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Moaning Monday..................


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Mornin' ya'll!!


I'm gonna enjoy the outside today and tomorrow. We still have wonderful weather forecast for today and Tuesday. Starts going down hill on Wed. It's gonna feel like winter again.


Ya'll have a good day,




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Good morning We've done well over the past week or two with selling and I'm hoping I can get a bunch of my books out of here. Right now I have some Creating keepsakes magazines listed along with some educational books and Christmas stories. I think I'm just going to keep listing throughout the week so I can get them out of here. We usually list from Sunday to Sunday but I want to just keep working at it.


I'm also going to make a list of cookies,etc. that I want to bake for the holidays and give as gifts. I need to buy more Christmas cards too - nothing like procrastinating during the holidays huh?


Well better get going and read some more here before everyone else is up. Take care!

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Morning! Poor DH, we went to a Fall party at the dog rescue I volunteer with, (Our best metroplex friends) and took the kids & mutts with us. On the way, the mutts figured out where they were going, and got ALL excited--howling, yowling, and trying to bounce around the van despite being leashed in. DH was riding shotgun, and reached behind the seat with his rt arm & grabbed a dog collar, when the dog lunged down and to the left. This basically tore loose something in DH's shoulder, the one he had surgery on last March...this is NOT good. Not sure if it was stitches, tissue, or scar tissue that tore, but DH said he felt something "give' in there.


On top of it all, seems the kids had saved up all their bad behavior from Saturday (they were perfect angels Saturday), for Sunday morning/evening and drove us both up the walls. Oh they were fine at the dog rescue party, but at home or in the van they were little monster imps!


We did get some nice dog beds and the dog rescue folks always give us some groceries whenever we go there. It's some extra stuff they get from a relative who does the SHARE program (food for community volunteering thing). Cool thing is, the food is always great for our prepping!

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It is cool here and we have 4" of snow. I have turkey "bone" soup in the cooker. (My kids used to kid about "bones" for years. They knew not to throw any bones out. My motto was they were not garbage until soup was made. They would joke about garbage not being garbage until Mom says it is garbage. I miss those days.

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