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Everything posted by Becca_Anne

  1. Sounds like you made great progress today Littlesister! Glad you GS pitched in. Midnightmom did I miss something is someone you know/care about joining the Coast Guard? I spent today wrapping up loose ends for our trip. Got everything done just have to put the suitcases in the car and hit the road early! I am fairly exhausted so will go to bed early. Planted 3 rosebushes, watered the garden, bought more chick feed and a new bigger waterer. This one doesn't seem to leak which is good. Went and did a huge grocery shopping so the kids will have food while we are gone. Trimmed the mulberry tree so it's not hanging over the sidewalk. And packed all the bags, and put the food we are taking on the road, the microwave and instapot in the car.
  2. Thank you Littlesister! I'm so sorry it's come to thiswith your GS and I hope he learns. I have heard the Carolinas are beautiful I'm sure that they will be happy wherever they end up. Today is laundry, packing and mulching the garden. The foundation people came and fixed their mess so that is a relief. Now no one will trip on the driveway
  3. Kappy hope that your insurance co gives them heck if they try to bill for that. When the surgery was cancelled any follow up appointments should have been cancelled by them automatically. I'm busy as a bee this weekend getting ready for my road trip. Foundation people are here today fixing their shoddy work from when they installed the system (they didn't bury the pipe deep enough so the brick was dangerously raised in my driveway making a tripping hazard). Only took them 3 tries to get here and thankful that the person I talked to twisted enough arms to get someone here on a Saturday. I think she sensed how big a stink I was going to need to make if it didn't happen before I left for my trip since I had scheduled this months ago and they no showed on me twice and the 2nd time they didn't even call me I had to call them to find out why no one showed up. Since they are a big name company I'm sure they didn't want me plastering photos of their work all over social media if they didn't fix it. For over $20k in foundation work I expect safe and the product to stay on the walls (it's also peeling in some places). So they come once a year and if it's not holding up next year I'm going to ask for some to be refunded as it's not supposed to do that. Anyways doing lots of laundry and packing today. Putting together a "kitchen" to take with me - small cutting board, paring knife, dish brush, silverware, pot scrubber, instapot, small microwave, coffee pot and mug, paper plates and bowls, ladle and spatula. I'm going to "cook" in the instapot mostly. We're staying at a Motel 6 so no kitchenette so since we are driving and going to be on the road for 6 wks I'm bringing it all with me. Not going to spend the $ on eating out very much while we are gone. Going to get a cooler and fill with ice and go to the grocery store to buy what we need every day or so. The grocery store is right by the motel so it won't be much trouble. Getting excited about seeing my daughter She's due in 8 days! We leave on Monday to drive out there. Going to take it slow unless baby arrives early. I have mapped out our route. Will take more time on the way back to sightsee. Also going to get some straw today and mulch the garden well before I go. My son who is staying here will water it for me but he's never had a garden he was responsible for so want to make it easier for him with less weeding. He's also watching our dog and the chickens. I am really thankful for him as I would have had to have hired someone to come in daily without him!
  4. Jeepers glad you like the shelves. I need to get a few more myself but first will put the ones I have together and re-assess what I need. Have a great trip! Littlesister glad you had a nice visit with your friends Kappy that's such great news about your eye! Sounds like you have found a keeper in your new eye Dr. Ambergris hope the lawn repair works out smoothly. Small areas tend to patch pretty fast Mt Rider so glad you got good news on your MS! I moved my little chicks out to their big girl coop in the carriage house. We wrapped the inside walls of the "stall" they are in with hardware cloth and set them up with bedding on the concrete floor and they have figured out how to roost on the bars inside the coop. This is temporary until we get the fence up then I'll make them a run and cut a hole in the side of the carriage house to put an automatic door to let them out into the run. This way they have extra "insulation" from the wind and snow in the winter with a covered dry area and will have access to the outside when I want to let them out. In bad weather they can just stay "inside" and also extra protection from predators getting in. Since we don't have any fencing up yet this gets them out of my bathroom and in a safe place until we get their permanent run set up. So far so good I think they like the extra space so far. Garden is looking good. Getting things together for heading out on our big trip next week.
