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Everything posted by HapyGirl

  1. Joan I am so thrilled he was found alive I read about him in this morning's paper. What an amazing survival story!
  2. Wendi your 10 acres sounds so fabulous We have a fireplace here but haven't used it since Nick is so much mischief and it doesn't have inset doors I'm worried he'd get burnt.
  3. HapyGirl


    Mommafitz I got your ornament, it is very cute I realized when I was putting away all my ornaments that about 1/3 were Mrs-S ornaments from over the years. The friendship and personal care with which they were made makes them very special to me!
  4. I've brought flowers for my great co-mod
  5. Awww drat I missed it! I'm with you Nana, it will be nice to get back to a regular schedule. I'm all mixed up!!
  6. Happy New Year!! Watched the Rose Bowl Parade this morning and then the kids and DH have been playing games. I plan to sit down today and as a family come up with 24 fun and cheap activities we can do, 2 per month. We need to have more fun this year!
  7. Happy New Year Darlene May 2004 bring you health, happiness, and prosperity!
  8. HapyGirl

    new member

    Welcome to Mrs-S Sharon We just drove through Wyoming in the summer on our move to Oregon. It is stunning. My DD was really upset we weren't moving there. She fell in love with your state!
  9. I am so happy for you that you could have your boys home for the holidays Hope you find the perfect new place to call home!
  10. As I watched this beautiful presentation I had tears just streaming down my cheeks. Enjoy http://www.theinterviewwithgod.com/
  11. Hope your family is all through with it Motherearth! It can be so miserable My family is almost done with it. Max brought it home on the start of winter break, then Jake got it. He had it the worst of everyone but is all better now. Right now Nick is the only one and Cassie and Lane seem to have escaped it so far. I didn't get my flu shot this year but I got the flu very mildly ( only lasted 3 days of low grade fever slight achiness, barely any cough) so it must be similar to a strain I've had or been immunized against. You're right it is very important to keep meds on hand and push those fluids. Nick has pretty much been velcro boy since Christmas day. He seems a little better today. WIshing everyone a HEALTHY New Year!
  12. Have fun shopping Brigid! I'm home with a sick toddler, no sales for me this year. So I celebrated Boxing Day by recycling all the boxes from gifts instead LOL. Sure were a lot of them We are supposed to get some snow tonight. Slight dusting yesterday that melted off by lunch. I love that about here. Just enough snow to be pretty but then it's gone before I need to be out and about and it usually doesn't stick to the roads.
  13. Welcome to Mrs- S Jackie Have a seat here in this comfy chair and a cup of cocoa. We look forward to getting to know you better. Have fun looking around!
  14. All our love and prayers for you and your whole family. I am so sorry {{{{{{{{Theyd}}}}}}
  15. HapyGirl

    Gidday ALL!

    Congratulations on your double blessing Welcome Home and Merry Christmas!!!
  16. HapyGirl

    The Flu

    The flu bug has struck my house My son Max got sick yesterday, now I feel feverish. I got out and finshed up my christmas shopping and grocery shopping and picked up some Nyquil. I will probably be offline until after Christmas. Happy Holidays everyone and stay HEALTHY!
  17. HapyGirl


    We will miss you! Good wishes wherever life takes you {{{{{Lowie}}}}
  18. Isn't it nice when people really care I love small towns too. Even though this one feels bigger than Fairfield was, it's really about the same size without the tourists. My son's new Dr turned out to be my other son's cub scout leader LOL. Small towns are great! I already feel like I'm at home here.
  19. Ahhh just what I need this morning
  20. {{{{{{Nana}}}}} Whew I'm tired just reading your list! Make sure you pencil in some quiet time for a cup of cocoa and some cookies with LP and AK somewhere in all that!
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