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I rarely think about how medications are created, specifically vaccines, but in reading a related article, I found this information...


To create an influenza vaccine, it can take as long as six months and requires the use of possibly millions of...





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This is a problem. Not everyone will get a vaccine unless this new process they are working on works. It doesn't use eggs.


One of the rare side effects of a flu vaccine made from eggs is gillian-barre syndrome. The worst case is it causes paralysis from the nose down. You are still able to blink and have eye movement. The brian is functioning but the rest of the body is paralysed. But this is the worst case.



If one is allergic to eggs... the advise is NOT to get a flu shot and that is why.


Here is a link to info about the new technique but mostly about flu shots in general...





this is why I have been researching a sick room and preparations for death. My living trust is being revised.

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My plans are leaning more towards prophylaxis than treatment, though I am preparing for both. I won't go down without a fight...


It's just that, it seems the more I learn or refresh my memory about the medical aspects, protocol & problems, the less I want to know.

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Not to make your fears worse, Nana, but you might want to focus on more than just the illness and death aspect of this but also on the isolation aspect. Even a strange who's lost his way and has stopped to ask directions can be suspect. Even family just coming to be protected becomes a sort of walking time bomb. The fear, mistrust and stress will take it's toll also.


Another question I had in my mind was, "What about afterwards?" Those that got the flu and survived will have an immunity but those of us that isolated ourselves so that we wouldn't catch it will not have. How long before the virus is "gone"? How long before people stop being walking germ factories for us? Do you come up with little gurilla bands living in woods or apartment complexes who defend their territory against ALL, even family because your band won't let them in? Do you find yourself an outcast of your own making? Sounds almost as much science fiction as any good horror story?


Perhaps this is not exactly the place to put this but you might want to read Jack London's 'The Scarlet Plague" written about 1912? Here's a link to it.




Sorry, that's the first chapter, go here and scroll to The Scarlet Plague to get it all.





I read the original story many years ago and it keeps sticking in my mind.

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One of the rare side effects of a flu vaccine made from eggs is gillian-barre syndrome.

If one is allergic to eggs... the advise is NOT to get a flu shot and that is why.

You do not have to be allergic to eggs to get this syndrome. I had it when I was a year and a half old after having the measles/mumps/rubella vacine and I have never met an egg I didn't like. Eggs and cheese are two of my favorite foods (ain't it wonderful they go so well together?) I fully recovered, but my DM said that they had to reteach me everything from rolling over and reaching to walking and talking.

It also left me with no immunity to these diseases and the doctors all have said that if I were to ever get one of them that it would kill me. After having my first child when I was 18, the doctor came in my hospital room and said that my bloodwork showed that I was not immune to rebella and this is very dangerous when you're pregnant and had a syringe with the vaccine to give me. I said, "You come one step closer with that and I'll sue your **** off. What the **** are you trying to do-KILL ME?" He refused to see me again after that.

None of my other childhood vaccinations had any adverse effects. And none of my children had any severe reactions to any of their childhood vaccines. Also, none of us are allergic to eggs. I think vaccinations are very important. I wish they all were 100% safe, but they're not. We don't know who is going to have what kind of reaction. But we do know what the diseases do, and I feel we must do everything we can to protect ourselves and our families from them.

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Funny you should mention that, Star. I've been watching movies while I organize, make lists, etc., and a couple of the ones I was watching was 'The Stand' and 'Outbreak'. The rest are all disaster movies for some reason...

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