  5. Wishing you a very Happy and special Birthday!
  6. Hope your Birthday tomorrow is wonderful!!
  7. Kappy hope you can catch those coons. We had a family take up residence once in our crawlspace. Used a one way door to get them out and sealed the vent covers with metal vents so they couldn't get back in. They had pulled out all the insulation it was a big mess. Have a safe trip Jeepers! Hope the ins co does the right thing Littlesister hope you can get all the bunnies. It's that time of year for sure! I need to fence my garden too to keep the crittters out but that may have to wait until we get back. Ambergris I hope you enjoyed your fish and chips. That's one of my favorite meals. Miki so sorry about the termites hope you caught them early before too much damage. We were woken up this morning by a call from the police officer we talked to the other day giving us an update. It seems that my terrible neighbor abandoned their dog and moved to another town just up and left after the incident on the 30th! We hadn't seen them just this other person who had been at the house and thought he might be dog sitting for them while they hid out somewhere who we hadn't seen since Saturday but I guess the family actually completely left! Probably afraid they would get their kids taken away as the officer said the condition inside the house was really bad and they are condemning the house on Monday He said once that happens it may be possible for us to buy the lot from the city and we would have to help pay for tear down costs but the city also covers some of that cost so we will see what happens. This is for sure an answer to my prayers. And so nice of him to call us to let us know So we will hold off on the huge privacy fence between the lots but get started on the plan for the fence anyways as we do want to have one eventually. May not have to do it so fast though and no worries now about the boundary as it's clearly known now and no more scary dog (they rescued it off the porch roof).
  8. Thank you Miki! Mt Rider you are making great progress keep sorting! Feel better Littlesister! Ambergris you have scored some great deals. I had a productive day. Cameras got installed and I have a full view of the alley side plus my whole backyard. Doorbell camera catches most of the street so we can see people if they approach in almost any direction now. Not 100% but the side that isn't as covered is the main road with good lighting less likely to be an issue on that end and my troublemaker neighbor's house is fully visible so if he went on the sidewalk towards that direction I'd still see him. It cost me an arm and a leg but worth it. Then the code lady came to mark the boundary. It's right where we thought it was, just 4 ft from their house. We put the marker 2 feet off the property line she said we were ok to put it there even if he didn't agree, so we will be able to put up the fence and maintain it still on our property and also not go right through a big tree. DH went and bought T-Posts and rolled wire "cattle panel" style for temporary fencing. She said we were ok to put up a temporary fence while we get the permanent one put up. DH will put that up this weekend just waiting on the signs we ordered and the tool to attach the wire to get here on Saturday. They still haven't come back so hopefully they won't until after it's up. The other two sides I'm going to use the temporary poultry netting type fencing just to close off the backyard. I have 50 ft x 2 so it won't reach the whole way but should be an adequate barrier to keep the neighbor from driving on my yard. We are putting up a sign on the fence that has the number of the code enforcement lady on it and that we got a permit and also that the backyard is now covered by video surveillance so fair warning and hope for the best that they don't try to tear it down, but if they do we will have it on tape! Annoying i had to spend $1500 on the cameras, install and fencing. But I will re-purpose the t-posts and wire in the garden for trellising once the permanent fence goes in so it will all be good. Just a lot of stress to deal with before we leave for a month but I'll feel better knowing its more secure. I planted some basil today and some zinnias and marigolds. Some of the extra plant starts I put by the road got adopted so I felt better about that. My garden is going to be all weeds when I get back though it's already trying to grow grass. If I have time and energy I'll try to put cardboard and mulch down before I go. So much to do and still working full time so by the end of the day I'm already tired. I have some more pumpkin?or squash or zucchini to plant not sure my labeling got away from me. It's a chaotic surprise garden at this point the sun already destroyed the writing on half my markers...I'm kind of laughing at myself because I had such grand plans for this year's garden and it's going to be a mess but hoping I get something from it for my trouble.
