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Our Trip to and back from Texas


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I am going to post a day by day account of our trip. smile Yes, there will be a few pictures too. smile



Day one, Monday, May 26, 2008


Snowmom was up early to take her Fosamax and walk her 30 + minutes, then the loading started. smile We made some sandwiches to eat the first and second day out for lunch. We had a cooler that we put ice in and the sandwiches and such.


It is about 11:00 when we at last pulled out of the yard, but, that is ok, as we had really planned to go on Tuesday. Then figured it would be a very long drive for us older people. smile


Maybe I should have started out on Friday, with this information, as we had gone to Fargo for an appointment for me. We brought the boys home with us and so we didn't have to get them from their Dad's.


Now on with the story. smile


It was really sad as Minnie thought she was going to be going with us, she was so excited and headed for the door when we were all taking things to the van. frown Poor dog, she was really disappointed when she didn't get to go with us. But, this won't happen again. frown


At 1:54, we entered South Dakota, where we stopped at the information center, but, of course, we had stopped at least 2 times before this. smile I took over the driving for the next 45 miles. When we got to Watertown, we stopped for gas, this was about 3:20.


We all had a snack as we had apples, crackers and of course some candy with us to snack on. smile We had left the bananas on the counter. frown


We stopped again just south of Brookings and by this time the sun is out but, it is still cool. When we had left home, it was 54º


We ate in Sioux Falls, S.D. and then spent the night in Sioux City, IA. This was the worse KFC we had ever eaten at and we won't do it again.


Sorry, no pictures yet.








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Day two, Tuesday, May 27, 2008


We/I am up by 6:00 and showered, then go down for breakfast and back in the room by about 7:50. I hadn't slept the best as we had tried to call our neighbor who was watching Minnie, and no answer. frown Yes, I was concerned about Minnie, as we had never left her like this before.


It is about 8:15 when we leave the motel and the temp was about 50º, so not a hot day, well not that early at least. smile


We stopped about 1/2 way between Sioux City and Omaha at a rest area. Then for gas east of Lincoln.


Once again, we had lunch in the van, but, at least we were stopped today at a rest area. smile


At 4:40, we stopped for gas, as we were getting low, and didn't want to be on the turn pike and run out. It was getting time to eat when we were on the turn pike and the only place to eat at the center was a McDonald's, so we ate there and did a bit of walking around. We ate there as we figured it would be a long way to Oklahoma City and we were unsure of what was between. It had been several years since we had been down there.


We spent the night in Oklahoma City, the room had a micro wave and the boys had pop corn before going to bed. smile


No pictures yet. frown










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Wed., May 28, 2008


We are up and on the road by 9:00 this morning or maybe a bit before 9. We had breakfast at the motel. They had a waffle machine so we all had a waffle as well as juice and something else. smile


We stopped for gas about 10:20 in Ardmore, OK. and headed on south. smile We stopped at the information center in Texas, for close to 45 minutes and got some information and a new map. Then off we went, heading for our DD's place.












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Thursday, May 29, 2008


We all slept in as we were at our daughters place. But, we didn't sleep to late as we were going to go to Riply's Believe it or Not today. By the time we got there, it was lunch time and we had made sandwiches to eat before going in. Then grandpa took some pictures of the boys which will follow. smile


They had added several things since the last time we had been there, so it was interesting. They have a mirror maze and that was really something, we were in that close to 45 minutes just trying to find our way out the exit.


Then back to our daughters and we ordered in for dinner. It was just to hot to go out again. I think it was around 96º that day. frown














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Day 5, Friday, May 30, 2008


We are all up early and showed and dressed and heading for Cleveland to our son's home. This is a new place for them, as they had just bought it and are still moving in. Pictures will follow. smile

It took us a lot longer to get there than what our daughter thought it would, but, we were doing closer to the speed limit than most of the others on the road. People were just going past us like we were standing still, so that is why she usually makes it down there faster. smile


We stopped at a Denny's for lunch and got gas one time on the way down. We made a few other stops too, and one was needed for Old Pine to wake up, as he was really getting tired. frown I would NOT drive in this kind of traffic at all.


