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Everything posted by Littlesister

  1. ZZELLE, just checking in to hear how you are doing. Hope things are looking up for you.
  2. Welcome back to the forum Beryl. Lots of new things to read.
  3. Wow, that is expensive. I have seen prices like that in catalogs but not quite that high. Usually they come frozen or overnight it. But no it will not be warm. You would have to heat everything up. Jeepers, I really hope and pray you are feeling much better today. Went to Church this morning but only stayed for Sunday school as DH was not feeling well when he got up this morning. So skipped the church service to be home with him. I am the secratary of our Sunday school class and I have no one to back me any longer. So now have a class mate that is going to do it. Started teaching her how to do it this morning. DH is feeling a bit better this evening though. Just hope he has a better day tomorrow. So other that that I have had a quiet day today. Just taking care of DH and making sure he is drinking enough water. I think I finally got through to him that not drinking is messing up his kidneys though he is holding fluid. His body is deydrated and that is why his kidneys were trying to shut down. Doing better but labs next week will tell the tell.
  4. Hello ZZelle, I think everyone goes through more stress at certain times than others, but with the Lord's help you will get through it and brighter days will be coming. Keeping you in prayer for strengh to get through the rough patches.
  5. Jeepers, So sorry you are sick. Hope you do have someone nearby that can help you if you don't get better soon. Try to drink as much as you can to stay hydrated. . The WE2's, What's it like to be able to sleep in? I have been up by 5 am every morning for weeks. Only one around here that gets to sleep in these days is DH. I got the sweet potatoes canned. So that job is done. 14 quarts and 8 pints. I really do need to get a second pressure canner. Can only do 7 quarts or 8 pints at a time. So I may be looking into that. Just have to be careful as to how tall it is to clear the vent hood. I think next year I am going to pull out the propane burner to use outside for canning as I can buy a bigger canner if I can get that set up. Though I don't know how long a 20 lb propane tank will last. We go through 1 a year for the grill. But I think this will take some gas. Might be worth it though. I could get done in half the time. DH is feeling better today. But that cold will not go away. Still snorting green and he finished his antibotics today. Need to find something that will break up that flim in his throat. It is so thick his meds get stuck in throat and he gets choked. Something needs to thin it out but having found anything to break that up yet. Got him drinking more water today, so the fluid is not as bad. I told him he had to drink water as his body is deydrated and thinks it needs to hold on to what water it has. So now he is starting to feel a bit better. Going to try to get him to drink more water tomorrow. He can be a stubbering old goat at times. But at least I am getting through to him on the water. Now that Thanksgiving is over and the sweet potatoes are done. I am going to start back on the house cleaning. Need to get ready for Christmas. It's going to be a bear to get tree down off of loft as I put as much stuff in that shed as I could because of the driveway work. At least it kept the cement dust off of all that. But now I have to pull it all out to get to what I need for Christmas. Not going to do as much decorating as I usually do. DH can't do much to help and I am tired this year and not been able to keep up with things with going to market to help him cook and all the doctor appts. that keep popping up and more coming. But as always some how it all gets done. Thank you Lord for keeping me going and giving me the energy to get it done even if I am slow at it. This weather going arcross the states has been really bad. So many states with some bad snow storms. We haven''t had any snow but the rain is coming and my fingers are feeling it tonight. Though I think some of it is from peeling the sweet potatoes this morning. So off to get some ben gay on them and my glove on to keep hands warm. Stay save and warm everyone.
  6. The best way to store eggs is if you have chickens, Do not wash the eggs but dip them in something like if my memory is correct castor oil or another one. I will double check my book on that. But then you put them in a bucket in a cool, dark place. Store bought eggs have already been washed and must be refriderated. I will get my book out later and post the correct way for sure of how to store fresh, unrefridgated eggs.
  7. Out of the Ordinar. I never told my doctor I was coming off of the synthrod to take the bovine thyroid nor the adrenal meds. The doctors around here refuse to use Armor thyroid because they think it is to much trouble. I went on line and looked up the symptoms of adrenal gland issues and yes I had several of those symptoms. So I just went by what the company said to do. And I have to say after 1 month I can really tell a big difference. I am starting to get my energy back and getting more done around the house. Usually I have to take several breaks and now I just go right through the day. You could check out Mayo Clinic website and a few others to see what the symptoms are. I might later let my doctor know that I made the switch but I want to wait for the 4 month check up before I tell him.
