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Caution: When Elevating The Bed Make Sure You Warn Your Spouse


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lol, this isn't really funny but I can't stop giggling.


I elevated our bed the other day (for more storage, you know). Well, actually, it also played into my Princess Complex since I get to survey my kingdom from up high and all that, lol.


Dh saw it and didn't have much to say one way or the other. (He is used to my idiosyncracies, lol.)


Until the next morning when he went to jump out of bed.




onto the floor.


He had a lot to say about it then! :24:






Poor guy. He took quite a tumble.


Moral of the story is to have your spouse try it out a few times before you let them sleep in it.

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Ummm... serendipity?



Knocking him out, breaking a leg, or otherwise incapacitating him will NOT help the snoring problem...



:shrug: I'm just sayin'....








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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh Sere, I'm laughing with you, not at you. :24:


This brings up a story...


My grandpa had to do this for heart problems. He raised the head of the bed just a few inches. Not the WHOLE bed, mind you, just the head. You can't really notice it when the bed's made...or so he said.


I should also state that he had this very annoying habit of untucking EVERY blanket and sheet on the bed to Gramma's chagrin.


So, the story goes that after a long day of canning, Gramma didn't sit on the edge of the bed like she usually did to lotion her feet and hands. Instead, with a great sigh, she hops in quickly and pulls the covers to her chin and stretches out and slowly... slooowly without understanding why, her whole body begins to inch her way towards the foot of the bed...pretty soon she's taking the blankets with her...and before she realizes what's happening she's in a heap at the end of the bed...then ON THE FLOOR, on her knees with the covers around her.


Her wry wit, "Well. Thanks for reminding me I didn't say my prayers. Now, get me the hell up!"


Grandpa was laughing so hard he just about joined her.


That night, before they slept, the risers were removed...the bed was flat.

He increased it a 1/2 inch at a time...over the course of a few weeks.


We had many a good laugh at that over the next few weeks. :008Laughing:

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