  9. Kappy so sorry you were mishandled. It's ok to say no to medical students and say you're sorry but you only want to see the Dr. I hope your new one works out for you. Littlesister you can get shingles at any time after you have had chicken pox unfortunately. My son had a case at 16! I am glad I got my shingles shots I really don't want to deal with that. They say stress can make it more likely to get a case of them and I have had more than my fair share of that! Jeepers it is a great idea to get out of the hotel now and then. I hope you don't have to call it home much longer. Tomorrow our security cameras get installed. I will feel much better with them there. DH got the fencing permit filed so now we just wait for approval which they said could take about a week. Getting new tires for our SUV before we drive in 12 days to Oregon! It's starting to feel more real that my baby is having a baby in less than 3 weeks!
  10. Very odd behavior Annarchy! Hopefully she is just an odd duck and not casing the place. Everyone is super busy! I got the air conditioner in the Master Bedroom put in, it's in the 80's this week so that will let us cool it down before we go to bed. Will open windows too but since heat rises it's been super hot here and I have been sweating too much to sleep well. I got my zucchini and squash and some fancy pumpkins planted. Super excited to see how they turn out. I am taking a leap of faith some of it will survive with my absence for a month! We leave in about 2 wks and I am getting excited an nervous to get there.
  11. Great shirts If I wore shirts with words on them some of these would be perfect. Today I planted peppers in the garden then got a bunch of stuff done inside when the storm blew through. Much cooler now. I have 2 weeks before my trip to Oregon so lots to get done before we leave. Got the air conditioners down from the attic and will start putting them into the windows. Moved a rug and one of the fridges downstairs for my friend to use when she moves in. Finished hanging a painting I've been meaning to put up. Got my seeds organized for later in the season in 2 small plastic shoeboxes. They are the perfect size for that the seed packets are just the right height to fit in on their sides. One for the things I've already planted, and one for the things I'm planting when I get back. I am getting excited about my garden. I can't harvest them this year but my asparagus bed put up some shoots already!
  12. Kappy hope the next phase of the eye treatmenet is successful. Euphrasyne great haul from the garage sales! Jeepers really frustrated for you and hope that the insurance company does pay you what you are owed for your settlement. Mother it is amazing how many scammers there are out there. I'm glad someone has figured out how to beat them at their own game I thankfully haven't had as much of a problem lately but then again I almost never answer my phone unless I'm already expecting a call. I got my tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin and watermelon planted today. I still have more plants for tomorrow - hoping to get all my peppers in the ground and some more pumpkins and watermelon. I have some interesting varieties I started that I want to grow. Also putting in bush beans from seed tomorrow. Then sit back and see what thrives. I got a good variety of plants started so different kinds of tomatoes. I think I planted 10 tomato plants. I am putting out starts in a box for free to give away this week as I have too many after I offer them to local friends online.
  13. Miki so glad you got your necklace fixed Today was in a training all day at work so not much got done but put my plants on the porch this morning and don't have to bring them back in as it's finally warm enough at night to leave them out. Time to get them in the garden when I get the chance. My goal is no baby plants in the house by the end of the weekend. Have to start hardening off the remaining plants tomorrow that have sprouted. Will put the flats outside tomorrow and take down the grow lights for the season.
  14. So Sorry MomM somehow I misread the list and thought you were the 5th! Happy Birthday and hope you had a good one
  15. Family drama brings out the worst in everyone. Tears families apart. Always so sad. Hugs Euphrasyne I'm so sorry about your uncle. Nothing much here except work today. I did finish off the binding on my baby quilt and also finished an afghan I started about 15 yrs ago. I thought I would decide to pull out the yarn to do something else with it only to discover I had quit when I was almost done LOL. So I finished the last row, and the edging and that is one less UFO in my closet. I will gift it to my friend when she moves in as is the perfect color for a throw in the Living area she will have. Evaluating all the craft stuff I have and trying to either give things away or use them. Garden plants carried inside and out for the last time today. It will be 41 degrees tonight and then in the 60's at night for the foreseeable future so I think its safe to leave them out from now on. Hoping to get them all in the actual garden this weekend and be done with baby plants in the house.
