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Terrific Tuesday


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Good morning ladies :bouquet:


It is sunny and already 51. We have a high of 71 today with more wonderful sun. The rain is scheduled to come in tomorrow evening, I hope it will hold off so dh can cut the lawn before we leave.


Not to much going on today. The kids and I are going to visit my sisters, parents and neice this morning and hopefully be home early enough that I can take care of a few things. I need to make banana muffins and molasse cookies today so we can take them for the drive (& dd isn't sleeping well again so I think she might be low on iron, again). I'm also hoping to do the bulk of the laundry today so I can basically back and do odds and ends tomorrow since DH will have my car so the oil can be changed and they can do a once over on the truck.


So, what is going on with everyone today?


I need to go :clothesline:


Have a wonderful day!


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Good morning Jori and everyone else who follows. I am up earlier than I wanted to be this morning, thanks to the puppies. I have one puppy that I have to deliver today to his new owner. I"m meeting the buyer at the half way point so it's not so rough on either one of us.


Other than the road trip, I have no idea what else I'll get into today.


I hope you all have a wonderful day today.

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Good morning Jori and everyone else who follows. I am up earlier than I wanted to be this morning, thanks to the puppies. I have one puppy that I have to deliver today to his new owner. I"m meeting the buyer at the half way point so it's not so rough on either one of us.


Other than the road trip, I have no idea what else I'll get into today.


I hope you all have a wonderful day today.


What kind of pups? Have a good trip!

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Have a good trip, LivinSimple.


It is cloudy and chance of rain here today and according to the Weather Bug it is 49º with our high to reach 65º, it was up to 73º at the house yesterday. :) I did hang out two loads of laundry yesterday and had planned to do more today.


I need to get the dishes caught up again as I don't do them at night most nights. I also need to get some other things done around here.


I did get more sleep last night than I have been getting, but, will still need a nap this afternoon. :)


I need to get moving and :feedme: . :)




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Good morning Jori, Livin and others :wave:


It's a beautiful sunny morning and already 57 degrees but it's to turn to rain and be that way for the rest of the week. That can't even dampen my spirits. I actually have a free day to do exactly as I please. I would like to work outside but just being home will be wonderful!!!


You all have a great day and find something to chuckle over today, it'll make you feel so good inside!!!



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Good Afternoon everyone!

I would be happy to take some of that rain off your hands! It is 89 now and supposed to be 96 Thursday. :o Not much going on with me today. Sometimes I hesitate to post, but I know I will have plenty going on after this period of waiting and later in the summer. Less than a week from now the waiting will be done and we will be on the road. I am trying to enjoy the down time, just antsy. Puppies are walked and DH is napped. Still having crockpot Beef stew from Monday ( the last day of that thank goodness).


Snowmom-I hope you get some rest! I have been having trouble sleeping as it is still over 80 degrees when I go to bed around 11. Yuk! Hope it is cooler in CO!


Jori- Have fun making cookies and muffins

and Livin Simple - what kind of puppy are you delivering today? I love puppy pictures!

Dee- I hope your Aunt is doing better and have a good day just being at home.


Thanks for sharing :) everyone! Mik

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Today I just hung around and played on the computer. At least today the right half of my head isn't hurting and the jaw and neck pain is almost gone also. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to at least get some laundry folded. I've been eating soup for two days and hubby's been eating leftovers lol so I guess tomorrow I'll have to cook something lol It actually stopped raining most of the day! But started back up again by 3pm. We've done gotten over 3 1/2 inches so far, and I can't plant anything until probably sunday *sigh*


Hope everyone stays safe and healthy

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Today I just hung around and played on the computer. At least today the right half of my head isn't hurting and the jaw and neck pain is almost gone also. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to at least get some laundry folded. I've been eating soup for two days and hubby's been eating leftovers lol so I guess tomorrow I'll have to cook something lol It actually stopped raining most of the day! But started back up again by 3pm. We've done gotten over 3 1/2 inches so far, and I can't plant anything until probably sunday *sigh*


Hope everyone stays safe and healthy



I'll be waving to you either Thursday or Friday as we come through WV in route to Western Maryland.

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Hey everyone. I did the puppy run and did a bit of stocking up on prep items. Oh, the puppies are Pug puppies. I have one left to go to her new home next week.


I am completely beat and I still have things to put away. I hope you all have a great evening.

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