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Avian flu VS other pandemic flu


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I went to some training (I'm an EMT) on the avian flu vs pandemic flu. The lady presenting (county health dept.) said it's not a matter of "if" pandemic flu will hit, it's a matter of "when" it will hit. The good news(?) is that it may not be avian flu, but something else like the Spanish or Asian flu. We are about 40 years overdue for a pandemic.

Keep up with the prepping.

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I am stocking up on medicine for me , husband and the kids for this tax money will buy medicine to help us get thru if and when something hits. hate to see my family sick and would really hate to see them sick and not have medicine to help them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Maybe I don't know what I am talking about, and I am sure someone more knowledgeable will correct my mistakes, but I don't think the only thing you have to worry about is a pandemic of flu. I always thought, that if you look back through history, many different diseases caused pandemics.


Some people think that the Black Death was caused by a type of highly infectious Viral hemorrhagic fever. No one today, knows what caused, the highly lethal, sweating fever, that afflicted Europe, during the16th and 17th centuries.

There has been at least one TV program, about what would happen, if terrorists got hold of a smallpox virus, and released it. And on top of that in today’s world, it might be possible for someone to “design” a virus, and release it.


By the way I thought all flu viruses were avian in origin. Some Avian flu viruses have mutated, like H1N3 (?) and we are so used to them, that healthy individuals, get sick for a while, and them make complete recoveries. The difference with the 1918 flu virus, was that humans had never been exposed to it before. The same thing would happen, if H5N1, H5N5(pigs in the Netherlands), H7N5(?) (chickens in New York?), and to a lesser extent H2N9(?) (Pigs in Wales) became infectious. Not sure about all of the numbering, but certainly, hundreds/thousands of factory farmed animals in sorts of places have been slaughtered to prevent the spread of one or other sort of avian flu.




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The difference between pandemic flu and avian flu is this: A pandemic can be any sudden emergence and spread of a disease...any disease such as SARS or ebola virus or some new emerging virus. Thus, a pandemic flu would be a flu that is spreading rapidly and exponentially.

Avian flu has not reached pandemic stage. It's a worry, but it's not a pandemic.

Hope this helps.

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A pandemic is also usually world wide and spread very quickly and easily.


I also don't believe avian flu is our only worry. I read no too long ago that tuberculosis (TB) is making a big time come back and the new strains are antibiotic resistant and spread much more easily. We have an outbreak of a bad flu in our area right now. It is resistant to a lot of meds. and even some of the flu shots haven't helped. It's also developing into pneumonia or pleurisy (what I have right now) in a lot of cases.


We are ramping up medication prepping and staying in or wearing masks as much as possible if we go out.

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