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Ah... thursday


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I guess I am gonna submit to this diary fun as well. I hope that is ok. I haven't had too much going here. I MAY end up getting fired from my job! I guess there are always other ones out there until I finish college, which will be awhile.... There is always work, you just may not like it right? Now I have typed myself into oblivion, (tho it isn't that much typing) and I have to finish getting ready to head on back to work. *sigh* Oh well, tis a necessary evil. Ciao!

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Good morning everyone. Had a late night at work last night and in my absence DH and DD were coping with a prolonged power outage (wind blew a tree down into the lines). I got home about 8:30 pm and it came on just as I was walking in the door (after being off since 2 pm).


Have a YMCA committee meeting this morning - so I have to head for work extra early. I am on the board of directors for our local YMCA so I have a couple of early morning meetings each month to attend.


Other than that... hard day at work ahead... deadlines to meet. I do have an appointment with a coworker to go play some raquetball at noon - which will not only be good for me but will feel good as well. I have not been getting enough exercise the past week and a half and I can feel it.

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Good Morning Rheya DoubleD and everyone else still clammering around!

Rheya- Yes there are other jobs out there. Just do the best you can while you can at the one you have and things might just turn around.

Today it is raining again so I think this might just be a normal day of chores and teaching for me. The hint that one gave about the lids for canning being cheap at the Grocery Outlet didnt fall on deaf ears either. Ill be going to the G/O to see if ours even has canning supplies.

Its not going to get very warm here again today only supposed to get up to 63 and we did need the rain. We need another half inch or so to be average for the month. Its helping the tomatoes turn colors I guess.

Ok I have to finish my coffee and start pulling out the school work. My DS (turns 4 this weekend) is really excited about schooling right at the moment and I dont want to disappoint him. The girls are already to the point where they can do most of their schoolwork with little to no help from me.


You all have a pleasant day ok ?

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Round about 11 here. Hon crashed on the couch last night (I'm taking some new meds that I'm not allowed to be alone in the apartment until we see how they work. So he stays out on my old couch in case of emergency) and I have a new wrinkle to add to my wedding day concerns.


Anyone have any good advice for dealing with a ranging locamotive in their home? Cause I gotta tell ya, I knew he snored... heck, we've camped together, he's crashed on my couch before... but WOW! Nothing like last night.


Anyway, a bit chilly this morning, and we're not to get much above 65 (if we make it to that). Time to break out my jeans and long sleave clothes. I had foolishly hoped to leave my colder weather gear packed up until I move into the house (less to pack and repack) in two weeks, but no luck. Oh well. I love fall. (And if I keep saying that over and over again, maybe I'll belive it someday.)


No class today, instead I'm babysitting for my matron of honor and another bridesmaid for a few hours and then its off to the house (like a herd of turtles as it will be 3 women and 3 babies) to measure the windows for drapes, measure the section that needs trim in the kitchen (they left it undone) make sure the grates to the furnace are kitten proof - all five of them!, and get rough estimate of how much tile I'm gonna need to make the backsplash in the kitchen (the old being cracked and ugly - and I have a huge discount being waved at me by a friend that works at Home Depot and another who'd dad works Lowes. Ah, the perks of having connected friends!) Only two more weeks until I can start moving in. I can't wait! Mom bought me and Hon a beautiul walnut dining room set (table large enough for 6 + the 6 chairs!) solid wood, not pressed. We found it at a wonderful 2nd hand shop that I love. Early wedding present! It will be so wonderful to be in my own home. Solid ground under my feet after years as a gypsy. A home, a husband, 5 cats...


Gotta go. I have to get supper started (Chicken tortilla soup and cornbread) and get some lunch in me. Three little ones to watch (ages 2, 18 months, and 2 months.) Wish me luck... cause I'm gonna need it!

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Morning all who have been here and those to come.


Since last week I didn't make to to do my massages (they were suppsed to out of the office Wed and be in Thurs, but at the last minute, in went opposite My IBS kept me up all night, so I've only had about 4 hours of sleep. Then when I did wake up this morning, it was with kids all awake yelling at each other (my DD saw Summer holding my hand and said how I don't love her, now I love Summer!). I tried to tell them to please be quiet since my back and belly hurt and I had a headache from noise and lack of sleep, but my voice came out this tiny, scratchy thing! Then I tried to talk louder, and I started coughing! I was trying so hard NOT to catch this cold everyone around me has! I really need to work darn it!!! My body is revolting (go ahead and take that however you want, lol). Pooey! I can't wait til noon when the kidlets go to school and maybe I can sleep!


Hope everyone has a great day! Blessed Be.

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