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Everything posted by ozzzyyy

  1. Westbrook, You have got me most inquisitive. Please tell us all about your worms with names? Ginger
  2. Today is a new day *Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with small amount colby cheese, 3 slices of bacon, stalk of celery with 1T of peanut butter. *(I had) Plan to eat later today... Lunch: steak, cauliflower, green beans Dinner: cheeseburger And drink lots and lots of water! ------------------
  3. (((((Momo)))))) How is it going for you?? Are you feeling satisfied with your meals?? Are you reaching the none- hungry state by eating small amounts of carbs?? I have to tell you, your meal choices sound simply well rounded delicious to me! Thanks for being so dedicated!! I cannot even remember all of what I ate yesterday...I started out with eggs and other proteins but as the day wore on I snacked on way too much popcorn!! ------------------
  4. LOL! Cookie Jar!! I have worms, too! By far I am not as organized as your hostess!! I have been known to purchase small containers of various worms from the bait shop and release them into my garden and compost pile for years now. At the bait shop I believe they must think *me* an avid fisherwoman... Tee hee hee! Go free worms and do your stuff!! Ginger
  5. Well...confession time. Today I blew the diet bigtime. I had ice cream with hot fudge. I also had 1/2 of a soft pretzel. Tomorrow I go back to a healthier way for me of eating. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, its off to work I go!! BTW, Momo, I am leaning more towards your daily menu...adding more veggies and an allowance of small portions of fruit. Thanks for sharing. On the extreme lo carb diet, I am feeling like a carnivore, craving meat. ------------------
  6. *Chicken Fried Steak* Is breaded cube steak fried like chicken, (as it is namesaked for) and has a milk gravy over top...and is soooo good! Yum! ------------------
  7. ozzzyyy

    Hey Ginger

    Hi Di! Yes, it is the Ogemaw County Fair. I don't want to give my daughter's real name on the net for security purposes....but *Ellie Mae's* chickens will not be hard to miss as they will have name tags No one else that I know of does this in 4-H. But *her* critters all have names, even the ones going to market! Believe me, when you go in the the small animal barn you will definately know which critters belong to *Ellie Mae* The small animal auction is on Thu. the 15th at 4:00. that will be a big day! Hope to see you there ------------------ [This message has been edited by Ginger (edited August 07, 2002).]
  8. Momo, thats wonderful! Thanks for sharing! I think if we keep posting what we eat, we will all do better on whichever diet that works for all of us. Todays food choices: Breakfast: 2 egg ham, cheese and broccoli omelete Lunch: handful of almonds, hot pepperoni stick and a small handful of popcorn Dinner: chicken fried steak with milk gravy, cauliflower, small tossed salad. And lots and lots of water ....gulp, gulp.... ------------------
  9. Isn't Suza wonderful!!!! I just love her site and her creativity!! The before and after pix of her side yard are remarkable! I met Suza here at Mrs Survival 4 years ago; she said she may come back for a visit! Lets hope so, she has so much to teach us!! Ginger
  10. NO!! ABSOLUTELY NOT! Debbielee and Brigid, You cannot draw a permanant marker mustache and goatee on Spit today. I simply will not allow it!!...... But maybe tomorrow if she sleeps that long *wink* ------------------
  11. I reread the same info. in one of MidnightMom's links....I cannot recall exactly how it is bad but this is the best I can say it...soy melts your thyroid away. Also GooseLiver's homepage, has excellent information concerning hypothyriodism and soy products. Point the way..Goosie!! ------------------
  12. Debbielee, I would do about anything to be able to eat a bagel again...but I cannot go back cuz' I am a recovering carbaholic!! You are doing really good on the lo-fat diet!! Keep it up...maybe you could start a daily lo-fat thread...I'm thrilled that we are losing weight in the many ways that are *just* right for us!! ------------------
  13. Shhhhhh...doesn't Spit look just like an angel when she sleeping??? ...giggle, giggle, We all know what she is capable of around here....better let her get some sleep, poor dear! Goodnight sweetie, rest on as long as you need to. ------------------
  14. ozzzyyy


