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well, how did everyone do on their resolutions last year??? What new resolutions are you making???


Last year mine was to live half a year--get rid of half our stuff, pay off half our bills, spend half as much money--I think I did pretty good--I got rid of WAY over half our stuff--I paid off several bills (not half but enough to be happy about) and i cut our spending way over half--(helped along by my hubby and me quitting smoking --that was expensive!!!))


This year...I want to run a 5K by June and then enter them for the rest of the year--I was doing pretty good on this one until I blew out my knee--but I had surgery and am recovered so no more excuses!!! Running and training will help me loose weight--which I REALLY need to do-- I want to finish paying off some bills--put in the fenced gardens--build the chicken housing and get chickens--and my biggie this year--get off the caffeine !!!


So, what about you?????

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Last year mine was to live half a year--get rid of half our stuff, pay off half our bills, spend half as much money--I think I did pretty good--I got rid of WAY over half our stuff--I paid off several bills (not half but enough to be happy about) and i cut our spending way over half--(helped along by my hubby and me quitting smoking --that was expensive!!!))



Well GOOD for you! what a great savings!

NOW tell everyone that you didn't die by cutting back on all your spending. I hear time and time again from people that say they would cut back on spending but they fear they will be missing out on things?


We didn't and I see you didn't as well!

Enjoy the Freedom.


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If you can think of achievable goals and resolutions, and can put it into 250 words or less in an interesting way, you might have a chance at getting some help. Kim Kommando has a new promotion where they will choose 52 people (one a week) to help with their goals.





**Trying to think of something interesting enough to catch their interest**




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Cut grocery spending back. Keep amount the same but pull $50 out. $15 for clearance clothes for the kids for next year (figure it's a good way to make sure they have pj's, shirts, etc); $15 for long term storage (normally paper products as I don't think about them and DH doesn't stock them like he use to; and the final $20 tucked away in an envelope for unexpected things that "pop" up.


Also, figure out a way to fit a few more raised beds into the backyard, I would really like an herb garden and be able to raise green and yellow beans to supplement what we already can and freeze. And to brush the dust off of the beautiful dehydrator that we picked up for our anniversary and use it.

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In 2010, I worked hard at getting the pantry back up to a 6-month level. That assumes eating at home all the time. :darlenedance: We found out that we can live on much less especially since living in Europe for almost 3 years.


I've got the small freezer inventoried but haven't instituted the meal planning past a few days. I'm part way there, though, because my favorite recipes have been put in plastic covers and added to the 3-ring binder. I use them regularly. :feedme:


I had great success with the cold weather tunnels last spring that DH made me. I ran out of time (another excuse) to get them back into the garden for the Autumn crops.


Dug potatoes out of the garden today!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo::cheer::cele:

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Started decluttering (longgggg way to go,but at least I started). Have emptied the shredder 3 times so far. Took time out to eat supper and then help 3 yr old DGS to put his Thomas the Train tracks together. Now DH has taken over and here I sit at the computer. Will need to sign off and get back to work.

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My goals are to spend more indepth learning time each day or every other day with God learning the things he wants me to know....I am hoping to start that today :)

also, walk or run a 5K - I will join someone in trying to do that by June (sorry, I'm terrible with names!!!!!)


**pay off credit card debt and dh's small loan


I think that is it for now. With the moving I am hoping that I can accomplish those things this year.




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Here is one to put under your calendar so you see it every day:

Don't count the Days - Make the Days count!

We have done this for years and it reminds us every day to make each one special.


Also to save money- whenever you can don't spend money but put it in a special place and you will see how fast it adds up.

Things like:

Don't eat out 1 time when you want to but stay home and cook - put 1/2 of what you would have spent in (other 1/2 paid for home meal)


Order pizza for home - make it yourself and save big time- put of what you would have spent in (the tip is for YOU!)


Don't buy new but find a good one at a thrift shop - put the difference of what you would have spent in


Stop buying books you will read only once and go to the Library instead (Lots of Books!) - put of what you would have spent in and enjoy all the Library has to offer as well as spending time AWAY from the TV.




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