  8. Wanted to let you know, I went to doctor today about my lab work and the thyroid levels were right on. Though for the T3 I do need to raise the Bovine Thyroid up a notch. Also been taking the whole adrenal and the Adrenal Corte plus and my labs were really good. Seems to have helped with the diabetics as well. So it has only been about 4 weeks from when I stopped the synthroid and started taking this and I am very pleased with the results. Now to find out how long it will last past the experation dates. The bovone thyroid has an exp. date of 5/2022. So that is good, but want to find out how far beyond that it will go. In the meantime I am going to still have my synthroid filled and just hold on to it. Though I still need to get that research done as soon as I have the time for it. Wanting to know how long past the exp. dates on that as well before it is no good. So far I do have a 120 day supply of synthroid. and now going to start building on the bovine as I have felt so much better on it in just a short time. i am beginning to feel more like myself.
  9. And yes please all of you in the path of this winter storm. Please stay safe. We are warming up just a bit but it won't last long. Don't want anyone here to get hurt from slipping on ice, etc. I think most of us have enough problems without adding a fall to the list. And HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone.
  10. Kappydell,, Your garden looks really good. Mt. Rider, I hope your fingers get better soon. I have jammed mine before and it does not feel good. One of the things I did was to rub some ben gay or one of the other arthritis rubs on there and put a cotton glove on at night. I have gloves with no fingers in them as well that I use during the day when I rub the arthritis oitment on. I use those mainly because I don't want to get into eyes. I has helped me a lot with my finger and now mine has healed on the finger I jammed. Might be worth a try. The We2's, you guys are really coming along with the bathroom project. It will be done and ready to go before you know it. I love the tatler lids. I just bought a few of the small mouth lids a couple of weeks ago. Waiting for another sell and I am going to get more of the large mouth as well. though I still use the metal lids as well. And for those who might be wondering why they put an 18 month guarantee on the metel lids is because they have less rubber on them and they say you no longer have to heat them. Just wash and put on jars. Took DH to doctor today. Did not like the looks of the blood work. His chol. was 66 and it was to low. His kidneys were not doing as well either. Told doc. he is not drinking much because his stomach swells and he gets out of breath so easy. Doc. told him though he is holding fluid he still needs to drink water to keep his kidneys going. So he is on another type of fluid pill till the fluid goes down. I have my work cut out for me trying to get everything back in order on his labs. Not going to be an easy task. But we will get through this also. He is a bit deydrated as well. Must drink that water.
  11. I have a hose that is used for campers for water and am looking into getting a couple of stainless steal ones. Didn't know they made them till I saw them advertised in a magazine. Can't go wrong with stainless steal.
  12. Ok, someone up there is making me hungry. That turkey looks good. And no falling down on ice. That is not good. Be careful out there. Had to go help DH cook collards again today.. I think that by the end of year, he won't be doing it any longer. Though we will both miss that money. But his health is more important. It really came in handy for all the things we have done to house in past 4 or 5 years. Roof on house 4 years ago, then the furnance, hot water tank, then air conditioner was replaced as well. Then we had the driveway, walkway and front porch riped out and new put in. So I guess if his job comes to an end we will then have to start using our retirement savings for some things. We try to cash pay when we get these things done as we don't want any monthly payments. So this has worked great for us. DH is feeling a bit better today, but is very tired. He did take a nap today when we got home. though now he has been feeling a bit down because he can't do anything to help me around house. Told him not to worry about it, we do what we can. House work can wait. It will get done when it gets done. So today helped with collard cooking, We got home a little after 12 and I got the sweet potaoto casserole made for tomorrow night's church dinner. Got the clothes washed as well and dishes washed. I have to make another on Wed. for Thanksgiving. I'm getting by easy this year. I am making the casserole, gravy and collards, which are in freezer. So just a heat up on those. Then off to daughter's house for dinner and a good time with family. HOPE EVERYONE HAS A WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING. Seems we all have something to be thankful for this year. For those that have been needing prayer, I have been praying for alll of you. Mt. Rider, Praying that your MS improves over time. I have a neighbor with it and she has a lot of issues with it as well. It does make it harder to do things. Seems we will be putting up our Christmas tree and getting things ready for Christmas in a short week or two. Time is flying. I'll do what I can and not worry about it. Everyone comes to my house for Christmas and my house is still a mess. Guess I will be working double time to finish it up before Christmas eve. My hands have been hurting with the arthritis past couple of days. That is not helping anything.. Have been working on the computer. Getting rid of all those political nut jobs in e-mail. The ones I can unsubscribe from though I never subscribed in first place I hit that and the ones that I couldn't do that went to spam. Then I unscubribed from all the stores that seem to have my e-mail on auto pilot.. My antivirus came to an end and I got a different one this time. Seems to be doing much better as the other one was slowing down the computer and causing it to stick everytime it did a scan. Got all the paperwork filled out for DH's demotology surgery. They mailed it to us, so going to take it in to them Friday. DH sees his family doctor tomorrow for his lab results and check the fluid issues as well as how his sinus infection is doing.
