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Everything posted by Littlesister

  1. Kappydale, I did not know you were having a lot of medical issues. Will be keeping you in my prayers. My DH is on elequis. It is one of the only two that if you are injured they have something to stop the bleeding. If you have surgery, you will have to come off of it for 5 to 7 days. That will give it time to get out of your system. It is a good blood thinner. Don't be afraid to take it. Only thing is that a small scratch will bleed like you really cut yourself. If you go to the drug store just look for the bleed stop. I keep a lot of it here. So far only had to use it about three times over the years DH has been on the blood thinners I posted earlier in another section while readling up on the economic collaspe that the Deep state Dems. don't get Trump impeached, they will collaspe the country to keep him from winning a second term.. Also got an e-mail from USA alerts that Tel Aviv Israel is under rocket attack following IDF killing of Islamic Jihad Commander Baha Abu El-ata. Public bomb shelters are open. This is surly the end of days as the Bible predicts. Israel may deem this as an all out war. The Bible says keep your eye on Israel. So just watching for the signs of the end times and trying to prepare as best I can. But I always try to follow God's will as to how I should prep. More long term food that I am looking at but cannot buy till after first of year. And looking at ways to cook without gas nor electric indoors. That one is harder than I though it would be. I did buy some sterno cans a few days ago. So that is a start but need to head to Sam's club and BJs wholesale club soon as well. I like BJ's as they take any coupon with their coupons and I can coupon them to death. Big savings when I do that.
  2. Looks like we are going to get our first bout of really cold weather. They are saying we could get some snow but ground to warm for it to stick. Glad of that. Got the outside faucets covered so they won't freeze this winter and since we had to disconnet the well pump for the new driveway to be put in as it is just outside of the garage door. I am not going to hook it back up till early spring.
  3. I have been thinking about a bigger canner than the one I have, but would be to tall for stove because of vent hood. I can only can 7 quarts or 8 pints at one time. I am thinking about getting out the outside propane burner to use it on and sort of setting up a small outdoor kitchen just for canning. But could only use it during the summer months. Winter time I could only can indoors. I really want to make sure that old burner still works. Might have to get DH to clean it up for me and check it out. Jeepers, I agree with everyone here. You need to get moved and soon. One floor is all you need. No steps. those goose neck faucets are great. I have one on my kitchen sink.. Also having a sprayer on the sink will help in filling up those large pots. I use that a lot when canning. I can just set the large pot on counter next to sink and use the spayer. Much easier getting the pan of water to stove than lifting it out of the sink each time. I have been really busy with kitchen still. Got all the cabnets cleaned out with new shelve paper down. Got clothes washed today and cleaned more of the cement dust out of garage. Now I am 3/4 of the way done with getting that cleaned up. It is a two car gargage and full of cleaning items and DH tools and such, plus our huge freezer, washer and dryer also is out there. So it has been a hard mess to clean up. Will be cleaning down the outside of the cabnet doors in kitchen tomorrow and washing the kitchen curtains. Will be glad when that is all done and I can get into the bathrooms to give them a good scrubbing. Wish I had the speed I used to have. Old age is not for sissies. Have really slowed down a lot in the last 3 or 4 years. And my back is killing me right now from all the cleaning but must keep going.
