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Everything posted by Midnightmom

  1. I wonder if the metal "shortage" for commercially canned veggies will spill over into other areas........such as not being available to manufacture canning jar LIDS???
  2. COVID may actually be a Vascular Disease that impacts the lungs.
  3. AKA: sniffari https://www.preventivevet.com/dogs/boredom-busters-for-your-dog-sniffari-walk A quick 5 min video about...WHO is the daily walk for? What is the PURPOSE of the walk?
  4. Canning lids are scarce. On-line prices are scandalous! Manufacturing is slowed down due to Election Infection procedures. :/
  5. Here's another tip I never knew about! Did you know that the notches on the spatula that you use to remove air bubbles from your canning jars are for measuring head space???
  6. I was watching a video earlier, and to my surprise I saw the cook doing something that I had never seen anybody do before, and now I am wondering why I never knew this! Have any of you ever seen or used this trick before to keep your strainer in place while processing ANY recipe??? Notice what she did with the wooden spoon.
  7. Is this guy doing this correctly? I usually cook my meats before jarring them up, and sometimes I have to refrigerate it before getting a chance to process it. BUT, when I do, I reheat the meat (in the liquid I will be using) AND heat the jars in gently boiling water in the canner before I do. This guy packs cold cooked meat into his jars and adds liquid to it before sealing them up and processing them. Can that really be called "hot packing," and is it safe to do it that way? (He defines "hot packing" as preserving already cooked meats v processing uncooked foods in the jars.)
  8. I wonder how that would work in my CPAP? I don't use the humidifier attachment because I really didn't notice any difference in the dry mouth etc in the morning with it attached, and I figured that having water "sitting" in the tube would have the potential for allowing bacteria to grow. That really shouldn't be a problem as long as there is no sugar or sweetener in the quinine, right???
  9. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! That must have hurt. I know it hurts MY boobies when my dog likes to cuddle up close to me when I'm lying down in bed and her paws "dig" in. ??? On another note: When I was in the pharmacy the other day I decided to check out the price and availability of betadine - the bottles were huge, there was a limit of one, and they cost close to $18. I'm thinking lots of people must have decided to make up some of this solution. (It's probably behind lock & key now at Walmart!)
  10. I just had to return several boxes of the WM brand pint size lids because the gasket material had slopped over the edges of some of them. I wasn't going to mess with the possibility of a poor seal and they refunded - no problem. So, IF you buy their brand, OPEN them ALL up and check them for this problem. I opened up several boxes and condensed the return down to only two.
  11. This is from a news report on local TV station. I'm posting it for you, not so much for the covid angle, but because it seems like a pretty good generic anti-bacterial nasal spray. It's always good to have more options.
  12. My bank offers a "Bill Pay" option on their website. Basically, instead of putting your banking info on other sites, you put your billing payment info on the bank's site and they issue the payments from there. Maybe your bank has something similar???
  13. You can make your own with paper towels. Here are several different "formulas" to choose from. If you choose one that uses bleach as an ingredient, keep in mind that bleach deteriorates over time. The stability of dilute bleach can be variable. It is recommended to make a fresh solution daily. The ratio would be the same (1 tsp. bleach per cup water). You could keep the solution in a spray bottle and then use paper towels or rags to wipe it up. The bleach used should be fresh and in date because even concentrated bleach loses 20% of its potency each year. Bleach loses potency quickly when mixed with water. If you make this, you have to make a new batch every single day or it won't disinfect. Bleach can break down in light, so an opaque container (instead of the clear one demonstrated) would be better. You should use a bleach that is 5-6% sodium hypochlorite in the bottle. This next one seems more suited for using on your hands instead of on surfaces. Stats on Clorox brand bleach https://www.clorox.com/how-to/disinfecting-sanitizing/cold-flu-other-diseases/how-to-make-your-own-disinfecting-solution/
  14. To keep the ham for your use you might try soaking it in plain water for a day or two. That's what you have to do with a Virginia Ham (because it is heavily salted for preservation). I tried jarring up some ham a few years ago; it got very dark and didn't look appetizing, but I don't remember how good/bad it tasted. Just the aesthetics changed my mind about doing it again. Also, if you cook the ham to use for yourself, try cooking it in a pot full of water - hopefully the salt will leach out that way too.
  15. Gofish and Cat are both alright.....no injuries or storm damage to either one.
  16. This is a short video made by the doctors who gave the press conference that was deleted by YouTube, FB, Twitter, etc.
  17. These are daily comics by Bill Amend published in 1989.
  18. How can you do that without it turning to mush? I would like to make some veggie soup to can and I use these veggies instead of corn and carrots.
  19. I didn't know there were states that still used either of these methods!
  20. The video is available on bitchute dot com. Skip to 5:15 - You won't be sorry. https://www.bitchute.com/video/PqqvcxdCGJo9/?fbclid= https://www.bitchute.com/video/HeC0tHZDX7dk/?fbclid=
  21. More biological warfare from China??? The USDA issued this statement:
  22. Here is a slightly less salty version of the same issue: Voluntary cooperation or coerced cooperation???
  23. This IS the new reality, and also almost 100% proof that the continuing health "crisis" is political, not medical. Here in CA, all that is required is a "face covering" much like you just described. And even those aren't worn correctly most of the time by those who favor the idea. Lots of people are walking around with bandannas covering their mouths but their nose is hanging out over the top of it. The danger here is that, while they think they are being good little citizens and helping to stop the spread of CV19, they are in fact still sending possibly contaminated respirations out into the atmosphere! The other "danger" is, these are the "Karen" types who confront those in non-compliance with their state't EOs. At least if I'm NOT wearing a mask you "know" you need to stay 6 ft away from me, but you think you are "safe" as long as I have my mouth covered! Here is an interesting video about the whole debacle. Be warned that "Mr. Salty" uses very salty language!
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