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Today is Friday!


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Good Morning Ladies!---In the last two days I have put eight camera items ( lenses, light meters, flash unit, etc.) on e-bay. That is a great sense of accomplishment! The money is dedicated for preps. (Pressure Canner, sewing machine, and bicycle.) Today, aside from checking e-bay a couple of thousand times, I am making Violets Carrot Cake Jam. I hope all of you have a great weekend!--I keep looking around the little trailer trying to find something else to put on e-bay!

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Good morning Miki & everyone else who follows, :bouquet:


I was thinking about trying to have a garage sale, in my spare time. :24::24::24: Ebay might be the way to go, though.


So, I had a slight "oh no" moment this morning when I realized peaches and plums will be finishing up this week and I still have to do both. Plums are started, jam and 2 pints of sliced. So, it's going to be a busy weekend because I already had planned to do more grape juice and corn & we have a wedding tomorrow, too.


I'm in a little bit of shock with my MIL. She told me on Monday that she was burned out on canning and hadn't done ANY this year!!!! My jaw nearly hit the floor when she told me. They do have alot but not enough to get them through if it's a long, hard winter. Or if next year is a bad growing season. My main concern is I'm doing as much as I can with 2 toddlers and little help. My mom isn't able to can anymore due to her health so my parents are the concern before my in-laws (I know that is awful but seriously put up a few things).


So thanks for letting me vent. It looks like our skies might be clearing up after what seems like a week of rain. I'm hoping the garden isn't done for. Between the rain this last week and the drop in temperature, I think a high in the 60's today, it looks like getting anymore produce out of it might be a losing battle.


Have a wonderful day!

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GOODMORNING4DOGS.gif to you two and everyone else who comes in. :)


It is a cool day here in Minnesota, we had 61º about an hour ago, and it is cloudy as well as when I let Minnie outside, it was misting.


Not sure what all I will get done today. I hung out a load of :clothesline: yesterday and two loads on Wednesday.


I added things to the turn table that Oldpine got up Wednesday night yesterday too, so will see just what I can do today. :) If you haven't checked it out, you should look at the work we have been doing, it is posted in the Sunporch. :)


I've spent a lot of time on the computer these past several days too, as I am now a memeber of facebook. There is so much to check out in there. Is there anyone else in here who is on facebook??


I really need to get something done around here, so,




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Is there anyone else in here who is on facebook??


Yep. I use it to keep in contact with old friends-- I actually found some friends I haven't seen or heard from since middle-school! It's real nice to have a simple way to send quick notes to people, if you wish, or to play Mafia Wars in down time with college roommates and high school choir buddies. There is a lot of nonsense, too, but that's what you get for dealing with humanity. If you'd like, PM me, and I'll give you my name so you can friend me (and I'll friend ya back). It's always nice to have those sorts of connections (through FB I was able to connect a celloist roommate with a pro-celloist I currently know for some advice)-- Facebook is excellent for networking. My only advice is-- don't put too much info in your profile, because folks have had their Facebook accounts used against them.

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I'm on facebook too, just to keep in contact with some of my family.


It was 114º today here in the desert, they say we should get some rain this weekend. This morning the birds were anxious for their food and dropped to the ground before I had finished walking away. The cotton fields were crop dusted yesterday, leaving me with the sneezes today. **algeries** I spent the day working over financial reports & tax documents. Took a little time to research some things and found most of the answers I was looking for. Copies saved and printed. I even managed to back up my computer documents. :cele:


It's almost time to lock things up and go home.


I hope you all had a wonderful Friday.

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