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name the 10 errors of *jericho*


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Now that we are armed with DVRs, its really hard for these mistakes to be overlooked. I love finding mistakes. I was almost a mother on Trading Spouses, i signed the beginning contracts, we had people come to our house to film, question and observe, then the show was taken off the air. But before we heard final word, i was recording the show and picking it apart. What i found out was the show was not as it seemed, it was a mess of edits and the producers made the show what they wanted it to be, they literally put words in the families mouths. We had pretty much decided to say no, we do not want to be on the show. The last thing i wanted was for any member of my family to be made to look bad or stupid. If you see reruns of this show, tape it and pick it apart, you'll see just how obviously crazy edited it is and how easy they get away with it. Example, on many confrontations and arguments, the couples will change clothes from shot to shot. But its funny how you dont catch it when its first run...

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Those aren't what I classify as mistakes--those are mostly continuity glitches inherent in the way TV gets filmed. The 'mistakes' I think of most are the Produce stand in the beginning with out of season produce on the farm. Kansas doesn't look like that--anywhere! The BAttle of the Low Ground (tactical mistake in the final series episode). Those are the ones that I can recall still.

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To me, a Jericho mistake ( and I loved the show, BTW) was at the beggining, when they had a big community cookout to use up all the defrosting meat. I mean, come on!!! It's Kansas!! There should have been LOTS of ladies that knew how to can up all that meat!!!

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The one that I noticed was when they fired a mortar round they had taken from the other town out of the tank cannon tube. It just doesn't work that way. Totally different types of mun itions. But as I told my kids when they were small and spotted stuff like this "It's Hollywood!!"

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LOL I remember saying to my husband during the cookout scene that it was stupid to eat up all the meat, they should can it!!


We didn't watch this when it was on TV--we rented the DVDs through netflix and watched them that way. I felt it got away from showing how to survive and turned into a soap opera also--but after living past age 50, I completely understand that life IS a soap opera, LOL So....

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The one thing I wondered about was would plastic and duct tape really protect you or your home from radiation fall out? I did like the show (I just finished watching the last episode last night on Joost.com), but it seemed like they could have done SO much more on how to survive besides just eating sprouts all the time and the last episodes were so rushed, they needed more... Maybe we all need to work together to write a TV series?

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