  13. Great info Ann. I saved it to finish reading later. I have about 8 of the blue 5 gal. containers and I think 2 of the ones that hold about 8 gals. that I bought from store but never returned them. I wanted to keep those for water usage that I can refil myself. I am wanting to get a couple of the 250 gal. containers as well that I could set up for garden usage as well as get a rain water system going.
  14. We are just taking it easy today. DH is feeling a bit better though stomach is swollen still. Seems fluid pills just don't want to work for him. I was trying to come down with a head cold but better now. Guess I caught it in time. So I have been working on cleaning up computer and deleting all the junk that keeps showing up in email. Seems my email address was sold to every political we want money for our cause. I do not give money to any polictical organizations. So got rid of all that mess. Hoping I won't get anymore of those emails.
  15. Ann, I have never heard of mung bean extract. Will have to for sure check it out.
  16. Anne my married granddaughter does dog rescue. She takes them in and they find homes for them. She has one now that they think they have a home for. She has two dogs and a cat of her own. She found out she is allergic to feretts so had to give her 2 she had to her mother. That is how my daughter ended up with 7. She did have 8 as one was my other granddaughter's that still lives at home. They had to put him down when he was 3 years old due to renal issues. He stayed in pain and it was nothing they could do for him. The granddaughter that is married trains dogs. She also trains police dogs when needed.
  17. Thank you Jeepers and as soon as I get my lab results next week, I will let you all know how well this medicine worked. I am praying that it does work because it gives us all another option for meds we must take for rest of our lives. Looking into something I read about mothers vinegar. It was stating that for type 2 diabetics, taking two tablesoons each night and with meals will bring your sugar levels down to where you won't need meds. DH and I are both type 2 diabetics. Though I will not try it on him and am going to try it for myself to see if it is true. But first want to reseach it a bit more. I do know it does good for a lot of things but have not heard about the diabitics. If it does work then we have another option to keep our sugar levels down. that it works. Yes Mt. Rider step by step is the only way to go and thank you all for the prayers for DH.
  18. Miki, Glad you got the mortgage thing straight. Mt. Rider, Glad to see the doctor worked out for you. Tell your DH that as a now retired nurse myself that at his age there are 4 shots I highly recommend. One is the tetanus which you said he was getting, the other ones are flu, pneumonia which is only every 5 years or longer depending on age. and the shingles which is a one time deal. These for older folks is very important. DH and I have already gotten ours. Glad this new doctor is working out so far. DH's skin cancer is a basal cell and is set up to be removed on the 5th of December. Then he has a consult with the gastro doctor to find out for sure if his bleeding was from a popped blood vessel. He's been on blood thinners for so long that it can thin the vessels. But doing colonoscopy as a precaution. Better safe than sorry. Fluid pills are not working well and he has fluid in rt. lung and his stomach swells so bad he can't bend over without loosing his breath. Not to mention his feet and legs swelling bad. Plus he has a bad sinus infection which are chronic and fluid in both ears. So on antibiotic for 10 days. He has good days and bad days. Right now it is 3:30 in afternoon and he went to bed for a while. So he is not feeling all that well right now. He cooked collards for market this morning and I went to church to help out with the food ministry. But for an 82 year old, with a bad medical history, he hasn't done bad. We will get through this also. God is great.
