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Everything posted by Becca_Anne

  1. Feel better Mt Rider. Hope the electrical issue turns out to be something simple. Homes sure keep us busy with repairs! Littlesister glad GS can help you till. I need to get my kids to help me this year since the area will be bigger and more grass to clear. Jeepers glad your business at the lawyer went smoothly. Ambergris so glad your tooth got fixed. Miki have a great weekend too! and glad Peanut is doing better. Today was my birthday so I spent it doing what I wanted. That involved going to the paint store to buy the paint for the room I'm still renovating, and then I relaxed most of the rest of the day and we went out for dinner at a Thai restaurant and to a beautiful string quartet concert by candlelight tonight in St Louis. It was delightful
  2. Miki hope your pup gets the needed diagnosis and treatment. Hugs. Big day here today we got our baby chicks this morning! There are 6 but one was under the heater plate when I snapped this shot. Also of note it's raining inside my front entryway the roof repair did not fix the problem and I got confirmation today my best friend/sister of the heart is coming to live with me. So my family is growing. She will be moving here in July.
  3. Wishing you an extra special birthday!!
  4. I spent almost all this year thinking I was already 52, then this week realized nope that's how old I will be turning this year so I get a year free
  5. Thank you Darlene! It will all work out and thankful we didn't lose everything
  6. Thanks for the ideas on creative cooking. I am now inspired to bring my Instapot when I go to visit my daughter and stay in the motel in a few months. I was already planning on bringing my coffemaker and microwave (we are staying in a motel 6 so no frills) and this will mean I can cook dinner (heat chili, make chicken, etc) if we go to the grocery store it will be cheaper than eating out as much. My goal is to keep a cooler with basic stuff and then go to the store every few days to stock back up.
  7. ((((Annarchy)))) Yikes! So glad you are ok. And praying the AC unit gets fixed under the warranty and you don't need to involve a lawyer. What a mess. Mt Rider Yay you deserve a day that is uneventful! I got a big work project done today so the rest of the week will be much more pleasant. Even got some quilting done so I am feeling relaxed for once.
  8. Jeepers that's awesome you have a big fridge I've never seen a full sized one at a hotel. Kappy love the greenhouse. I have one but it's not set up yet Euphrasyne I need to get stocked up on meat too. That seems like a good deal. Miki hope your shoulder feels better Midnightmom I'm surprised your Dr's office didn't walk you through the CGM and help you get it set up on your phone. I hope you can continue to make it work they are super helpful. Littlesister sounds like things are going better with your GS glad he's recovering from his illness enough to pick up after himself. I have book group today and plan to put a second coat on the ceiling of paint. May be able to get away with just touch ups we'll see how it looks and go from there. I will paint the walls next weekend I was so tired yesterday from the painting it's clear I can't do it all in one day anymore.
  9. I had a "fun" day off today painting an 11 foot ceiling. My shoulder hurts too so we are all in good company. I still need to do a second coat but it got too dark to see were the patches were that needed a touch up. Used a light cream color but it looks whiter than I wanted but I am NOT doing it again I will just live with it awhile. I am going to take a break on the renovations once I get this done and work on the outside projects.
  10. Nice set up Kappy! I am just about ready to put together my coop. Have to work on what kind of bigger run I want but I like the idea of the hoop house style so they can "free range" in a bigger area than what comes with the coop. They will be small for a bit and don't get here until the 3rd so will be inside until they fully feather out so I have some time to plan/set up. It's still pretty chilly here so I haven't been doing much outside. Did get some of my seeds started so have tomatoes and peppers and a few other things coming along! Grow lights working well and have a fan going to strengthen them.