I think we got there around 5:00 and Jerry was mowing so stopped, of course and came to the van. We all got hugs. smile


Jerry's wife was at work and got home later so had a visit with Jerry and saw the house before she got home. They are living in the home, but, they are not all moved in. They had boxes all over the place and this is what I spent time doing the days we were down there while they did other things. smile


The house hadn't been lived in for a couple years I guess and it was really in need of a good cleaning. They had done the carpets and replaced the refrigerator in the house and had done a lot of work on the guest house, or pool house, whichever you want to call it. smile This is where Old Pine and I slept. It is a nice large room with a kitchen and a bath of its own. They had painted it as well as cleaned the carpet, so they had been really busy. They had just closed the week before and with both of them working, it was really hard.


We all went to Morgan's graduation party and then our DD stayed there and we followed Jerry and his wife back to their place.









Just a few of the things she got for graduation. Most of her gifts were money.







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Saturday, May 31, 2008


Everyone is up and had breakfast, and visited a while. About 2:00 we left for the graduation site, which was in Houston, with 1,200 kids graduating, this was going to be a long day. It was really hot out too, not sure, but, had to be 95º at least. The stadium was packed too.


We did get a picture of our granddaughter heading up to get her diploma, but, no one could be on the floor while the ceremony was going on.


It was close to 8:30 when we got home and then we ate dinner. It was after 11:00 PM when we all went to bed. It was a long, hot day.




The stadium was packed full and people standing.




The middle girl is our granddaughter.




Here is a picture of the way all of the stadium was. Morgan's other grandparents, mother and our daughter are in this picture.


This is one of the two pictures we got of Jerry and Nancy together while we were there. Our oldest two children. smile











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Sunday, June 1, 2008


I didn't take notes like I had been so all I have is:


The kids enjoyed the pool and we had pork chops on the grill for dinner. We all played a game for a while after dinner, Scene It, I think is the name of the game. There were 5 on each of the two teams, and I knew none of the movies, we don't see many movies unless they are on tape or CD's.


It was around 7:30 when we stopped the game as the kids had to go back to their moms. Old Pine and I got in the pool with the two boys, for a while, he swims, I don't, but, I do enjoy the water sometimes. smile We were still in when Jerry and the others got back, but, didn't stay in much longer, as it was getting dark out.


I think we stayed up until close to 11:00 again, but, dil had to be at work, so she did go to bed before we did.


Sometime today, Jerry and Kris gave me a package for Mother's Day, late, yes, but it was nice. I haven't take a picture of it yet, so will add it when I get a picture taken. smile










Most of the pool pictures were taken at night.






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Monday, June 2, 2008


I was up early and took my Fosamax and Jerry, Brandon and I walked 2 /2 miles. smile


The kids were in the pool at least 3 times that day. Old Pine and I left for a while and the boys stayed with DDIL's son. We went in to Cleveland and to Wal-Mart.


I started doing some cleaning for Kris and got some of the kitchen things put away. Then everyone was in the pool again. smile


Jerry had taken Monday and Tuesday off to be with us. smile


Man, he was really having problems, they had gotten a new dryer and it didn't work, so he took it back and they gave him his money back. He then went to a different place, bought a different dryer and it didn't work, so not sure what the problem is. Has to be in the wiring or something.


His lawn mower hit the dust too, and it would cost almost as much to fix it as to get a new one, so he did get a new one.


He and Old Pine went to buy some posts and they started putting up a clothes line for Kris. This is going to really be nice for them. smile




Here are a few pictures of the inside of the house. Remember, they haven't settled in yet, and are working on getting things put away. The cups are on the counter so we will know who has what cup and we didn't use any glass glasses.








The pool without anyone in it. smile




The outside of the house, but, it is a bit blurry.




The guest house and garage.












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Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Old Pine and I slept in today, it was almost 8 when we got up. Jerry had made eggs and toast for the two boys before we got in the house. We ate breakfast and did some more cleaning and then had lunch. The kids had been in the pool for a while in the morning again.


Kris had told me I couldn't work today, but, I did, I had to get the rest of the kitchen things put away.


I made Burettes for dinner and had them done by the time Kris got home and she was able to relax and not have to fix dinner herself. smile We had hot dogs for those who didn't want the Burettes.


Of course the kids were in the pool again before going to bed.










