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Everything posted by HapyGirl

  1. {{{{Momo and DH}}}}} Glad you are on the mend! I wanted to get my flu shot, but waited too long and they reserved the last for the elderly and ill here. I am so saddened by the loss of so many young people and it makes me afraid for my kids. I got the flu a few years ago and it was so bad I almost went to the hospital. It took me a good month to get back my strength! I hope you recover quickly.
  2. It felt like a nice spring day here! In the mid 40's and a little windy but absolutely beautiful. A couple of days ago we had enough fluffy white snow to stick, but it melted right off the next morning. I am still pinching myself that I don't have to bundle up all the time. I am going to the Winter Fair tonight to volunteer helping kids make crafts. Cassie and I will have a lot of fun. Yesterday was our 13th anniversary. Lane rented Lord of the Rings and the Two Towers and we got take out. He brought me flowers I am really looking forward to the end of the week, it will be a break from driving everyone everywhere for two weeks while they are on vacation. I want to cuddle up with some good books and drink cocoa with the kids and make a big puzzle instead of rushing around like we have been doing.
  3. HapyGirl

    Train Trip

    Oh and did you know you can buy regular tickets and then upgrade once the train is moving? If they have one open, it's about $100. And then your meals are covered so it just about pays for itself
  4. HapyGirl

    Train Trip

    So beautiful! That's why I LOVE where I live in the Rogue valley, surrounded by trees and snow covered mountains. Taking the train is a lovely way to travel. I did it alone with my 4 yr old and 16 month old 7 yrs ago. I have always wanted to take the same trip by myself
  5. Welcome to Mrs- S! Glad you're joining us. Put your feet up and have a seat here by the fire
  6. Great job theyd!! I crochet beause I drop so many stitches knitting LOL!
  7. OUCH! Hope LP heals up quick. I hope the rest of your week is easier!
  8. Enjoy her visit and please tell her thank you from us!
  9. Praying for his safety and all our other soldiers over there!
  10. Good for you! Something about new curtains that just makes a room I hope you can find more of the fabric so you can have those throw pillows too!
  11. Grace it arrived today. Such beautiful cross stitch! I love it
  12. Welcome Westbrook!! We look forward to learning about all the great crafts you like to do
  13. HapyGirl


    Welcome to Mrs-S Karen Sorry about your stroke! Have a seat here on the porch swing and have a nice cup of green tea and tell us about yourself!
  14. {{{{{{Nana}}}} Could happen to anyone! Happy Anniversary and wishes for many more years of happiness together!
  15. Ouch! How awful! I'm so sorry Snow Hope she heals well and isnt in too much agony!
  16. Aww poor baby! Glad he's home now. It's always stressful with a baby in the hospital. I can't imagine doing it with one home too
  17. That's so nice of you Grace! I'll let you know as soon as it arrives.
  18. {{{{{{{{Di}}}}} I'm so very sorry
  19. HapyGirl


    Welcome Cheryl
  20. I have no doubt I'll love your ornament Lowie! I love all the ones I've ever recieved from the mrs-s exchange no matter how simple since they are made from the heart
  21. HapyGirl

    Im back

    Welcome Back Always glad to welcome a member Home! How have you been?
  22. Hope you all had a lovely holiday! I got to spend Thanksgiving with my father and my grandmother for the first time since I was a teen. Plus, my dad bought the whole thing from the supermarket so all I had to do was bring the pies
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