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I've realized that yes, I do need to be taking a good multivitamin every day. I've tried the generic ones that I can get at the grocery store, but they don't have the same effect.


My doctor suggested these: http://catalog.designsforhealth.com/s.nl/it.A/id.494/.f . I tried them for a month. They rock. I'm not tired when I take them. However, they cost $60/month. I haven't been able to find them for any cheaper.


How does one go about finding quality vitamins? Can you just look and see if they have all the same vitamins and minerals, or does the way they're processed really matter?


I'm willing to try different kinds, but don't want to end up wasting a lot of money. The ones the doctor suggested come in handy dandy little packets. I'm willing to buy them in separate bottles, but would like to know how to tell I'm buying good ones.

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Do you know what the difference is between natural and synthetic vitamins? As in, does the body process them differently?


When trying to google for how to find good vitamins, I keep running into places that say you only absorb 10-15% of the vitamins unless your deficient in something. Eeek.


I have a big bottle of multivitamins from Sam's that I found when cleaning my room, and it seems like it has just about everything in them that the expensive ones do. I think I may have to buy a new bottle of cheap ones from the grocery store to try for a month and see what happens (the big bottle I found expired in July of 2006). If they have the same effect, then I'll probably buy more in bulk. I'll let y'all know how my little "experiment" goes.



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