  11. That's a lot to deal with and I wish you didn't have to. Hugs. I'm glad you have found a few things that help you.
  12. Welcome back! So glad you were able to get in even if you had to change your name. I remember you well
  13. Thank you everyone I am really enjoying making the quilt. Jeepers I plan to hand quilt it along the seams, then will do quilting along the figures edges and the leaf rings I think. Keeping it simple but also enough to make it sturdy. It's been years since I made one. I am learning a lot at the quilt guild. Those ladies make some amazing works of art with fabric. I had a great day today it was so warm and the Magnolias around town are in bloom Took a quick trip at lunch to an apt for one of my family members in Mt Vernon about 30 min south of here so had a bit of a nice drive and got out of the house. The painter guy that has been ghosting me finally showed up to clean up his mess and get stuff set up to finish his job. He supposedly is coming back tomorrow to actually paint. So maybe it will work out after all. In any case it no longer looks like a junk pile in that room which is a big relief. I will be so glad when this is done. Mt Rider glad your horseriding set up is so safe to mount and dismount. And glad your car could get fixed. Littlesister glad it is warming up where you are too. So nice to get outside and get hands in the dirt Miki glad you are making progress with your de-cluttering. I need to do my closet I can barely see what shirts I have in there which is silly since I have lots of shelving on the side which I am not using well. I think I need to go back to sorting my clothing by spring/winter I had gotten out of the habit but I think that would help a lot. Annarchy thank goodness your dog is ok now. Always so scary when pets are in distress like that. Hopefully it was just a bee
  14. Good grief I hope his whole work will learn never to share anything that goes in your mouth from this. Glad he's feeling better Littlesister! My grow lights came today so now I just need to figure out how to mount them to my shelving unit. Should be able to get that all set up tomorrow and start those pepper and tomatoes Also finished piecing the baby quilt top so it was a fun day
  15. Thank you MtRider! I am planning on running a small fan in there too. I have been watching tons of youtube videos on growing seedlings and joined a FB group so I'm hoping with everyone's coaching I can be successful. I am mostly going to focus on those plante that have a much longer growing time to ensure I have a shot at a harvest like eggplant and onions. My onions look to be doing ok . It's been so mild I am hoping I can get everything out in the garden right before I go away for a month and let my DS take care of it while we are away so I don't have any huge hopes we will get whatever we get. I will put landcape fabric with holes to keep the weeds down and remind him to water and check on them. This year I'm really banking on getting my perrenial plants in the ground and going so if thats most of what I get I think I'll have to be happy. Plenty of growing season after I get back but it will already be hot so will have to count on my fall garden for the cooler weather crops if the spring planting doesn't survive. I won't be here to eat a lot of it anyways since we will be in Oregon the month of June. Miki o sorry your shoulder is sill hurting I have always had good luck with massages helping so hope you get some relief. Euphrasyne glad you got a night out on the town sounds like fun
  16. Mt RIder sure glad you got your phone working and figured out the issue! Poor kid! Glad he's getting the right treatment now Littlesister! Jeepers and Momo and everyone else thanks she's sleeping right now and has been very subdued since we got home from the vet but I think is doing as well as can be expected so far. I got a lot or laundry and other things done while she was at the vet I was going to go to sewing tomorrow, may still go but have to make sure whomever is in the house keeps her 4 paws on the ground. I want to finish cutting out my baby quilt for grandbaby so I can start quilting it. He's due end of May so I have to get busy! I'm going to also focus on decluttering paper tomorrow I can sit with the puppy and do that while she rests and still get something done. I ordered some grow lights to get my seedlings started and those should arrive Sunday so super excited to start my tomato and pepper plants. I have never tried to use grow lights just seedlings in the window which almost always die so curious to see how these go. Mostly i direct seed but wanted to try this out to see if I can extend our growing season a bit.
  17. Wow Annarchy fluorescent earthworms that's a new one to me too! Who knew?! Jeepers happy to help with whatever I can, and glad your Dr seems like he is now on top of things for you. It's always a balance and with diet especially tricky to know all the effects of the foods we eat. In general I try to eat and advise to eat as whole a food diet as possible with less processed foods since that tends to have too much added sugar and salt. Since my DH has BP and had acute kidney failure from sepsis and then a kidney stone that he's recovered mostly from I'm really aware of that now. I really think our modern diet is the root of a lot of disease. Hard to make everything from scratch though. My dog is getting spayed tomorrow so I suspect I'll be on duty keeping her from jumping off of things the next couple of days. Hope you all have a great weekend!
