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Wet Wednesday


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Good morning everyone !:wave:


It's raining today so DH and I have decided to go to Ft. Dodge and get some parts for the lawn mower. I'll make a quick stop at Aldi's and I have no idea what else we'll do.


I've been gone and not started anything in the garden nor have I pulled a weed in 3 weeks. I was hoping to work outside but with the rain we'll get our trip to town done today and hopefully in the next day or two I'll get outside to work. I am sooooooooo far behind I doubt I get caught up BUT I'm hoping to give it a try soon.


So, what's going on in your little corner of the world?


Have a great day whatever you're doing! :grouphug:

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From what everyone is saying around here we've had so much rain no watering is required. We need it to dry up so we can get in the gardens.


Because of the cool damp weather we haven't had the spring storms so many others are having. So, we are truly counting our blessings!



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This morning I parked in the flood zone at work. I thought about it as I was getting out of my car but was figured I was on the edge of it. It was raining hard before lunch and I knew that I might have to take my shoes off to get to my car. It would not be the first time.

One parking space to the left and I would not had to walk through water but I did not have to take off my shoes. Some of my coworkers were not so lucky.

After work I went and got gas as it was 3.74 at the station I use and 3.90 at the one across the street. Of course it poured buckets just as I got home.

We are under a tornado watch.

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It is just hot and dry here in southern TX! Humid but no rain at all. 94 degrees in the house. Thank God I have A/C in the bedroom! I've been working on putting together recipes I have printed into a book--actually 3 now--and finished it today. Tomorrow I will work on getting my survival literature into a binder in some kind of order. Also have to wash both dogs tomorrow so i can give them haircuts the next day. Have a great eve everyone! I'm going back to the A/C for a little bit!

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