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Kidney Stones?


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thanks Sue, right now the only way to stay on top of it is prescribed drugs. the problem is I take a pain med and get so sleepy, wake up and am in pain again.. this is why it is so important to get healthy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the link Westie, I picked up some of that Benzacaine, pet stuff for abrasions, painkiller creme ,etc. I also picked up some type of styptic gel for stopping bleeding. I thought that might be a good thing to have in my kit, all from my local pet store.

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one of the best blood stoppers is Yarrow! yarrow can be a weed so find a place way back in a corner. It can take a mowing once a year but the feathery leaves are pretty and the flower head is used in dried flower arrangements.


Yarrow besides its amazing blood stopping powers can be made into a tea and used when asprin is not available.


It wasn't anything to see my kids running around the yard with a yarrow leaf stuck up their nose for a minute or two to stop a nose bleed.



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  • 1 month later...

So here is an update on the kidney stone situation. Consulted a physician here in Texas and the stone had grown to take up "at least 80%" of the right kidney. I was told that the blasting the other dr. had done was a huge waste of a year of my life. So, last Thur. I was admitted to the hospital. There were 2 holes made from my back into the kidney and they pulverized as much of the stone as they could. There are still 2 small fragments that they could not get..one in the top of the kidney and one in the bottom. After the kidney heals and the holes close, they will have to blast those, as they will start growing again. After that, then they have to start working on the 3 stones in the left kidney. I am home now, on a ton of drugs. I am having alot of nausea and pain, but not the searing pain that I had before! The tube that was hanging out became dislodged, so they had to take that out, so I now have a dressing that is changed twice a day. It is a tough time, but I am on the mend and will keep you all posted.

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What a relief to finally have something positive done. Take it easy and dont expect to much energy for a few weeks. 4-5 weeks should see you back to normal (but what is normal? smile )


been there - done that!

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  • 3 months later...

well here I am 3 months after taking fishmox! not had that pain again. I do know now I have a kidney stone. I bought another bottle of fishmox.

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Don't know if you're still having problems but here's my story.I ended up in the hospital for kidney stones last summer. At first I thought I was maybe having tubal pregnacy or miscarriage or ??? very painful. After spending two nights in the hospital I went back home knowing I'd probably have some more stones to pass. I had pain meds but didn't want to have to go back. I asked friends, researched on the internet and found the coke and asparagus cure from a close friend. You drink a 6 pack of coke in about an hour and then eat asparagus. The next time the pain started I drove to the gas station at 3am and bought coke( I never drink this stuff) and after drinking the first one I was able to sleep. The next morning I bought, and cooked up the asparagus. I drank the 6 cokes, thanks to fiery hot doritoes , ate some bread crusts dipped in olive oil and the asparagus. I did have to repeat the treatment but haven't had any problems since. I saved the stone I passed at home but never had it analyzed since I guess I'm cured for now. I now plan on keeping coke syrup and/or some coke in my emergency first aid kit.


my hubby had some problems with his kidneys this past week and I made him some dandelion and lemon balm tea and it worked better than his prescription.

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Thanks Joan. I've never heard of this one before but I can see why it would work. The coke to acidify the urine and dissolve the stones. At least I know you can use it to dissolve rust on iron. The asparagus would supply the sulfur that is similar to what is used as an antibiotic for urinary tract infections and the olive oil would soothe the entire tract and act as an emulsifier. Or at least that would be one theory.


I have trouble with kidney stones also. I'm not sure I can handle the coke but with stones, a person is willing to try anything. smile


The link All About Meat was great but I couldn't get into the first and last link you listed. Could you check them and see if it's just my puter?


Welcome to Mrs. S. I'm sure looking forward to your posts.


(((( ))))

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