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recipies for babyfood anyone????

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Just a note to remember: Solid foods should not be

given until at least 4 months old. Then you should

start with rice cereal. At 6 months you

can give fruits and vegetables. Until then bottle

or breast milk is best.


Here are some links to look at when you are ready

to start feeding solids foods.






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Now my childrens pediatrician, and I started out my children on rice cereal the day I brought them home from the hospital. That and custard pudding. From there it was the rule of making sure they could digest any new foods, I tried them on a teaspoonful of anything new then waited 24 hours and if it didn't come thru still retaining its original color, or didn't upset their stonach, Then it was added to their diet. If they were unable to handle the new food I waited 2 weeks and tried again. Foods for baby can be mashed with a fork or put in a blender. Do begin adding a little spice like salt and butter so that they become accustomed to them, unless you want them to reject foods with spices. You must decide based on each child when to start them on solid foods. It is true that some are unable to digest solids until they are 3 or 4 months old. My children did not gain as they should without solid foods. My children were all nursed for at least 3 months.

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I am old and you would never believe what my pediatrition told me to do way back then. ... What ever happened to the baby food grinder. I made all my own baby food with a blender or a grinder. That way I knew what my child was eating. Also remember, sustinance is only one reason a baby nurses. My youngest nursed for comfort quite a bit.



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How many ounces of formula or breastmilk is she taking?


I have a one month old son and he wants to eat every

two hours on 2oz and with 3oz. bottles. If I try to

get 3 hours in between each feeding with a 4oz. bottle

he just spits most of it up and we end up feeding again

in two hours. So I just feed him more often.


What about her weight? Is she in the "normal" range?

Are you using a pasifier? Finger? Babies like to suck

even if they are full.


If you are nursing do you let her eat until

she falls asleep or just doesn't want anymore?


I'm sorry to ask so many questions but I'm just

trying to help.

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I was breastfeeding untill my milk went bad and this was a devistation to me. She is now on formula and almost 8 weeks old. she is eating 5 oz every three hours. I do use a pacifier, but even after that she still screams constantly. I am so exhausted that I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or what. She does take a tsp. of cereal which is what the good ole dr. here suggested but it is like she wants more. I just dont know what to do. Dont worry about questions . I love to answer them. It actually helps me figure out solutions... when I sleep...lol..



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You can check out the pages of slumber sounds for all kinds of research done for crying babies.


If you should decide to use a natural herbal remedy, stick to chamomile or fennel it has long been deemed safe for infants.

When my oldest daughter cried for nearly 36 hours and pulled her knees up as though her stomach hurt, my father recommened an oil enema to soothe her bowels. For her it worked as the bowels were irritated..

Good luck.

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I found a recipe for Fennel tea in a "Parents" magazine when my firstborn suffered from colic. It helped him (and ME!!! ), though he was already getting close to the 3-month age when they usually outgrow it.


In a glass cup, put a teaspoon of dried fennel seed (from the spice rack at the grocery store). Pour 1/3 cup of boiling water into this; let steep for 3 minutes.


Add a bit of corn syrup to it to your taste (the sweetness helps them take it better). Then cool to feeding temperature, and give to your baby in a bottle. I always tested on the inside of my wrist.


I tried it myself, but stronger, when I had an upset stomach, and it helped.


Good luck, Sweetie... and they DO outgrow it!!!


I remember a night when I gave the screaming baby to a very sleepy and confused DH, and just went to the kitchen to cry. I was SO overwhelmed! But within 5 minutes I was back, calmer, and better able to deal with the little one.


The toughest job you'll ever love, and the only one you have to work yourself OUT of to be a success...



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Oh what a tough time of life. Please know that you have not done anything wrong and that your wonderful daughter will be just fine. Some babies are more sensitive to things than others, some need to have their neurological system mature.


My youngest son, from 2 to 4 months of age cried for 8 hours a day and nursed for 8 hours a day and slept for 6. I do not even remember him at this age, I was so tired and upset.


By 6 months it was all over and he is the happiest kid. You just have to ride it out and not feel too bad. You learn gimmics to keep them quiet. The vaccuum cleaner running worked and putting his seat ontop of my washing machine during the spin cycle worked too. Crazy stuff but it worked.



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Ok looks like I need to go to store. I have tried soy formula, and all it did was make her get sick for 12 hours. So I need fennel and chamomile. Got it... Cant do the washing machine thing it is in a small house outside, and I dont knwo if any of you kept up with the weather but here I am in the midst of 6 inches of snow.... YUCK!!!! We just got our electricity back thank goodness. The car was getting cramped..lol. Thanks for the advice everyone. Please if any of you need anyone to talk to or help from please let me know.


Smooches to All!!!!!

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I completely agree with the chamomile and fennel. My oldest was extremely sensitive when nursing if I ate anything other than a pretty bland diet. cham and fennel helped a lot.


My middle son went to a bottle fairly early, I couldn't produce enough milk. We went through evrey formula, numerous upset tummies. He went through the rest of his first year on goat's milk with no problems. I did wait as long as possible to introduce food, cause introducing too early can induce allergies, but by 4 mos. he had a voracious appetite and now at almost six has two hollow legs, LOL. He'd eat constantly if I'd let him on some days!


Titus 2 (click here) has a recipe for making your own baby rice cereal, if you're not on WIC it may save you a bit.

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