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Everything posted by Mt_Rider

  1. WE hit 90* today....in the sun! AND.......we're expecting SNOW on Fri nite into Sat. ....Maybe..... Or maybe rain. MtRider ....don't care. WE NEED MOISTURE. [gonna be one of those years if we don't get doused! ]
  2. Saw neurologist today. She's fine. I'll have a rehab review to see if my MS adaptions are causing any muscles to overwork or grow weak. A cognitive eval cuz I can't talk or type - nouns/pronouns. I can't remember them. Can't remember where I've been putting an item - for the past 20 yrs. AND DH and I decided that I'd try a med to combat FATIGUE. That would be nice. Mid-summer, she wants MRI of brain again [still checking to see if it's there? ] but include the neck area. Had to chase my wheelchair across the parking lot...it's slanted and I was moving my purse, etc to the car. Turn around and bye-bye.... I'd used it as a rolling walker going out to the car. Caught it before it whacked into any other vehicles. MtRider ....ooof! I'm TI-YERD!
  3. Yeah, Jeepers. Don't run out for bags. Just haul out to your Jeep and unload. ...and yeah. How do we older folks keep track of what's now Acceptable and what is junk? Cuz it all cycles back as Acceptable in another generation so....not staying too invested myself. We've always re-reused our plastic or paper bags. Most boxes too. [ we're moving to Maui someday, y'know] I store an extra pair of shoes in the car in those bags. And the Kleenex box and sweatshirt and..... cuz our car is FULL of black dog hair! We've used them for the bathroom and bedroom trash bags. Allllll sorts of uses. Even those with holes can be used for some things. A complete shred when the packers put 2-3 juice bottles in one THIN bag..... uh, no. When DH and I were doing our shopping and most of my folk's too....we'd have lots of groceries all over the car. We tied ours and left theirs loose- so sorting at their house was easier. Still got mixed sometimes. THAT was hard work cuz both houses had full set of stairs to the kitchens. But we have the pulley system which helps tremendously. MtRider ....
  4. Darlene....I showed your pic to DH and we both went Awwwwwwwww! We miss Koa so bad sometimes. Yeah, please don't tempt me! I love seeing these huge Danes helping the little kids to actually walk...safely....again. Kind keeps the bullies away too, eh? MtRider ....Too bad there aren't 100 Carlenes cuz I believe there is that much need. She's really got the training system for the Dane personality.
  5. Thanks for well-wishes, everyone. We had a cloudy but warm day. I rode and it was wonderful. Fresh air and exercise.... No...didn't fall off but I was plenty tired for rest of the day. I hadn't ridden for 4 wks. We're forecast for good weather for a while. Tomorrow - Easter, since we are alone now, we'll do a ham that DH picked up. Maybe he got sweet potatoes [if they're good this far out of season?] Thinking of putting one of my OLD stories down in Fireside. Not really finished but.... one of those I don't want to be coming true. Futuristic. I haven't begun to read all your stories on the last topic Mother got going. Anxious to do that too! Happy Bday Becca Anne! As for bags in stores, DH forgot to bring in our bags so he just puts stuff back into the cart....wheels it to car and unloads it. [we have many bags in the car]. MtRider
  6. Happy Easter everyone. MtRider for so much that is not pleasing to HIM....but, we have the HOPE!
  7. Glad to hear you can make use of the resource of young muscles, LittleSister! Oye..... I've been sorting/clearing inside. Still pretty cold outside tho wind is not bad. I vacuumed in one bedroom, then started vacuum up for the living room and poof. The electricity in the living room plugs and the hanging light/fan was gone. Other half of front of cabin is the kitchen and everything was fine there. Also bedrooms/bath/basement is fine. Porch light went out with the living room section. EH and I both tried flipping the switches in the circuit box. Several times. Called J/B caretakers. They're out-of-state til next week. No worries. We have heat....light in most places...kitchen/bath..... We're good. Had to run an extension to power the Internet router tho. We're HOPING AND PRAYING that it's merely a bad circuit in the box outside. But.....a lamp in that corner malfunctioned a couple months ago. Replacing the bulb didn't help. I've been meaning to get back there and get a look at the outlet..... But that's where our "pantry " is located. THIS will be a HUGE deal to move all that....and move it to WHERE? We haven't given up WINTER yet. Can't just put it out on the porch. If it is the circuit switch....why would the lamp show a problem months before the whole deal blew out? Living in a very old log cabin.......I'm a bit nervous about anything that could cause a fire. I spent today sorting more Mom-stuff in the small bedroom Got some space cleared. 624 sq ft in the whole cabin does NOT give much space anywhere! But maybe I can start dismantling that corner....just to make sure this isn't an emergency situation. Like...if I see burn marks by the outlet? Prayers appreciated that this is simple and safe!! I have a HORSE RIDE tomorrow. I'm well enough to sustain for an hour....I hope. Still fairly wiped out for stamina. But haven't ridden in weeks now. Everyone around here is getting sick. Is it the same in your areas? MtRider .....