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Wednesday, June 4, 2008


We were up and left Jerry's about 7:48. Jerry had gone to work around 3:30 or 4:00, but, Kris was still there. We got ready and hugs all around and I had woke up the two teens in the house to say by to them too. smile


Just before we left, Kris took me into the living room and said this is your Mother's Day gift. I was so shocked, it was a big, beautiful cedar chess. I have never had one before and Jerry knew it and had it made for me. Like I said, I was really shocked since they had given me something the other day. Of course, we couldn't get it in the van, as we had it all packed, so it is still in Texas. They may be up next month and will bring it if they come.


I really wished we could have been there a few more days, they had so much to do and no time to get it done. They still have some of their things at the other house and are having to get a little each time they go there. It has to be so hard for them. frown


We had lunch the same place we had eaten on the way down on Friday. It was cloudy but, it didn't rain at all while we were down there.


It was about 2:00 when we got to our daughters.







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Thursday, June 5, 2008


Everyone was up and showered and had breakfast and we left for The Dallas World Aquarium, we had seen part of the rain forest and then had lunch there. It was so good. smile After we had lunch, we saw the aquarium part and it was good too.. They were feeding some of the fish while we were there.


Of course we had to go through the gift shop and the boys each bought something to bring home. I think it was close to 5:00 when we got back to Nancy's place.


We were all tired and ready for bed by 9:30, as we had to wash and pack clothes yet and get ready for taking off for home in the morning.


We forgot to take a camera, so there are no pictures with this one. frown








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Friday, June 6, 2008


We were up at 6:00 and we left Nancy's around 9:00.


Old Pine, our daughter, and me.




The boys with their aunt, our daughter.




By 9:45 we needed to stop for a break.


When we stopped at a visitor center someplace I saw a name that really caught me, it was the same name as one of my cousins. Then, when I was talking to one of the ladies there, she told me her maiden name is the same as mine. What a small world. smile Have no idea if we are related or not, but, I'm sure someplace back several generations, we are related. smile


We ate at a Denny's in a small town in Oklahoma and it was not as good as the others we had eaten at. Two of us had ordered a BLT, one without the mayo and tomato, but, got the tomato anyway, but, there was only 1 slice of tomato on each of the sandwiches. One leaf of lettuce and maybe 2 pieces of bacon. One had ordered spicy fries and got the regular ones so had to ask for them again. Could have been a new server, but, that still wasn't any excuse for some of this. I know we won't ever stop there again. That was only part of what happened.


By 12:36 we are on the road again. We got just a bit of rain for a while now, but, it didn't last long, maybe 5 - 10 minutes.


3:21, we entered the turn pike in Kansas and stopped at the visitor center where again something was bought by all and then on the way again.


We spent the night in Salina, Kansas.


Now, while we were driving, we had gotten a call from the boys dad telling us about a tornado that had gone through in our area. I called my sister and she filled me in on what she knew. Yes, there were three or more tornadoes, one was a turkey farm a short distance from our town and another one was in the town we shop in mostly. The third one was north of that town. There was a lot of damage done and one of my nephews was setting in his car when it took trees down right in front of him.
















I will add some pictures when I get them resized.


We were able to see some of the damage on the computer at the motel.


We ate at the Western Sizzlen in Salina, and it was sooooooo good. smile


The boys wanted to go swimming, but, it was so late and we knew we had to be up early in the morning again.







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Saturday, June 7, 2008


Up and ready to leave the motel by 8:55.


We are going to the zoo, and the lady at the motel gave us a 10% off coupon for the zoo.


It was so good, the temp was hot, but, there was a breeze which helped. We were early and that helped too. We left the zoo at 11:15 and headed north.


At this time we had been 2 hours ahead, but, with the zoo, that put us a bit behind, but, that is fine, we will still make it to Sioux Falls for the night.


We ate lunch in Concordia, KS and headed on. The boys were watching movies on a lap top, and that keep them busy. smile


We went through Omaha and on to Sioux City, where we ate. Then we went on to Sioux Falls for the night. It was about 9:30 by the time we got into the room and settled down.









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Sunday, June 8, 2008



It was not a good night, as there were a bunch of kids using the next door parking lot as a race track and a gathering place. It had to be after 11:30 when I got to sleep. frown


We left the motel after eating breakfast about 9:30. The boys were playing in the back and we had a book on tape in. We all like to listen to them, so the boys were listening also.


