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Posts posted by Synn

  1. Awesome Bobbie!!! I remember the excitment of buying our first house when I was 18.. I was pregnant with the twins, it was a huge old farm house I loved it. Too bad it was in the middle of town. We are in our 3rd one now.We have rented many a time, I know the pleasure you get from finally having something you can plant roots in. God bless! Let us know what happens!


  2. Is next Thursday October 1st? Or September 30th? Oh who knows? My days seem to run together anymore. Did ya'll have a good night last night? I must have slept pretty good because I don't remember much of it.

    Today I don't have to go in to work until 10:30. Trying to decide whether to take a nap, read a book or play online. I really need to start another load of laundry. DH has to work Saturday and Sunday. Can't pass up that over time when it's offered! Well just wanted to say a quick mornin to ya'll. Take care.



  3. A Blogger on Blogging

    Maud Newton



    blog (bläg) n. [short for Web log] 1. a website that accommodates easy and frequent posting on any topic; 2. an online platform for personal anecdotes, criticism and discussion, often featuring links to other websites; 3. an outlet for obsessive personalities, depressives and alcoholics.




    This past May, the New York Times ran a piece about obsessive bloggers: “For Some, the Blogging Never Stops.” It kicked off with the story of a man on a romantic getaway with his wife. On their anniversary morning, he disappeared into the hotel bathroom. When the sound of running water failed to materialize, the wife pulled open the door and found her husband on the pot, laptop on his knees, blogging furiously over a wireless modem. “It seems as if his laptop is glued to his legs 24/7,” she said.


    Among bloggers of my acquaintance, it was fashionable to ridicule the Times article. The piece was another scrap on the heap of evidence demonstrating that the media remain clueless about blogging and the impulses behind it. At a Manhattan bar a week and a half later, bloggers were still mocking the article. “Oh, yeah, I’m gonna go home and blog,” a friend said. “I’ll post about being here with you guys.” Everyone laughed, and I pretended to join in.


    I bought a round of drinks and tried to stop thinking about the twelve links I’d emailed myself earlier but hadn’t posted. After all, we were at a bar. Our songs had started to play on the jukebox. We were carefree and intoxicated and could not have cared less about blogging. Except that, unlike my friends, I went home at midnight and posted about books until 5 am. I might have stayed up longer, but my husband emerged from the bedroom and gave me the raised-eyebrow look that means, “Maybe you really should consider that Paxil prescription your therapist keeps recommending."


    I awoke three hours later and hustled off to my day job. Scanning the news sites and Web logs to see what I’d missed, I slapped up three more posts and read through sixty new email messages before my boss appeared at the door.


    “Do you have that article for me yet?” she asked.


    In a single motion, I minimized Internet Explorer, opened the appropriate database and rooted around for the case she’d assigned me the previous afternoon. I hadn’t even looked at it. “Almost,” I said, “but not quite. It’s more complicated than I thought.”


    I may flout office conventions more than most, but the majority of the bloggers I follow also spend a significant chunk of their workdays updating their sites. A friend who’s the proprietor of the popular blog The Minor Fall, The Major Lift (TMFTML, for short) told the New York Observer last fall, “I’m actually curious as to what people did in offices before the Internet. My theory is that every job only requires about thirty minutes of hard work a day and the rest is bull.” He may be exaggerating, but only slightly. For those lacking corporate ambition, who are unfulfilled by office chatter and obsessive about subjects unrelated to their work, blogs are a good way to fill company downtime.



  4. Can you believe this month is nearly gone?? How's everyone's winter preps coming.. Are you ready? I say a big no to that one! Another full day at work today. I know what I do isn't all that hard but geesh! I need a week day off just to clear my head and catch up on laundry while no children are here. It's another beautiful clear day here. 50 degress right now. I love it!! I saw Saturday's low would be in the 40's.. Nice enough to start the fireplace!

    Oh btw I just wanted to comment on one of us needing some prayers lifted high.. Hillbillie.. She's hurting and I think if even if you aren't a praying person that even words of friendship and love would help her... How about a (((((GROUP HUG))))) for HILL!!!!!!!

    Off to get the girls ready for school and then to work! Ya'll take care and have a great day!



  5. Welcome to MrsS Cookie!! I hope you have fun here....Did you introduce yourself on the Sunporch? If so I missed it and will have to go check it out! As far as what to do next, I think we just get our ideas in our little heads, Snowmom will give us a tally of how many we need to make and send us everyone's address in an individual pm! If I am wrong I am sure someone else will fill you in.. Take care.


  6. My Word.... That- just described my son to an almost T!!! Only they tell me it's A.D.D.

    Except I don't feel he's coniving. I don't think he would plot to kill our animals just to hurt me. But I have seen him get mad and kick what ever is nearest. Whether is be a chicken or the vaccum.

    Hill I feel for what your going through, I honestly do.



  7. Bobbie how sweet. Thanks for sharing it with everyone. When my mom was dying of cancer one thing she said to one of my sisters was don't be sad for me I have had a good life.

    I am glad you and your dh had a good time at your friends wedding..


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