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Conjunctivitis - Fever - Sinus Drainage


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Hi all.


I have 4 y-o twins and they both have been sick this week.


They both have sinus drainage that's making them gag/throw up when they try to eat. One of them also has very seepy eyes (especially her right eye.)


And, they've both had fevers. They were pretty high the other day, but now they are getting to 102 at the highest.


They are in preschool and 11 kids from their class were out the other day with this virus...so it's going around.


My question is this: do any of you have natural 'remedies' that you've used and can suggest? I don't have access to go buy essential oils, or a lot of the homeopathic stuff...so am looking to use things more common in the home (salt, honey, etc.) I do have aloe plants in the garden.


I've been using warm salt water to clean the eyes and a honey/milk mixture to treat them.


For the fever/sinus stuff, I've been using OTC meds...I cannot get one of them to drink tea for anything right now :-(


Thank you!

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Poor babies and momma!


Can/will they do OTC children's allergies medicine, chewable or liquid? DS1, 4, has horrible allergy/sinus problems and that has helped the vomiting from sinus drainage.


I've gone as far as using a dropper and syringe to get fluids into him.


Good luck!

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Make some fresh lemonade or limeade with honey to sweeten and a pinch of ginger. Have them sip it hot, like Russian Tea. This will reduce gagging a lot, and will cut the buildup of gunk on the back of the throat.


Salt water gargles are good.


Boric acid wash is good for the eyes. Grasp the lashes gently and lift the lid away from the eyeball, and drop a little of the wash into the pocket so formed. This will keep the lid from squee-geeing the stuff off the ball before it has a chance to work.


Sponging them down with room-temperature water will cool them without driving the heat inward.


If they have gunk building up in the throat, you should consider holding off on any chocolate or milk until it's gone. As far as I've seen, milk makes the spit thicker.

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Make some fresh lemonade or limeade with honey to sweeten and a pinch of ginger. Have them sip it hot, like Russian Tea. This will reduce gagging a lot, and will cut the buildup of gunk on the back of the throat.


Salt water gargles are good.


Boric acid wash is good for the eyes. Grasp the lashes gently and lift the lid away from the eyeball, and drop a little of the wash into the pocket so formed. This will keep the lid from squee-geeing the stuff off the ball before it has a chance to work.


Sponging them down with room-temperature water will cool them without driving the heat inward.


If they have gunk building up in the throat, you should consider holding off on any chocolate or milk until it's gone. As far as I've seen, milk makes the spit thicker.


Any type of warm drink will help with breaking things up and getting them cleared up.


You should restrict any dairy products. It does make the mucus thicker and that just adds to the problem.

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Can you just buy boric acid in the store?


When I was little, I used to wake up and not be able to open my eyes. They'd be literally crusted shut. I took alot of gently scrubbing with a warm, wet washcloth to get them open. My mom called it "matter in your eyes". She'd make this stuff, using boric acid, and I think boiling water. She'd let it cool and keep it in the fridge. Then she'd put it on a cotton ball and wipe my eyelids with it. It was very soothing.

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Saline nose drops will help and you can flush the eyes with it too.


To one qt of boiled, then cooled, water, put 1 tsp salt and a pinch of baking soda. Keep it capped and pour what you need into a cup. This will not sting like water does.


Cod liver oil (unflavored) is good to put in the eyes at bedtime after washing them. It does not sting. I use the pearls and prick one with a sterile needle then squeeze it directly into the eye (use it on myself too).


Can you get vitamin C? Put some in a glass with water, sugar and a little baking soda and some flavoring. It will help cut the mucous and help their immune systems fight off the virus.

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THANK YOU everyone! I've given them warm lime & honey mixed to help with the mucus build up and it's helping. I also gave them some OTC stuff that seems to be helping with the mucus. At least they are eating now!


It seems that many of you recommend boric acid, so I'll have to see if I can get that here. Sounds like a good addition to my medicine cabinet.


They seems to get better, then take a little step back, but I am thankful my older two seem to be avoiding it!


Thanks again!

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