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We are at level 5


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Sure we have tamiflu and one other anti-viral that works now. But, if it becomes immune to it, then we have nothing to treat it with, just like the 1918 flu.



My DH (physician) has never been a fan of anti-virals because they generally only reduce the duration of the flu by 24 hours and only if the medication is started ASAP - and the meds are expensive. His other worry was that the anti-virals would cause viral resistance, just like antibiotics. Well, not all M.D.'s have felt the same way. Well, few weeks ago DH mentioned that nation wide they are starting to see viral immunity to Tamiflu. This is especially not good in our community because the urgent care clinic here has been contributing for years to drug resistant buggies by prescribing antibiotics and anti-virals like candy (they are notorious for prescribing antibiotics for non-existent ear infections) and now we have a decent crop of community acquired MRSA along with lots of antibiotic, and now anti-viral, resistance. Not good in light of the current situation.


(That urgent care makes me so, so angry. For the sake of profit and patient satisfaction they are endangering the health of my children. If I ever have the chance to meet the head physician at that practice I'd probably be forced to .... oh, I don't know. What could I do and not get arrested for assault and battery?)

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Cat, start wearing gloves to church! we used to way back when! hats, gloves, pretty dresses... "Sunday Best"


even the disposal white cotton gloves! then take them off after church, put in plastic ziplock bag, throw in bleach water!


I do not shake hands, I smile and nod. Shaking hands is an old custom showing that you did not have a sword in your hand so some such nonsense!


I prefer the asian method of greeting, a slight bow and no touching.... hence my smile and nod.


ok, here is my thoughts on handshaking...


drop your purse when it comes time to shake hands! LOL! make sure it is an old purse cause at church, you may need to shake lots of hands!


seriously, Cat, wear gloves and tell others why you are not shaking hands any longer.


"I am sorry, I can't shake your hand because I have been exposed to the swine flu and don't want to risk your life. I am here because our Pastor said "the lord will protect us" and after having prayed over this the Lord told me to attend church, wear gloves, and not shake hands"


it is just a little white lie... I am sure God understands.

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I dunno...this has the feel of a manipulated crisis. Just not sure who is doing the manipulating. I mean, WHO says level 5~! but only counts a total of 7 dead? What's up with that? So far in the US, there is only 1 death confirmed, a toddler from Mexico visiting family in Houston TX.


Keep in mind in a normal flu season, the seasonal flu & flu/pneumonia (this is how it is totaled at CDC) accounts for 20,000-40,000 deaths on average in the USA alone. And everyone is getting bent outta shape now over less than 200 possible deaths?


Please bear in mind Rahm's statement of "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

:( Bearing in mind Rahm's "crisis" - I have wondered if they will not use this event to FORCE health care down our throats! UK last night said it will not give life saving meds to seniors who are gravely ill (rationing), friend from Vancouver Island just came through couldn't get an MRI for EIGHT months! Same for cat scan - we need to be on high alert with all this, not just for the flu itself, but for what "they" are going to use it for.

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