 months rent. 

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  20. Ambergris, I have been trying to figure out how he Turns things around so that what he does is my faught. He is definitely a manipulative gaslighter. He has threatened me with I'm going to buy a gun and kill myself. This boy from early on in age would take a knife or scissors and cut his arms up for attention. Both his sisters said he is good for that. I am sure his mother will be calling and telling me to give him his 4th chance. I have told her about his lies and she doesn't believe me and tells me I'm just causing issues for him. So he has put a deep wedge between me and my DD. I have to keep my bedroom door locked now as he has already go through it looking for his rent money. When he couldn't find it he threw something at the closet door in his bedroom and busted a hole in it.  But I didn't see him do it now though he admitted he did it and he doesn't know how that door ended up with a hole in it.  It is not the only damage he has done in my house. But that is because I told him to start paying rent again and that I was going to take one month's rent to replace the door. So therefore he did not put a hole in that door. Maybe the ghost did it that he claims I have in my house. 

    This is the sad part. He is supposed to go to bank to get money out for a money order and drive 40 minutes to the apartment to pay the deposit that he said he got them to lower it to $300. I have never heard of a landlord being talked down on the deposit but I guess there is a first time for everything. He also said the apartment was just over $500 and now it's $500 the first month and then a thousand a month after that. He will be living on Old Dominion college campus. He does not go to college so don't know how he got that one as they are usually for the college kids.  He was very high on pot when he got home from work last night.  I am going to talk with his mother about him staying or not but I am already working on his leaving by end of month. Told him already to get a hotel room if he didn't want to be on the streets again. So was told that if he did that he would lose his job. Not my problem. 

    Well here it is going on 9 am and he is doing what he does best. Still in bed and he has to be at work at 4pm. So I am just going to sit this one out to see what he really does. But not looking like he is in any hurry to get this apartment even if it is in August. 

    You are right Ambergris, I am at my witts end and have had enough. I no longer have a life, and can't trust him enough to be here if I decide to go somewhere for a few days. He stole from his mother and father and even sold the Christmas presents that his grandfather that I gave him back in 2019 for weed. At least now I know where his money is going and his bills are turning into late payments now. One he has had a bill every month for 4 months. But he said he paid them. But the same bills keep coming. 

    Everyone I know I have been ranting about this mess but this is something I have never had to deal with. This child is not the grandchild I knew. I guess that is what smoking weed does to your brain. But anyway thank you for hearing my problem with this child and for the help. I am thinking about kicking him back out on the street. I hate to do that but his parents kicked him out, his sister kicked him out and his younger sister said flat out he won't be living with her. So he has basely lost his family because of his altitude and his manipulative gaslighting. I think it has worked on his mother but is wearing me down. I have been handing his gaslighting back at him and throwing it back in his face and he knows he is doing wrong. But he did text me to say he is sorry for his outburst. I think this time it is a bit to late for sorry. He's always sorry but keeps doing it.  

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  21. GS said now that the move out date is August 25th not September when he first said. I was asking him if he has signed a contract and paid his deposit he said he will be doing that in the morning. He wanted money from his rent and I said no to go to bank. I am not playing that one again. So he is going to bank in morning. Now he says he did not put that hole in the closet door though he did amit that he did the next day after it happened. Said that unless I saw him do it then it didn't happen. Are you kidding me. It is his bedroom and I was working in flower bed right under his window when I heard something hit the door. Tried to talk to him but all I got was disrespect. Said I am the reason he wants to move. So be it. I am tired of cleaning up behind him, having to be quiet while he sleeps all day and only helps out when he has nothing to play on his games or nothing he wants to watch on his phone. Though I am proud of the fact he helped me yesterday without me having to ask for that help. He lives here and I shouldn't have to ask for any help. He knows what I am doing. Tried to tell him that if I let him stay there will be rules he will follow or he has to move out before the date. I haven't told him yet if I will let him stay yet. I want positive proof that he has secured this apartment and if not real proof he has to move. He threatens that if I make him move out end of this month he will buy a gun an kill himself. I know this is just a threat but he has done this many times before. His father said he can't buy a gun as he was on meds for depression growing up. I really wish now I left him on the streets in Washington. Never have I seen such rude behavior from this child. Everything I say or do he will turn it around and blame me. I am over the blame game. It seems he is not the problem and does not Admit that he has done something wrong. He can turn things around to make what he does someone else's fault but he is never to blame for his actions. His actions are always someone elses faught. He will cut his arms for attention and the whole family said he does this for attention when he doesn't get his way. He was high on pot when he came home from work and his mother said he was on it when he gave her a lot of the same issues. Said when he moves out he doesn't want to ever see me again which that is his choice. I was his 3ed chance to make something of himself. So now I don't know what to do. Don't know that I can handle 3 more months of this and I will be expecting a text later from his mother. He has lied to her about me as I figured that out by things he kept telling me. He refuses to go back to live with his mother because it would be the same way he is treating me now and worse. But DD will take up for him where I am concerned. I am guessing she thinks he can just live here and she not have to deal with him. According to him he never lies. But I have caught him in so many of them that I don't know what to belief anymore. I have been up since he got home from work hearing the crap about why he should stay till Aug. and I told him there are house rules and that I am tired of having to get up every morning to clean up behind him. That even got thrown back in my face. Don't even ask how he managed that one. But he always cleans up behind himself and I have pictures to proof otherwise. 

    GS went to bed and then text me saying he is sorry for his outburst. Right now I am so mad with him over his altitude that I text him back asking if he had second thoughts about how he has been treating me in my house and reminded him I was the one that got him off the street in Washington just to be treated like dirt. And said maybe later when he can talk civil that then I will excepts his apology and it would be nice if he could apologise to my face and mean it. 

    I am so sorry for ranting about this child but he has me climbing walls. Just don't think I can handle much more of his disrespect and destroying things. And then his mother starting in like I should put up with it  till he gets on his feet and gets an apartment. So if I have to put up with this then why did she kick him out and then send him to his sister's to live? And then his sister kicked him on the streets saying she was afraid of him. Something just doesn't add up and I am not being told the truth about him.  I could really use some advice as I don't think I can handle another 3 months of his mess. His mother was right about one thing. When he is high on pot he is really bad. 

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