  8. Oye, Little Sister! You're still on 'sick leave' ....resting with some fresh air to get your strength back! .....sheesh, she sounds like me! However, it's GOOD to hear GS was helping his Grma!!!!! But do be careful, friend. None of us is as young as we remember being... Is GS competent to work the garden tilling? Cuz young body should exercise and the rest of us should Well no. We all need moderate exercise but sorting out and organizing is a better use of our older bodies and competent minds. DH went to skin doc today and came out with lots of "freeze-treated" pre-cancer spots and 2 biopsied areas. Good....cuz those areas didn't look right for a while now. We'll get results of biopsies soon, I think. I talked to grief counselor. No further choking incidents for Mom. She's doing well with a visit each weekday from eldercare person. They went shopping today which both enjoy. Even if they don't buy anything. They do puzzles some days. Her care person drives her to meet up with Bro so they can see the cherry blossoms or the buildings he's in charge of remodeling. Everyone is happier cuz Bro and Niece abhor shopping. And someone to check 5 days a week = that she's okay. All of us are less worried. Mom's got more stimulation in her life! Ambergris....yes. I think it's TIME.....and over-TIME to stock up on essential meds. 'Script - if possible. OTC - definitely! I need to check some expiration dates on some we got just before the C.....cuz we were both nasty sick in early Jan 2020. Restocked for that reason but haven't been THAT sick again. Rumblings of continued "supply chain" and out-of-the-country products [which kinda doesn't apply to you....or out of your current country? ] mean getting stuff ahead for any/all illness and injury potentials...... Take inventory and fill in the holes, everyone. ...we got 2" of SNOW last night. Since it's anti-wildfire wetness..... Most has melted. Gaaaah.... took a very unintentional nap after returning from "town" today. I wasn't even laying down....kinda half sitting up on the bed! NOW I'm still up at 3am. Not the plan. Definitely NOT the plan! MtRider ...perhaps to sleep and dream or lie awake thinking "Dang, that nap felt good! "
  9. Miki.....I hope Peanut is going to be okay. Bitty chickies. How fun, Becca Anne. Well, they're a LOT of poop work for such little things. But very cute. We're sooo glad we invested in ducks/geese last May. We've been getting plenty of eggs and we eat them frequently. News of your friend coming News of your STILL leaking entryway..... Wouldn't ya think someone can do their job right - since they expect payment? Hmph! Little Sister...so glad to hear you're improving. But don't take on too much yet!! Outside in fresh air is good tho. Ack...you're talking air conditioning and we got down to MINUS 5* again last nite. Seriously! Such weird weather variations. These storms are acting out the severe weather patterns all over right now. My MN friend is just below the 2 days of severe BLIZZARD conditions. N & S Dakota....Upper MN.... I just put a Weather Safety Challenge in RURR..... MtRider .....still not feeling great but most symptoms improving. Blech.
