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February 3 - Winter is half over!

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Well here it is : February 3 - Winter is half over!

I don't think it matters much IF he saw his shadow or not this year with all the weird weather we have been having I just surprised when they got him out he didn't just give up and die! LOL

Here we have no snow on the ground, days are warm and sunny and I am getting a bit worried about things starting to grow in gardens!

This will be one for the record books for sure. And I don't even want to talk about all the rain we are having this winter.


Anybody want to take a guess on what kind of Spring we are going to have?



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It doesn't feel like we've had winter at all. We've had maybe 4 or 5 days of rain the whole time. And many days of 60 and sometimes 70 degree weather. My fear is that winter will come when we are expecting spring to roll in...or we get no rain at all....

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We had our worst weather including 2 snows in December. Unheard of here. Daffodils, purple hyacinths, and some other things are blooming. I am afraid of one of two things: everything will pop out and then we will get clobbered (happened before but not this early in the year) or this will be nice and we will have a horrific summer.

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Well, let me see now. The ground had less than snow on the ground at Christmas than it has now. We might have 4 inches right now.


As for Spring, if we don't get more snow, and we don't get rain, we are all going to be in a WORLD of hurt. There will be a lot of fires up in this area and that is NOT good. :(


We do have time for a lot more snow, so hope we get some. People are complaining about not being able to use their snowmobiles and some are having a hard time, as they plow snow for an income. I have 3 nephews who plow but, 2 of them have other all year jobs. The other one is doing a spring-Fall job. Anyway, it is really a rough winter for a lot of other reasons too. If we were to get a lot of -30 or more degrees, there could be a lot of sewers freeze up. That would not be good.



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Well today I was out helping to finish building the new Sugar House where we help our Amish Friend tap trees and make Maple Syrup every year.

Had plans to start it around the end of Feb. but seeing he plans to start tapping trees now (sap is running) we've got to get it done. Building is up so just putting in the roof vents for the steam and finishing up getting things ready to go. Best time for tapping is when you have warm days and cold night - just like it is here now so why not get a jump on tapping and getting some extra syrup to sell and use.

The only problem we are having is that the ground is not frozen so there is mud everywhere!



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And here winter has bombed down on us like a ton of bricks. Snow, freezing day and night severely, trains that stopped cos the tracks and changes were covered in deep snow, traffic jams with people stuck in cars for nearly half the day already.

It's suddenly and unexpectedly very much winter here and a stern one at that.

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It has just seemed like mid november all winter long or even early spring with no snow much , well a tad here and there...... its sort of frozen.....

Wearing my newly made scarf, which turned out rather pretty, matches my jacket color and jeans....... it was too hot! I had to take it off when I did errands today!


well after last winter I don't mind the break but it sure has cancelled any winter sports and all ice fishing. NO locals could make some extra money plowing driveways and the road crews have mostly only had to sand and plow maybe twice and for only short periods because the snow storms have been so minimal. Incredible.


I was talking to some folks I play a game with on fb, who live in the netherlands, Christy and they were talking about the big skating race. I wished them all good luck on the ice. Its only been cold a week there for ice to form , other than the snow where you are?


And yet, in Siberia and Alaska, they are having serious snow piling up and avalanches and such. Sounds like you are getting some of that in big amounts now Christy. I don't know if the US will get much more. It should have started building up . Just Colorado, Mt Rider, they are getting a two footer right now and things shut down there according to our weather channel reports. Well at least they can have their ski resorts open for business some. Hope Mt Rider is doing ok.


I was at the store and saw all the sleds for kids in the aisle, and thought, nobody bought any and they are just hoping they will , still. Local drug store will take a big hit I think and have to stash them in the back for next year. I came home and ordered my wagon from amazon, lol. I can use it easily as they plow the sidewalks and its been pretty dry, or dries out fast after some rain so the sidewalks are fine for a wagon.


One prep item I really need is that wagon. Going to paint it differently....... everyone will know its MINE, lol. Plus a bike lock while I shop. I walk around town so it will be handy for groceries and taking back recyclables and such.

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