We had lunch at Arby's in Watertown.


We are about 110 miles south of Fargo and we turned the A/C off in the van. It was cooling down. Then it got cooler outside. The temp was in the high 50's, a change from the 90's we had been in the past several days.


We are in Fargo at 2:50, we stayed at our DS's and DDIL's for a while, ate an early dinner and left for home.


We got home at 6:25 and it is about 60º or so.


We did get into a lot of construction, but, it didn't really hold us up for long, all they did was slow the traffic, we didn't have to stop for any amount of time like they use to do.


We are home, and Minnie was so excited to see us. She will not be put through this again, next time, if there is an next time, we will have to take her with us. The neighbor was to be taking care of her, but, I don't think they did the job like they should have. frown Both her plate which holds the moist dog food and the bowl that we put dry food in were empty and her water dish was getting low. I gave her some dry food and she just gobbled it up, then I put in more and she started eating that too, then we gave her some moist food and she at it all, and she drank water after I put clean water down. So, from this, I don't think they kept her fed well at all. frown







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Snowmom, in spite of the ups and downs on your trip, it sounded like you had a great time. So glad you made it.

Sorry that Minnie wasn't cared for as she should have been.

Now, you can rest from your vacation.

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Glad you read this and posted. smile


I'm just concerned about Minnie and now she is very very sick, she has not eaten anything at all since Thursday. She didn't drink anything at all Friday and we did take her to the vet. They sent her home with, an IV, 2 kinds of pills and over $100.00 bill. She is not eating yet, and she is not at all a happy dog like she use to be. frown


We had company over the weekend so I am still waiting to get rested up. winksmile


We will have the two boys with us for most of the summer this year. So, you know I will be getting lots of rest. HA Ha ha. smile



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thnaks for sharing your family and trip with us it was a great read and loved all the pictures of all of you hope minnie gets feeling better soon and you get that rest you need as well as enjoying the boys

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Thank you all for looking at our trip. smile


I'm so sorry that we missed seeing some of you who were gone while we were in your area. smile


I'm sort of surprised no one asked about the thing that Sean has on his leg. He had jumped off a slide and has 3 toes that have broken bones in them. He has to wear this brace until it breaks I guess.


I don't think he will be doing any jumping off slides from now on. smile


Marie, I have gone on so many trips just on paper. smile Just wish we had the money and time and way to do all the trips I have thought about. smile


You are all welcome, I was happy to share our trip. smile



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what a wonderful journal smile

it's so funny that ya'll took about the same route we did- we stayed in Oklahoma City, Salina AND Sioux Falls :lol:

We didn't have partyers to contend with in Sioux Falls, but we got in after dark, and kept thinking "it sure smells bad around here".

when we got up the next morning and drove out, we noticed the hotel was directly across the highway from a HUGE chicken processing plant ewww


we also missed all the 'exciting' weather... twister


so glad ya'll make it through safely- how's Minnie today?

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LunaMother, we stayed at all Super 8 motels. That is really something, man, we might have met, if we had known each other. smile Only you were there probably different days. smile


Oh, Minnie is doing much better, she is not eating like she use to, but, if she had/has a sore throat, she probably won't eat to much for a while. Thanks for asking. smile


Minnie has been going in and out on her own, for the past few days now. It was really hard on me to carry her in all those times I did. She isn't that heavy, but, with my asthma and all, it was a bit hard for me. We did find out she could lose a couple pounds though. Opps, guess we need to be more careful of what we feed her from the table. smile


As for the storms, I am so thankful our place is ok. It hit one of my nephews trees and he was there at the time, and saw the tornado happening. frown


Glad you had a good trip too. smile


Guess we all need to check out the surrounding when we stop for the nights. winksmile


If you get a chance to go to the zoo in Salina, be sure to go. That is really a good one. smile We all enjoyed it so much. smile



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what a hoot- we had a Days Inn Theme, ourselves rofl


I'm glad Minnie's feeling better.

These are for her- tell her not to eat them... bouquet



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Thank you for sharing your trip, Snowmom. How wonderful to see you and Oldpine, and your grandsons are cuties! I did wonder what was on your grandson's leg.

I'm sorry that Minnie is unwell. Hope she gets better soon.


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