  10. quote from Cleveland Clinic page: Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a condition that causes a number of symptoms when you transition from lying down to standing up, such as a fast heart rate, dizziness and fatigue. There is a similar "thing" that DH says I have when I have a drop in BP from laying then quickly standing: Orthostatic Hypotension. [not hyper...hypo ] BP is supposed to increase enough to reach head when we change positions but mine doesn't ....or is slow. I've had that since I was growing up in Iowa. But my normal BP is in the 124/68 . It does sound like yours is more drastic tho, Jeepers. I do have to "grab carpet" sometimes when I begin to stand up suddenly.... I Get Down before I fall limp. But it doesn't happen all the time. It's happened a lot in the past 6 months of heavy fatigue tho. Hope you can get it tested tho! Does your area have any Sr Services like rides to medical appts. This would be one medical appt that you really should NOT drive back from! Or get testing in Indy? Insurance coverage ....such a pain! MtRider ... (((Jeepers))))
  11. Yeah, Mother. That's what I was about to say. Next time put them in something that doesn't reveal their shape/texture. EDITED TO ADD: Annarchy, that rolling eye guy was for the danged theives that can't leave things alone! {not for you, dear one} We're snowing and temp is in the teens. {yes, really} Not snowing hard....tho I wouldn't mind that at all. By this time, unless we get feet, it melts on it's own without paying snowplowing. I'm hoping this won't be one of those years where I keep saying: We NEED the moisture. I've not been feeling well. Odd...I'm usually fine except MS usual stuff. Cold went to bronchitis and then....an uncomfortable but not major reaction to the steroid for bronchitis. My voice is almost normal. Cough is infrequent but still a bit strained. But....no place to go and nuthin' to do when I get there.....so not a problem. MtRider ....my mom gets out more than I do!
  12. I have discovered a safe way for me to cut raw turnips, jicama, etc. I put my knife on the hard vegatable and with hands out of the way, tap lightly with a small hammer. It gradually goes into the vegetable and eventually down to the cutting board. Slowly but safer, I think. It does put little dents in the spine of the knife. I love my knives.....but a knife is for using. MtRider
  13. I think I'm getting better. Rested today and was able to shower/wash-dry hair. Neeeeded it! Think I will get to be early tonite. Slept will last nite. Did not the night before. Reading; talking to mom x2; Internet; .....low energy activities. I hope you get to feeling better, Little Sister! Take It Easy! MtRider
  14. WE2....glad to see you checking in!! Yes, the laser eye surgery has greatly helped folks. It seems miraculous when it works well. Your fall could have been so much worse but it was not. Yeah...I'll just bet MrWE2 came flying in to see what happened when you fell. You've got a good one there! Glad you were not injured worse. Prayers for Little Sister and her GrS! Praying for her to feel better physically, tho her heart is hurting for this young man who isn't proving up to being responsible.... There is always hope But not at her house. We've had a bit of an emergency...or potential one that so far hasn't affected us personally. So I did a whole lot of physical stuff which needed to get done but I'll be feeling it today...tomorrow...... We're windy and chilly right now. Not going outside. Bronchitis is better. Mom finally got to tour the huge building at the National Cathedral in D.C. that Bro has been in charge of renovating for the past 2 ? years. Wow....impressive. Not the cathedral itself but a different building of that era. I don't think Bro took enough pics to satisfy my curiosity! MtRider
  15. Yanno....the last thing I recorded is that nothing happened..... KNEW that couldn't last. I was able to go to a brunch with the ladies from the Women's Bible study this morning. Grand Finale before we start another one in April. It was very nice to get out. Met L at a location close to me with my truck. Then rode with her thru an area not that far away but ...what a maze of gravel roads. I was so fatigued and had hand tremors when we got there. I barely said anything at first....tooo No....didn't fall over but whooa! Then was able to talk and eat and enjoy the 4 ladies around me. But actually had to lay the seat back while L drove me back to my truck tho. FATIGUE!!! By the time I'd been home....laying on bed reading Kindle for a few hours, I finally realized: I'm SICK! Wait...I don't get sick. We take stuff. Then if we feel 'off', we take more stuff. [DH knows his "stuff"!! ] DRAT!!! Mild headache, chilled and can't get warm, then instantly TOO WARM.... stiff neck, lots of Kleenex, usual sinus cough is WORSE, huge fatigue, .... Immediately began taking our "stuff" ! And drinking fluids - including Gatorade. Rats! I emailed 2 of the ladies around me to warn them. Two of them are older than me by a decade or more. Pray none of them gets the germs from me!!!!!!! So far, it's just "a cold" .... I hope. If anything gets beyond that, I go into bronchitis. It hasn't been a decade since the last time.....which has been my normal pattern. IF it starts into bronchitis, I'm not going to dally about getting in to doc for meds.....like I usually do. Really! I'll go in...... MtRider
  16. If I were to head out for some emergency long-term stay.....and it had electricity.... I've thot I would bring the rice cooker [soups work in that], and the Instant Pot. DH would probably bring the tiny air fryer and of course his coffee maker. We could bring the grain grinder/slicer/dice/shred mill. If it were to be a long stay [not hotel] I have a long-not-used electric roaster. My mind is on the new series: What will you do if.... Got lots of small and large challenges. McGuyver type. Didn't do much today. Arm/shoulder hurt last nite til I finally had to take the muscle relaxant but it puts me to sleep. Can't take during the day but once I adjusted pillows so that area isn't strained....I slept til morning! MtRider ....gotta go call Mom. She what she's been up to..?