    Nice to see you again, Marjorie!! You are missed. I remember how very knowledgeable you are on living off the land. We need you on a regular basis! Here's hoping you get a job with online accessability ------------------ [This message has been edited by Ginger (edited August 05, 2002).]
  15. You have got to check out Suza'a gardening site, this lady is an awesome gardener with many tried and true tips. http://home.earthlink.net/~suzaplants Ginger
  16. You might be a gardener if...... 1) You have been known to garden after dusk, through use of flashlight or floodlight. 2) When you see an old house being torn down, you pull over and dig out all the abandoned peonies and iris... then try to get your friends to make room for them in their gardens. 3) A part time job in a garden center with a discount is your life's goal. 4) You spend the morning drive to work mentally marking roadside wild flowers for seed collection later in the season. 5) You reply to "How are the kids?" with a detailed current rundown on the health and flowering of each of your perennials. 6) While waiting for a bus, you find yourself deadheading the curbside impatiens. 7) You proudly display the sunburn, bug bites, and blisters you got while doing your garden! 8) Among your garden seeds and snake oils, you have linament for the joints and Band-Aids. 9) You can be found wandering in the garden talking to plants and trees. 10) When other folks pull out photos of their children/grandchildren, you pull out photos of your favorite plants. 11) You buy another plant, even though you have no earthly idea of where you will find a place to plant it. 12) It's spring and a late freeze warning comes along; you first go out and carefully cover your tender plants. Later you remember to turn on the heat in the house for the humans who live there. 13) You have permanently brown knees from kneeling in that good earth. 14) You can reel off the life history of every perennial in your garden, and consistently forget your family's birthdays and anniversaries. 15) You go outdoors to turn on the sprinkler and get carried away looking at the plants, and then remember that supper was cooking on the stove!! 16) You can walk around the block and see all the plants you've given the neighbors - partly to share, but also because you couldn't bear to compost them. 17) You're fascinated by the volunteer pumpkin growing in the compost pile. 18) You go to the garden center and actually pay money for rocks - and it takes you half an hour to pick out the ones you want. 19) You make people who come to visit taste all your different varieties of mint. 20) You fear you will have an accident driving one day because you're always looking sideways to see what people have in their yards. 21) You buy beer for slugs. 22) You look around the garden and patio area and realize that the garden is neater then the house. Well?? I *MUST* be a gardener.... I actually have found myself doing numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 22. * And if I had slugs in my garden, I am sure I would buy them beer, too!! LOL
  17. Breakfast: 2 fried eggs, 2 slices of spam, coffee Snack: 1 lg stalk of celerly with peanut butter Really need to get to the store today to buy some more bottled water. I am missing it terribly. Back later ------------------
  18. Thanks for the info, MidnightMom!! I avoid soy and soy products like the dickens due to thyroid disease. ------------------
  19. Well, this is what I ate today. Breakfast: I had a handful of almonds on a fast run to church. Water. Lunch: I had 2 smoky links, 2 scranbled eggs with cheese and celery with peanut butter. Snack: diet jello with cool whip, cup of tea. Dinner: all meat hotdog and pork rinds. Diet Pepsi I know I need to drink more water, ran out of my bottled water and our softened water has too much salt for drinking. Also need to get me some atkins bread...wish we could make the stuff without specially ordering it. It is really amazing how unhungry you are on this diet...if I could get over the boredom, I will have it made. I wake up and think what am I going to eat today...Oh yeah, eggs! Does anyone know if there is a protein drink that is lo-carb?? That would be an excellent diversion than eggs and meat all the time. ------------------
  20. MSAng, I absolutely love that song "Big House" Yes, indeed, your feet and hands can't keep still when that song is on!! Welcome to Mrs. Survival!! Come on up to the Sunporch, introduce yourself and let us give you an "official "howdy"!! Glad to see you here ------------------
  21. ((((((Spitfire))))))) Here's a nice tall glass of fresh squeezed lemonade and a plate of just of of the oven peanut butter cookies. You rest now, dear!! I'm blessed that you can spend anytime at all with us!! May we be a shelter in the storm for you anytime you have need of us You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers, ------------------
  22. sniff, sniff!! How heartbreaking to lose a family member like that!! Oh man, I do feel sorry for those that have pets and live close to expressways! ------------------
  23. ozzzyyy


    Bottomline is that we are a family....and we come in many variations, colors and sizes We are blessed,indeed! ------------------
  24. ((((Lynnie))))) MountainMommy, our webmaster is in the process of moving and relocating to another city. We are so very grateful and indebted to her to be able to come *here* and keep community.....the rest will come at a later date. The discussion boards are the heart of the site and its so good to get to know others such as you ------------------
  25. You bet, Lynnie!! There is not a college degree in this world that can compare to being there when your baby says his/her first word! You go, Girl!! I realize that there are many ways to bring up children and while I believe for me personally, it meant my staying home during the young child years. Ahhhh, those were the years!! I wish I could bottle them up and preserve those years for all time!! I do have many friends and relatives that would not be the wonderful mothers they are today if not for their careers and career choices. These mothers make the very best nurses, lawyers, teachers and physcologists any one of us would wish to have, if in need of thier services. On off work hours they determinely make up for those times serving others at work and kick in overdrive in creative parenting. These children are blessed!! I know many professionals mother's who have creatively adjusted their schedules or have put thier careers on hold for thier childrens formative years. I admire thier sacrifices, both financial and position advancement for the betterment of the family. Whether a woman works or not isn't the big deal...but treasure those young years, make the most of every day. Delight in those little ones on up to teens. I tell myself daily, I do certainly do not want to wait until I am a *grandmother* to enjoy children...I want to enjoy them today, in the here and now!!! Blessings All!! ------------------
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