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Which way to can meat?


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I've read about raw pack and cooking the meat first. Which do you prefer taste wise? It seem like raw pack would be easier, but how will it taste? And how about the texture? My DH isn't really on board with my prepping, I need to sell him on the taste.


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I do the raw pack because it's so much easier. We like the taste. I always smack my lips etc. when eating it to see if it tastes weird. I find it tastes a little different but DH never notices. So, I don't know if knowing it's canned I can tell or if it really is a little different.



The texture is fine, it's very tender but stays meat, not just a gummy glump.


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Men understand money.


Explain how you can save tons of money, buying meats when they're on sale and dirt cheap, to use in meals in the future. A general reference is you can cut your meat bills in half by buying meats in bulk and freezing/home canning them...instead of having to pay $4/lb you can pay $2/lb or lower and spread those savings over a longer period of time, long after the sale is over.


I can raw...it gives me a broth to use in other things that I wouldn't otherwise get (or as good of a broth with already cooked meat). Ditto to what Dee said above.


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I think I'm gonna give it a go once DH goes back to work.

As far a DH and my prepping.... I do buy in bulk and freeze which he loves. He is the bread winner. But he just doesn't get the "why" of it all. If I tell him I save money, he thinks he gets to play more golf. **sigh**

I've been encouraging him to join here. I guess if I succeed I'll have to edit all my posts about him!! LOL!

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I'd be careful underestimating your contribution to the family. Some things money just can't buy, and while having the husband/father braving the difficulties of the real world to bring home monies with which to take care of the family is vitally important, so is the wife's/mother's contribution as well.


It sure makes a huge difference with both parties are like minded in this area, but my mom and dad have been married for almost 50 years, they're both type A personalities and my dad highly values my mother's contributions, and vice versa for her.


She's a semi-prepper (probably my influence), I don't think he does much but it works because he trusts her, and she him. I guess that's the bottom line...trust.

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I partly cook most of the meat I can, the only meat I don't partly cook it the hunks of beef, that I put in the jars and can it raw. I need to get some of that canned too, we haven't had any for some time now.


I'm so glad that Old Pine is very much like minded, he likes to help me even. smile He too is the bread winner now. I did work out side the home for a few years and then stopped, had a pace maker put in and stayed home after that.


You know, they say a stay-at-home-mom does the job of I think it is 3 people, and I really believe it, as I was one of them. smile I didn't do much out of the home work until the last child was in school, then I worked at our church school where he and the other two were attending. Then I was home for a while before I worked away from home again. We had MIL living with us for several years, so, I was home with her.



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