  17. WOW, Euphrasyne! You definitely get the OF IMPROVISATION for the week! I'm totally impressed! I like your detailed instructions on SAFETY when "going creatively over the wall". MtRider .....my adaption leans more to ---->
  18. I have HUGE NEWS!!!!!! '''' ''''''''' '''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''' NOTHING unusual, painful, drastically odd, weird, or challenging happened here today. MtRider ....wow! I don't know how to act!
  19. Ya did good, Annarchy! Keep the distance, indeed! Sounds like a whole lotta folks did not. Hard at those speeds not to get passed and then cut off when other vehicle pulls back into your lane. Used to drive commercially in Twin Cities ...with disability vehicles. Those are heavy with the lifts and ramps. Harder to stop but not as bad a semi loads. How is MIL? Annarchy has had a bit tooooo much excitement lately. Illegals. House clearing for MIL. A trip for her. Time for GOD'S PEACE!! MtRider
  20. 'Fraid we've ALL worn the bucket more times than we'd care to admit! And yeah, HE loves us so dearly anyway! MtRider
  21. .....can't help it. I'm laughing. NOT at your pain or mine, of course. But this twin thing! Yeah, my RIGHT arm. Ever since Boisterously Gleeful Dog spun and clocked my chin with her rear.....weeks ago. It's been fragile and I've had multiple set-backs. The root of my fragile neck is a very old Karate injury from college era. This too shall pass! Again! Wasting time not being able to do things....cuz thru some of this week, I have not been able to move my arm/shoulder AT ALL. MtRider ... Yeah. We can have a SORE BODY CLUB ....but that would be depressing!
  22. OWWW!...today my arm, shoulder is "frozen/HURTS" again and I'm tired of dealing with it!!! OK...whine is over. Probably a good thing my horse ride wasn't happening today. WOULD YOU BELIEVE that we got down at MINUS FIVE DEGREES early this morning? That was a surprise for this weather watcher! Now it's been sunny and 40* We got about 4" of snow and it's melting rapidly. CO always needs the moisture. I especially like it when it melts itself so we don't have to sweep, shovel and pay for snowplowing. Remembering a 20+" snowstorm last MAY..... blowing into drifts. That needed shoveling! Hope everyone can read the DETOUR SIGNS .....cuz Darlene's been rearranging the rooms and furniture again! MtRider
  23. Orchid...does your title mean this happened in Nov 2021? Some things are so very memorable and have long lasting effects on our lives. Any thing that particularly causes you to remember this at this time? MtRider
  24. What would we do without our friends!?! MtRider
  25. That's what I've been feeling like ever since I opened my big mouth and told doc I'd agree to look at the MS/neurology issue. Oye! Then when I see her in April....THEN what's she going to want? But I really am glad she'll have several things to look at even before the initial appt. { what have I started? } But then....it IS time. The MS symptoms have increased and are more persistent. But will I agree to any of the current meds???? Probably not. Kappy.....LOVE your farm structures and occupants!!!!!! Didn't like your 'neighbor' snooping around. Do you have security cameras? That would be good for furry intruders too. Or evidence.....but then as former officer, you'd know that already. This ole world is gettin' kinda sketchy. Becca Anne.... I'm glad you're having better luck with your seedlings! Home grown seedlings usually can be more sturdy than those on sale. And you get to pick the types you want for your area. Walmart has generic, I think. Nothing generic will grow where I live. Miki...I'm going to try to make switchel. I have a recipe in a small emergency home-made recipe spiral notebook. Just so I'd have some basics if we'd have to Rip N Run from here in forest fires. I've been drinking Gatorade and homemade sounds less expensive and you know what's in it! and Midnight for ideas on ingredients to choose from. Annarchy... for safe and happy trip home tomorrow! I AM GOING TO BED EARLY TONITE!!!! ....it's already 10:30pm. But tonite my R arm/shoulder aren't in spasm. We'll see. No horse ride tomorrow but ...we've had snow for 2 days. Thankfully not much but 4" today. Fluffy and ground is warm so it will all melt. I hope. MtRider
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