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Everything posted by Cat

  1. **Cat directs readers to explore "Mare's collection of money-saving mixes", located in "In The Kitchen", in the subforum above called "Kitchen Recipes"** ~~This has been a Public Service Announcement, brought to you by the penny-wise people at Mrs Survival.~~
  2. Yup... I had more trouble with my last child training BECAUSE of the pull-ups. Until they actually FEEL uncomfortable by getting WET, they won't choose to use the toilet. OH - OH - OH!!! Now I have a real unneccessary product... Those dumb floater thingies to get the boy child to aim and pee in the toilet! One sheet of toilet tissue or a couple of Cheerios (sorry Jeepers! ) work just as well and are MUCH cheaper!!!
  3. **Looks around to make sure nobody from "The Kitchen" followed me down here...** Spaghetti-os I tried feeding them to my kids one time when it was on sale and they thought it would be fun. Neither of them liked it, and I had to pitch it and give them PB&J. Gave the other 2 cans to Mom, who was feeding my nephew who ate EVERYTHING. Years later they watched commercials and begged me to have it again. I bought *one* can. While heating it up, DS said it smelled like "throw-up". Neither even tasted it. Never again!!
  4. Rita... Sounds like you need a "white elephant" exchange!!! :24:
  5. Well, Darlene solved her little ducky problem by *MOVING*!!!! ( http://www.nataliedee.com/ ) NOT a kids' site!!!
  6. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh... Nobody could read *her* mind!!! Snapping turtles are wary of people. They'll sun themselves at the top of the water, but dive when they see you approach. Ours will dive when they see us looking from the window, 50 feet away! Better to sit and wait from a far enough distance to shoot, but stay *stationary*. Like maybe while she's sunbathing... gun at the ready? I was looking for the first Princess Boot Camp thread for someone, and ran across *this* one. I thought it kinda funny, remembering the duck thread elsewhere... Hard tellin' WHAT I might find... I hafta keep looking for the other thread, since I haven't found it yet!
  7. YUP... something for our urban dwellers to dream over. Wonder if you could make a "cozy" in "urban cammo"????
  8. Quote: ...you actually have collected recipes for rodents, bugs and such... Ask Westbrook... She's the *QUEEN* of critter and bug recipes!!! (Just DON'T get her started on toads and frogs!!!)
  9. Take inventory of what you *have*. Make lists of what you'd realistically NEED to have... and other lists of what you'd LIKE to have. Decide a plan of "attack"... how much of what each week? Budget! Shop sales, thrift stores, garage sales... and have a copy of your lists handy so you can refer to them when in doubt about an unexpected find. Keep your lists up-to-date. Know what you have and where it is. Rotate food stores. Don't forget accessories, like batteries, if needed. One step at a time... just be aware and conscious of your goals. Slow and steady still wins the race!!
  10. I agree! I'm embarrassed that I haven't updated this thread yet... life and a naughty computer got in the way. Thanks for the links, especially for your site... I'd forgotten where it was!
  11. Yanno... All I really wanted to do was post a few "women only" jokes... WHAT HAPPENED?????
  12. **Cat drags cookiejar over to the side and duct-tapes her to the wall... with some over her mouth, too...** Pay no attention to those who don't can *yet*... Nana used to say she couldn't, til she did it! Cult? What cult???
  13. RE: all of the above... We are all SO alike!!!!
  14. Something tells me Westie's gonna *LOVE* this guy!!!! She's been sick, I guess, but when she gets back...
  15. Half white, half whole wheat flour makes a lighter loaf. As your family gets more used to it, you can gradually change the ratio of white to whole wheat (more whole wheat). It gets more dense and heavier, but experience will tell you how much *you* like. You don't HAVE to slice the tops. But it looks nice sometimes, especially on round loaves. Round loaves... just follow the directions, except shape the loaves into a flattish ball and let them rise on a greased cookie sheet. Bake as for loaves. Some people dust the cookie sheet with cornmeal before placing the dough on it. WAY TO GO, all of you!!! Great looking breads!!!
  16. Andrea, we don't :frying pan: people for using their own resources the best way they can. If you want to and can line dry, fine... if not, fine, too. Can't you re-use those dryer sheets again? I mean, rinse in your solution, squeeze and re-use? Has anyone tried those plastic/rubber-like balls in the dryer? They're supposed to eliminate the need for fabric softener. I *always* dilute my fabric softener by about 1/3 softener to 2/3 parts water. Saves money, trips to the store, and works just fine. Use your old jugs for mixing it... and make sure the full-strength ones are out of sight of anyone else who just might (yeah, riiiiight ) get the hankerin' to do laundry.
  17. Cat


    I re-checked every link and re-did the defunct ones. Feel free to add more links... I know I'm going to pull more from the posts as I find them.
  18. *giggle* Boy, are *YOU* gonna be popular!!!!
  19. That's the recipe for "no gluten" peanut butter cookies! Very good for those with allergies to wheat/flour.
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