  18. Oh my Mt Rider who knew ducks were so dramatic! So sorry about her demise. I think duck dinner sounds like a good solution. Jeepers it's almost certainly B-12 as D would be D2 or D3 As for the kidney stuff if you follow Dr's advice and ensure your Blood Pressure and Blood Sugars stay good that is the best protection you can give your kidneys to protect the remaining kidney functioning you have. The kidneys are really affected by High blood pressure and sugar damages them too. Also it is hard on them to process salt so I'm sure they told you to watch that too. It might be a good idea to ask for a referral to see a nephrologist (kidney specialist) they can give you very specific instructions to keep your kidneys as good as possible for as long as possible. Some OTC meds are also really hard on the kidneys like ibuprofen so be sure to run any OTC meds by the Dr's office too before taking. Annarchy wow that's concerning. I hope they found everyone. Littlesister glad your GS is improving! Decluttering is always a good feeling. I need to do another round at my house Miki what is blackberry switchel? Sounds yummy. That reminds me I have some mulberrries I froze last summer I need to use up maybe I'll look for a recipe today to make a treat with them. Not much going on at my house just lots of work. Might be an internal candidate to take over the extra work I've had to take on lately which would be a relief as my own job is very overwhelming right now. I just keep telling myself what do I have to do today and do that.
  19. Wishing you a most special Birthday Momo! Hope you get to do something fun.
  20. I've been making freezer meals for my family and lately here are our favorites Quiche- I use premade deep dish pie crust and then for filling eggs, milk, spinach, ham or bacon, feta cheese and cheddar cheese (substitute whatever cheese you like) Enchiladas Lasagna (I don't precook my noodles just layer and freeze and be sure to take out to thaw the day before so it doesn't take 2 hrs to cook. You can portion up in smaller containers too) Chicken (Marinated in freezer bags with Italian dressing, Teriyaki or whatever marinate you like) serve with a prebagged salad and a microwaved baked potato or rice Pre-made homemade soup frozen in freezer bags. I like split pea, and sausage chicken gumbo (add pre-cooked frozen rice when re-heating after cooking or it gets mushy) Can also add noodles Meatloaf ( I put goat cheese and spinach in mine for a nice stuffed meatloaf)
  21. Littlesister hope your GS turns the corner soon and he starts to feel better. I think I'd be looking for a new Dr too that's really not excusable. Just can't seem to get much done other than work today but I did make a yummy curry chicken for dinner. Tried pearled couscous with it but that was so strange I much prefer regular couscous. It was like tapioca, not the texture I was going for
  22. Busy weekend for me. Book group x 2 and Ben got to go to a Birthday Party. My DH is 90% done putting together one of the two trellises I bought last year and I'm hopeful I'll actually get to use them for my roses this year!
  23. Jeepers I'm glad progress is being made and that so far your insurance co is footing the bill. Smart idea to have a separate account for all of it. And glad you have some legal contacts too in case you need them. I hope you get some rest at the hotel and I'm sure it will be more comfortable for you. I am going to take some time to plan out where I'm putting my greenhouse tomorrow. DH got a load of gravel to put on his parking spot which I will use some in sandbags to weigh down the silage tarp I'm putting out to kill off the grass where I am planting my garden. I am working on the foundation of the garden this year, planning out the beds, putting in the infrastructure and whatever plants I can put in will be a bonus. Super excited to see how it progresses. I got the free sewing machine cleaned up and figured out what model it is so I could find an old manual. Found a you tube video that shows me how it works so that was cool. I'm going to try it out this weekend and see if it sews well. I want to piece the baby quilt top this weekend. I am 3/4 done cutting out the pieces, just the 2 1/2 inch squares and then I can start sewing it together. Also Monday -Wed I will be at a conference in Washington D.C. so need to pack for that. Going to be a busy week!
  24. Jeepers so glad they are taking good care of you. I really hope you are able to sell your house for a lot more once this is over. In any case you are making great progress on the decluttering! Glad you are taking a night at the hotel to get good rest. Nothing too exciting going on here but I did get my office and also my sewing room organized this weekend. Really happy with my new spaces.
  25. Congrats on the coming great grandbaby Littlesister <3
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