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Brand New Canner Problem


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I bought my wife an All American Canner, Model 915, for Christmas from Lehman's.


We had no need for it until now, so it stayed in the box until she took it to the local extension agent to have the gauge tested this week.


The extension agent says the gauge is inserted into the top wrong. Thing is, it is stuck in there wrong. Cannot be loosened, and cannot be tightened.


She says that the canner is unsafe for use until this gauge is put into the lid correctly.



And I don't think I have the sales receipt anymore, it has been so long since I bought it. It was bought with a credit card, but as far as receipts, I just don't know where it is.



Does anybody have any suggestions on how to get that gauge "unjammed"?


Or how I might go about getting a new top and gauge without a receipt?



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The first thing I thought of Barry is to contact the credit card company. I do believe that can can pull up your transactons even that far back. Hopefully someone else will have some ideas. Good luck.






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Call Lehmans and All American both. If you say it's obvious it isn't a damage issue, but an assembly problem, I'd be surprised if one of those 2 didn't take care of you.


It's a reasonable explanation that it was a Christmas gift that wasn't needed for use until now, when harvesting starts. I can't imagine them not understanding that.

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Agree with Darlene...One of the two of them will get the problem corrected for you and probably pretty quickly too. Lehman's may tell you to call AA or they may do it for you. And if you paid with a CC they should have a record of it if you give them the date that you bought it from them.


Sorry to hear after all the problems of getting someone to finally test that gauge that it isn't even on right in the first place!




ETA...where are my manners? Barry welcome to MrsS! This is a great place!


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My neighbor is better with tools and mechanical things than I am, and he came by before he went to work and removed the dial gauge from the hole it goes in. Apparantly you just needed the right sized wrench.


He said something about the hole being tapered, but I didn't understand exactly what he was trying to say. So maybe this after noon after work, I can get him to explain it better, and maybe he can call the All American canner company and find out what is going on.


Thank heavens for neighbors who are good with mechanical things...


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We have to have the customer remove the gauge before we test them. They use a certain sized wrench, metric, I think.

They are on differently and also the dome of the canner lid prevents us from being able to test them on the canner. They bend our stem on the test unit.

Hope you get it tested, Barry.

Since this is a new canner, you really don't even have to rely on the dial. Just use it as a weighted gauge canner. That is all you would need. It comes with both type of gauges on the canner.


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That's true Violet, but hopefully he can still get the dial screwed on properly. I would think that if it's not screwed on properly, it might allow steam to escape and prohibit pressure building...yanno what I mean?

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