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Ear is ringing


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I kept wondering, "What IS that noise?" Looked all through the house to see if some electronic gadget was left on. Finally realized my ear is ringing. A good nights sleep didn't help. Sounds like morse code..... and that was one test I never passed, but I did try, so I'm not getting the message...



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E.T. is giving you instructions on where to go to be beamed up. shame you don't understand the code. laugh


Actually Ear ringing is medically called tinnitus. Buzzing, roaring, and pulsitile sounds are sometimes perceived when no sound is present in persons with tinnitus.


Tinnitus can arise in any of the four sections of the ear: the outer ear, the middle ear, the inner ear, and the brain. Tinnitus is often accompanied by hearing loss.


Some causes are:

# Ear infection

# Fluid in the ears

# Medications (both Prescription and Non-prescription, notably aspirin and other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

# Aging (Presbycusis)

# Ear trauma (such as from the noise of planes, firearms, or loud music)


If it continues for any extended length of time you might talk to your doctor about it.


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Have not been around loud noises unless a teething baby counts as a loud noise...



Not on any meds....



Fluid.... possibly



Aging.....Not me lalala



Judging by the nagging headache I'm drumming up, and the occasional aching in my ear, feels more and more as the day goes on like an ear infection



Thanks everyone!

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This happens to me whenever I'm having some sinus congestion. I was told by an ENT not to take the antihistimine products that 'dry' you out unless you have the runny nose/allergy. She said many people dry themselves out and cause their inner ear to get so dry that it can cause the ringing.


So, I take a decongestant if I need it, but try to avoid the antihistimine types unless I'm sneezing my head off.



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