  19. Hello Daniel, Welcome to the forum. Great place to be at.
  20. So sorry for your loss Annarchy. Doing rescue is so rewarding and can be lots of fun at the same time. I know my daughter has 7 ferrets now and they are all about the same age. She said the life span of ferrets are about 7 to 8 years, so she will be in a sad situation as well in a few years as they will start to leave this world one behind the other. And loosing love ones both family members and friends is tough as well. But you know they are singing in heaven and having the time of their life. That always brings comfort to the heart.
  21. Never seen that brand around here but will keep my eye out for it so I don't buy it. We don't eat out as I cannot control salt levels from restraunts for DH. Only place I buy take out is his cousin's market as they will fix him no salt food.
  22. I had labs done this morning, so next week I will find out how my thyroid levels are. Have been taking the Bovine thyroid now for about 3 weeks. I really hope this is going to work out. I will then be able to have a good supply of thyroid meds just in case as soon as I can find out the shelf life of the Bovine. Though I now have 120 days of the synthroid. So I do have a good start in case of a SHTF situation. I have noticed that since I started the adrenal meds about 2 weeks maybe a bit less time, but have already noticed a difference in how I feel. Some days the energy is not there but I can still get things done. Just slower at doing it. That is better than my energy going down and getting nothing at all done. So still need more time on that. Also I have lost about 6 lbs since I started this medication. That is a good thing as loosing weight will lower BP and sugar.
  23. Mt. Rider, Hope all goes well with the new doctor. Prayers going out. It's hard to find good doctors anymore. Hope you get your energy back soon. I know how that can be. I have no energy this afternoon after having to take DH to doctor, then pick up RX, and do a little grocery shopping. Now I am done for. The WE2's That is a nice roof DH is putting on. I like the metal roofs. Just stay safe. DH has a full blown sinus infection so on antibiotic. Fluid in ears as well. Also working on this other problem he has and so is on a liquid diet today and tomorrow and is to resume his blood thinner tomorrow. They think he may have popped a small vessel in lower part stomach most likely from being on both asprin and blood thinner for many years. But they are going to check it out. Also his dermotologist called and his biopsy showed a basil cell carcanoma. So off to see the surgon for removal. It is on his cheek. Small so shouldn't be to bad. He has been mostly sleeping since got back from his family doctor. He also got an injection for fluid as he has fluid in his right lung. No wonder he has had problems with his breathing. The fluid pills had not been working very well. Gotta love generics. Went to market with him yesterday to help him cook the 6 bushels of collards for them to cover for the Thanksgiving orders. They have frozen quarts of them over the past 2 months to make sure they have enough, but he will still be cooking right up to 2 days before Thanksgiving. They usually sell about 800 or more quarts for the Thanksgiving holidays and then at Christmas and New Years as well. So need to get him back in good health for all this cooking. I got to watch the manager cooking brunswick stew. He has a pot that holds about 80 gals. He cooks up a batch three times a week. He gets anywhere from 100 to 128 quarts in one batch. That is a lot of stew that goes out of there. It is so good.
  24. Busy day today. Took DH to dermotology today and he had a biopsy on side of face for skin cancer. Then when he came home his balance got worse. Seems he is bleeding from somewhere so now a trip to family doctor and then just take it from there. Hope nothing serious. He's been through enough. But I know there will be test coming. They are adding more test to his labs on Wed. Prayers needed as his health is not good. Also, came home from doctor and got all the clothes, sheets and towels all washed up. So that is done and now I hope to get back to getting things cleaned up around here. I feel I am finally making some headway on storage. Got all my spices out of the big box in closet and in the cubbie in office. Just need to make the small curtains for each of the 4 areas that I have them in to keep them in a darker space. What I really need is a hidding room for all the stuff that I have stored for hard times. But it is what it is. Just really don't want people coming in and seeing just how much I do have. But when you know you will be feeding a family of 10 down the road, it does add up. All you guys with doggies make me miss mine. We used to have 2 dogs and 2 cats. But after the last kitty passed at age 21, we decided not to get anymore dogs and cats. But we do have grand dogs, cats and farretts. Does that count? Well off to get a few more things done and then off to bed. Need to be up by 5 am to go with DH to market to help him cook collards. He has had a hard time last 2 times he cooked handling those large pots. So I am going to go help him tomorrow.
  25. Thanks for the maintance Annarchy. You do a great job.
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