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Hasn't made up it's mind Thursday


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It hasn't started snowing here yet but the sky is letting us know it's going to - very cloudy and dark! I have to run down to the market and get some more milk and eggs (shame on me for not having more on hand!). I can walk to the market though, hate to since it's a convenience store and the prices are outrageous but it's still cheaper than driving 60 miles round trip for milk and eggs. I'm finally eating breakfast, the twins made a huge mess with their oatmeal so I had to spend some time cleaning up the dining room area before I could eat. There was oatmeal in the hall near my bedroom and just all over the place because they flung their bowls after they flung the food. I'm sure they had fun I have missed so much church it's unbelievable but we'll get back into the habit of going regularly soon.


Well, I better get going and get the day started! Going to take the twins for a walk to get the milk and eggs! Should be fun!


Have a great day Snowmom and others! I'll try to get back online later this afternoon!

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our highs all week are supposed to be 3 degrees celcius, and a combo wind, rainand snow. they have been saying snow for the last 3 weeks. i must have blinked and missed it.


today pat has the day off, so i am going to put him to work so he isnot underfoot. i have a lot to do,and he usually just creates more work for me. hes one of those "i work so you should do all the hosue work" guys. i have told him off a few times about that, and he is getting better. lol i would like to rent a movie today. we got a new membership at the other video store, and they have MUCH bettter prices. 1 movie for 2 dollars, or 4 movies for 4 dollars. i rented the rescuers down under, but the movie didnt play right so i brought it back andf they let me exchange it. i will go to the other movie place as well to see if they have it. if not we will just haveto buy it.


that afghan is so slow going. or at least it seems to be. it is a rectangular afghan, but i made it by making 2 8 inch granny squares and putting them together, then just oing around those 2 so it is a rectangular afghan. so the rows are getting longer and longer i seems like it eill take forever! lolthe next one i do will be out of chubby yarn, and with a bigger hook so it does not take so long:P of copurse, i have to finish the ones i have already started. i just hope my coffee grinder does not wake the baby.


have a good day!

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Good morning . I guess that means keep working inside. I was outside poking around in the raised beds a few days ago and found a humungous forgotten carrot but everything is so soggy. I usually plant sweet peas in February so I need a couple of sunny days to weed that area and get it ready. My youngest son's birthday is in February and for most of his birthdays there has been sunny weather.


Snowmom: I hope the sun wins out where you are today. Isn't it interesting that we can get more done when DHs aren't at home? Me, too.


Bookworm: I'd tell you to pick up a dozen eggs for me, too, but somehow that wouldn't work. I can hardly wait until the "egg lady's chickens" out in the country start laying enough for them to sell. Oatmeal has a way of sticking to things real good. Good for you decluttering.

Pixie: It sure is chilly where you are! What color(s) is the afghan you are making now? When I get up first in the morning I take the coffee grinder into the bathroom and shut the door so hopefully DH doesn't wake up and I get some time to myself.


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well, the phone rang and woke him up, so i hit the button on the grinder! coffee will be ready soon. the afghan is am making is black and dark pink. mostly black though. i asked the couple who is recieveing it for thier wedding what thier faavorite colours were, and he saaid black, and she said black and dark pink. so, mostly black with a few pink stripes. heh he h


i made pat a drs appointment today becasue he LOST his requisition for his bloodwork. grrr...i keep telling him now that he is a dad, he has bigger responsibilities than himself, and in order to take care of his family he has to do all he can to ensure his own health. so, hopefully soon we will see an end to all this sick and tired thyropid crrrap. he makes me so mad when he complains about being sick and tired becasue he wont go to the dr to get it fixed. i had to pull out the big guns and tell him mother and sister. he is most definately a mommas boy. and his sister is pushy so between the 2 of them they get pat to do what is needed. it was funny though, they started bugging him to go to the drs, and he narrows his eyes, and looks at me, and sais, "you have been talking to my wife, haven't you?" so i conjure my most innocent look...



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Well I feel like such a liar now! It still hasn't snowed or rained and the sun is out, the sky is beautiful, but it is still a little chilly (at least for my tastes!). The boys and I took our daily walk and they have just been rambunctious (sp?) little guys all day long - starting with the flinging of oatmeal, then it was the spitting of milk at least now they are sleeping. I was able to make some rolls, which are rising as I type. I'm going to make some homemade mac and cheese (thanks to Mueller's recipe), and I'm trying to think what else I could make that would be really good and fattening. I just have this need for comfort foods today and I'm all out of chocolate



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One time when my twins were little.. They found the biggest bowl they could find and poured a whole box of cereal into and onto the floor and then came the milk.. They were eating it with servings spoons and spatulas when I found them..

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Hi all


It sounds like everyone has had a kinda fun day! My Thursday was a lazy one. It was Australia Day - so no school and celebrations everywhere. We kept it quiet and had a nice roast dinner with candles to celebrate. Now I am Australian I thought it would be nice to celebrate. The rest of the family sort of take it for granted (DH is Aussie and all the girls were born here so they are Aussie too)



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