  16. Wishing you a most special Birthday Darlene!
  17. Lots of spring cleaning going on for everyone sounds like! I did get some done myself cleared out the closet in the room that will be the bedroom for my friend. Put things in various places but still have to work out a permanent home for some of it. Art papers from my kids, old photo albums I need to go through so much "mementoes" and cut down yet again. I am terribly sentimental but even I recognize it's too much. Will buy a few bins and each kids stuff will go in one whatever fits and cut again until it does. Then those can go up in the attic. For now it's all in my office but it's all together now to process. Once the plants go outside I can reclaim shelving in the dining room and move the office books in there (It's a huge wall of shelving) and then that room will be done except for moving the furniture upstairs. Then I can clean and wax the floors and the rooms will be ready for her once the shower is fixed up (supplies ordered so hoping it will be done by the end of next week).
  18. Happy Birthday Midnightmom! Hope your birthday was extra special!
  19. Happy Sunday everyone! Spent today planting 25 raspberry bushes. Got them all in the ground in 2 fairly straight rows, still need to put up a support for them but glad I didn't let them die before they got in the ground. This is a nostalgic one for me as I have so many lovely memories of my grandmother and her raspberry bushes. She had a huge patch and made jam and froze them and we ate big bowls with cream and sugar and berries together every time I would visit. So a core memory for me. So happy to have some of my own here. It hailed a little bit but then cleared up. I still need to plant the tomatoes and cucumbers and pepper plants but will do those tomorrow as I ran out of energy after digging all those holes. I haven't been sleeping well the past few nights due to pain from my cardiac defibrillator scar tissue which probably is being aggravated by all the digging I've been doing so I'm going to pace myself. Also today finished a book I was reading for book group. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. Oh my what a heartfelt book. Loved it so much.
  20. Sorry things are still so rough with your GS Littlesister. Jeepers hope your computer holds up at least until you can get it backed up. Mine is kind of falling apart too because I dropped it But it still runs I just don't close it anymore. Ambergris you have a lot going on, hope the cat drama stops soon. At least when you move will likely stop Mt Rider hope the PT helps. I got good benefit when I did mine last year. Euphrasyne so glad you got some time to yourself it really is important. I had a great day today. Ben and I went and volunteered at the new community garden. We helped fill raised garden beds and then the lady from a local orchard taught all the 4 H kids about the plants they were planting so he got to help with that too Then we came home and planted a bunch of our starts. I got Artichokes, Onions, Eggplant, Celery, and Potatoes planted today. Tomorrow will do my Raspberry plants, tomatoes and cucumbers. Will hold off on planting my peppers another week so it is a bit warmer at night as it will be dipping into the 40's tonight. I am really happy after spending the whole day with my hands in the dirt.
  21. So glad to hear this update Virginia!
  22. Hi everyone sorry I haven't been able to keep up this week. Still working 2 jobs at work and exhausted. Having trouble concentrating at home because I am overwhelmed. Got off work at 10:30 pm last night due to the monthly board meeting, and cried myself to sleep last night out of pure frustration and exhaustion. First time I've cried like that in a long time then had a migraine all day but still had to work today. So I called up my boss and had a good chat and she was supportive and will push to get that other position hired quickly. I am lucky she understands what I do and how much work it is and that I'm burning out. So we'll see what happens. Managed to get the last level of my Greenstalk planter filled with dirt tonight so one tiny garden step completed. Hardened off transplants I'm hoping to put in the ground tomorrow, except for the tomatoes. I'm tempted but I think I should wait until the overnight temps are over 50. Then will start hardening off the pepper plants which as still kind of puny in size and could use some real sun but I wanted to wait until it warmed up a bit outside. It has been colder so now getting nice again. Baby chicks are growing and want to get their coop completed this week. DH had to glue together part of it so we had to wait so that could set.
  23. With everyone's treats we can have an early picnic BBQ, lemonade, scones and banana oatmeal cookies! Virginia and Mt Rider sending prayers! My mom had Mohs a few years back and did really well with it. Good luck to your DH's! It's been lovely here and I'm getting excited about spring. Flowers are blooming, birds are hatching babies, and I think last night was the last frost ( a week after the official last frost date so I'm making notes in my garden journal). I bought 3 climbing roses to plant so hoping to get them in just the right spot this week.
  24. Alrighty just saying hello, how ya been, anything interesting going on in your life? Please stop by the porch and have a nice cup of tea (still too chilly here for lemonade) and check in! I've got a big batch of Cranberry scones in the oven if you'd like one!
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