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Detox diet?


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anyone have any reccomendations?


I figured out I'm allergic to soy about 2 months ago, and have been slowly feeling better and better as I avoid eating any soy. I was told a good detox diet would hurry up the process of getting all the residual nastiness from the allergy out of me, which sounds like a good plan.


But what is a good detox diet? I would really prefer one with no chemicals and just food I can get from the grocery store. Does anyone have a Detox diet they can recommend?

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Drink LOTS of water (make it your only beverage), eat only raw fruits and veg for the first two weeks, then let 80% of your diet be fruits and veg (raw or cooked). Avoid all food additives, preservatives, sugar and eat everything organic. Avoid all products with synthetics such as your soaps, lotions, other toiletries, etc. If you wouldn't eat it, don't put it on your skin. Dr. Bronner's castile soap has all edible ingredients....use that for hair and body. Get rid of all cleaning products that have chemicals / synthetics. Be careful of even "health food store" brands. Use natural products. Drink aloe vera juice twice a day, following instructions on bottle. Make sure you take your vitamins, and take extra vitamin C. When you wake up in the morning, you can squeeze the juice of a fresh organic lemon into a glass of water and drink it up. Take a brisk walk every day for at least 30 min.


These are the most natural ways to detox your body. If you can get your hands on the book Nutritional Healing, there will be more advice.


God Bless bighug

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In my opinion and experience, the best detoxification diets in the world are coupled with a vegetable diet and colon cleanse.


Dr. Natura ( www.drnatura.com )has a great cleansing program - 3 months of fiber, cleansing, and tea does wonders for your gut. Also, colon hydrotherapy is a big thing that works miracles.


Natural Healing is a great book, but it doesn't mention the discipline it takes to do a fasting cleanse then slowly incorporate other things into your diet. It is very, very difficult.


Blessings & good luck




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I love apple cider vinegar. Drink it (some people add a teeny tiny bit of baking soda to it to aid in digestion) a little at a time mixed with water. It's good for sinus infections, detoxing, weight loss (with proper diet and exercise, of course. I find that it speeds up my metabolism - I feel hot after drinking it)


Since soy destroys your thyroid, I'd add some thyroid support as well. Shell fish if you can tolerate it and like it, or sea kelp. Soy affects your reproductive organs as well. Not good stuff. I've been vege for 28 years, and used to eat soy for about a year when DH stopped eating meat in our early years... I never felt worse. After finding out how HORRIBLE it is for you, I'm shocked that more people haven't stopped eating it. I've heard some rumblings that they are going to start requiring a warning on soy formulas.


Here's some on ACV - I just scanned it briefly, but looks good. There's a very elderly man around here that sells what he calls "George Gersham's Miracle ACV" - which is honey, ACV and filtered water. He swears it is what helps him live so long. He's old and looks great. Who knows what it really is. He's also a beekeeper - which is associated with long life.




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