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Easiest Wart Removal EVER!

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I was on another message board and read this idea. My DS (6yo) has had a wart for at least 2+ years on his elbow. We've tried mullein and freezing it off, but neither worked. Poor kid, the freezing it off hurt him so bad and he cried so hard the times we did it with one of those Dr. Scholl's kits. :( So, here's how we finally got rid of that darn wart...without pain!


I bought some Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar and soaked a guaze pad with it, then taped it to my DS's elbow where the wart was. I did this at night, just before bed. We left the guaze taped to his elbow until the next night. By morning, the vinegar smell was gone, so wearing it to school was no big deal. The next night, we took off the old one and put on a new one. We only did this for FOUR nights. The first night, the wart started to turn black, but by the fourth night, it was black with gray forming on the edges. After the four days, we just let it be. There was a small hole in the middle of the wart, I think that's where there is supposed to be a "seed" or something? About 3 days later, the black had come off and the wart was about 1/4 the original size. It's been about a month, now, and the wart is like a smooth little pin-sized bump. I think it will probably go away on its own now, but if it's not gone within a month, I'll do the ACV on guaze for a few more nights. It started off really big, close to the size of a pencil eraser and sticking out almost as far. It hurt him to lean on his elbow and it was just a pain in the rear.


Hopefully this can help someone avoid the unnatural pain of freezing off a wart, and for so much cheaper!!



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A small piece of duct tape is supposed to do the same.


Way to go... glad it did the trick!!!





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As long as it is apple cider vinegar (the dark kind), it should all be the same.







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I was told a while back that if you cannot see any sediment in the bottom of the bottle, it is white vinegar with caramel color added. I have seen it sold like that in grocery stores. I don't know if white vinegar would work or not. I do know that Braggs is the real thing.

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