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looking for saurkraut recipe

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My daughter loves saurkraut. We always get it in the bag, but I know it can be canned. Not sure if I like the canned stuff or not, because I have never tried it. I can buy some to put in my stores, but I was wondering, How do you make saurkraut. I know it is made with cabbage, which I can grow. Does anyone have a recipe to make your own. Then no matter what happens, I can give my daughter this little thing that she loves so much.


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What I'd like to know: does it stink up the room, while it is fermenting?


I have an old friend who grew up on homemade saurkraut. She told me that her family always had a big wooden barrel of it on the back porch.


She says she can't remember if the fermenting cabbage stunk or not. Since it was outside, any odors might not have been a problem to anyone.


Fermenting cabbage???? That is bound to be a real 'pee-yew' kind of thing, to attempt to make indoors?


Does anyone know???

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well, you do use Saurkraut for New year's Eve.....My daughter says thank you. As for trying to make it, I think I will find a place outside, incase it does stink up the place some...I could get her sister to make it for her after she grows the cabbage herself first.

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Heads up, all ya'll...I found out that (believe it or not) the fermenting cabbage does NOT stink up the house!


I've been asking around plenty, and the answers surprised me.


Here's a sample:


"3 or 4 large crocks in a spare bedroom...no noticeable odor..."


"makes kraut in a 5 gallon bucket in the kitchen... odor is not noticeable..."



Oh hey, this is such good news!!! I'll be starting my very first batch of homemade this week.


I've eaten the commercially canned stuff...it's good. The plastic bagged variety is better. Homemade should be really good!


In Googling for more info, I learned that the homemade variety has tons of great health benefits...All the more reason to make some!


THANKS Deb2of9 for starting this thread, or else I might have procrastinated krautmaking to death...


I'm braver now, anyway. (I guess if my krautmaking adventures ever gets smelly, it is obviously contaminated with unfriendly bacteria that causes spoilage)


BiscuitMaker: speaking of traditions, I've heard that in Central Pennsylvania, it is a tradition to eat sauerkraut every New Year's day. Surely they can't be the only ones...kraut is good!



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I will have to see what I can do about making some myself. I don't know where I have room to make it right now though, so that is the problem.

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It doesn't stink unless it gets some nasty type of bacteria and it spoils. It smells yeasty, then.

Ok, you can make it in quart jars, but there can be more of a risk of it not turning out in the jars. However, you can make even just one jar if you want. We did it in food preservation classes in a quart jar.

Here is a link that may help you. We did not add the sugar, but it is up to you. Same process, though, that we used.


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