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I'm back because I'm curious . . .

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LOL I feel stupid because I haven't figured out to respond to sone posts.


Oh, gawd, it's has been rough the last 5 years. Dad died in 2018, then Mom's health seriously declined with dementia, She still knows me and her other children, thank God,She will be 97 on May 27th this year, Please add her to your prayers - Bobbie Peterson is her name. She went blind last year about this time. I can't imagine that at her age! It's SUPER hard helping her. She has become a completely different person.


In my own life, I went through a horrible divorce  in 2009 I went through a difficult divorce and "won" but there is no winning in a divorce. I've been single since 2007. It sucks. I'm nearly 72! I'm taking care of Mom and living on my measely $635 a month. It's rough, but I'm doing ok. I have moments where I have outbursts, but for the most part, I'm calm because of my faith. Thankfully, I've been stocking and storing for over 20 years, partly due to this forum.


PS - Don't watch the fake media. It's all lies. WE are winning!

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I'm so sorry you have been struggling! It saddens me how many adult children are taking care of their elderly parents. And realizing those 'children' are getting on in years themselves. Is this the price we pay for living longer? I don't know.  My grandmother at 91 had dementia too but her own children stepped in to help her as best as they could. My mother died at 38 years old. So I can't say I know what you are going through. But I do have empathy and respect for all care givers. So many of them here. 


I understand about the divorce. Mine was easier, I suppose. We were still friendly going into it and have remained best friends to this day. Having said that, it was still a very stressful time and worrying about what the outcome was going to be to me financially. That was a pretty scary part for me. I was getting on in years and not in prime health. But I'm happier now than I've ever been and I wish that for you too. Of course it probably helps that he lives across the country from me and we don't run into each other on the street. Oh, and I have my share of outbursts too. Not very pretty. Sigh. 


Prayers sent up for Ms. Bobbie.  :pray:

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Curiosity is a good thing. It is sometimes a spark that will lead us through a door we would have otherwise never gone through.


The load of responsibility you carry is heavy and I'm sure it often weighs heavy on your heart. Perhaps you came come to MrsS sometimes to lay those burdens down for a moment and share whatever you need to share. So many of us have carried heavy burdens too, and while the path we have taken might not be the same path as yours, it has been equally draining so we understand.


We may not always have 'words of wisdom' to offer, but we can definitely listen and show that we care. You are one of the few that was here from the beginning, through all our ups and downs and I think the thing that you remember in spite of all she has been through, is that there still remains an honesty and genuineness at her core.


I am praying for your mom, that the Lord's will be done, and that His peace that passes all understanding would fill not only her heart, but yours. We were never meant to walk this life on our own. Perhaps He can use MrsS to give you that 'cup of cold water' you, and all of us, sometimes need.

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Oh, Evensong, I am so sorry for your pain. My mom lived to be 96.  She was my best friend and it was hard to see her fade away from us after a stroke.  I am 75 and though I don’t live alone DH has a form of slow moving dementia that causes executive disfunction.  He is still high functioning, still drives which is good because I no longer do.  It is, however difficult to watch his slow decline and need to be responsible for the both of us.  I believe I understand some of the strain you are going through.  You are not alone.


You came back because you hoped we’d still be here and we are.  Mrs. S has had struggles but we are still here and we are gaining in strength and numbers again and we can offer you hugs, prayers, caring, and a lot of practical advise too. It is tough times for us all and we are afraid but Mrs S is not about blame or useless anger. (Hence the no politics rule). We are about hope and positive prepping.  Wipe your tears, dear, and start reading in the areas you are most in need.  This home hadn’t changed that much and I’m sure you will find just what you need here and if not, ask.  You will soon be able to respond in a way that will be helpful for us all. 

Welcome home, :hug3: and :pray: 

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4 hours ago, edensong said:

LOL I feel stupid because I haven't figured out to respond to sone posts.


Oh, gawd, it's has been rough the last 5 years. Dad died in 2018, then Mom's health seriously declined with dementia, She still knows me and her other children, thank God,She will be 97 on May 27th this year, Please add her to your prayers - Bobbie Peterson is her name. She went blind last year about this time. I can't imagine that at her age! It's SUPER hard helping her. She has become a completely different person.


In my own life, I went through a horrible divorce  in 2009 I went through a difficult divorce and "won" but there is no winning in a divorce. I've been single since 2007. It sucks. I'm nearly 72! I'm taking care of Mom and living on my measely $635 a month. It's rough, but I'm doing ok. I have moments where I have outbursts, but for the most part, I'm calm because of my faith. Thankfully, I've been stocking and storing for over 20 years, partly due to this forum.


PS - Don't watch the fake media. It's all lies. WE are winning!

Welcome back Edensong. I love the name! You know what I love most about your post? You said it's been rough but you are doing ok. <--- That is faith! It's strength. When you can stand in the face of the storm and say, "Bring it. But I'm still going to be okay," you win. I am sorry for your losses and for your mom's dementia, but wow what a full, long life she's led! What a blessing!  I look forward to getting to know you. *hug*

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