  4. Could you put a brick in the grill and put the sterno on that to raise it? Depending on how deep maybe even 2 bricks one on top of the other. Might be worth a try. This morning I went to the 3-L club at church. It is for seniors to get together and have lunch and they have a group come in a play christian music. Very relaxing and a good time with my friends at church as well as another group that comes from another church. Then I came home to check on DH as he was not feeling well today so did not go with me. And he enjoys going to those 3-L lunchings. Made it to Walmart this afternoon to get my shelf paper and walked though the sales. Got 12 sterno cans. Picked up some cranberry sauce and stuffing for the food ministery. Then went through and picked up a few cans of things that I was low on as I don't go to walmart very often. I am now going to slow down the food buying as I am well stocked and caught up on the things I was low on. Now I am going to concentrate on ways to heat home and cook. I will be looking into solar as well. There is a company that i am looking at for solar called 4 Patriots.com. They sell the solar generators but not cheap. They can run as much as $4.000, but are the real deal. I think they do have cheaper ones as well and I think you can make payments. Now that driveway is done and paid for, I am going to start saving for one. I think you can make payments on it each month, but not sure on that. I think the $4000 one is on sale at 1/2 price right now. It would be worth checking into. And I think you can add solar screens to it for longer use. I know things are lining up and war is going to happen at some point. Russia, Iran and Turkey are our enemies and they want to destroy Isaeli. But we are their alleys and Russia feels we need to be out of the picture before they can attack Isaeli. So Russia already has the weapon that will take us out. It will cause a country wide EMP and destroy our military and kill millions of people. This is what I am trying to prepare for now. All this is in the Bible as to what is going to take place in the end times. Isaiah 9:10 John 8, Acts, Ezekiel 37, isaiah 17, jeremiah 49, Russia is Maggog accordain to Ezekiel 38:15 and 39:2 maggogs army has many allies, Persia, which is now Iran, That changed to Iran in 1935. Damasus will be a burning heap and we will be out of the picture as Russia will sent that weapon to cause an EMP. So much of my Bible prophecy study is really beginning to make since. So please be ready as the end is very close now. I just hope I can get fully prepared within the next year. As we really don't know if Trump will win or what is going to happen. But I don't think things are looking good for the USA right now. And yes I am over this impeachment mess as it is covering up what is really going on in this world.
  5. Mt Rider, you are right on. Just got an e-mail about it. Seems there is some medal in it. This is really getting out of hand. What is the problem with the FDA? Have they just stopped checking our food and drugs? Failed system for sure.
  6. I was going to go to walmart today to pick up some more shelve paper to finish the kitchen cabnets after I took car in for inspection. As it turned out, I called the place we take it to and they said it would be a couple of hours. No big deal, I could do that and then go to walmart. When I got there they said it would be several hours. So I was going to leave and a man that just picked his car up asked where we live and I told him the neighborhood and he said he is from the fire department right down the street and he would take us home. So we did that. So I got to meet one of our firemen. Very nice guy. We talked about all the construction going on and found out we are getting another hotel, another 7 eleven on other side of street and so much more. He said they are building another fire station as the 2 we have can't handle the growth. It;s going to be bad and I am so ready to get out of VA. If only I could. He said our roads and schools cannot handle the overload. We couldn't pick car up till after 4 pm and I was not going to walmart and end up in there after dark. Not the best place to be after dark. So will try to finish up tomorrow. So I ironed clothes and did a few small things that needed to be done. Jeepers hope you are doing better today. Mt. Rider I would love to mark my kitchen off as completed. But today held that job up. May tomorrow be a better day.
  7. Jeepers, I'm glad you are ok. Those falls can be bad. I do know how the neck problems can be. I have a plate with 4 screws and godiva bone from C4 to C7. It can be painful and radiate into the shoulders and arms. Have you checked with doctor about getting an MRI. Mine showed the bones had collasped on the spinal cord and was causing all my pain. And if you ever have to have surgery for something like that, always go to a neruologist, never an orthopedic. Spinal cord is nothing to play around with.
  8. I have enough of my own canned veggies to last me a year. So I am good. the only thing is corn. We do not have enough room in back yard to plant that. But we do have green beans, butterbeans,, squash, tomatoes, to hold us. All this is from my garden. So should be ok. Hoping nothing else gets recalled but I am sure something will. The FDA is a failed system.
  9. So what's next. Seems something is being recalled all the time now. Drugs and food. I have never seen the Mann's products here but will keep an eye out. As for Sysco, that is a food distrabution center and one of the center's is located not far from us. My son in law used to work for them. It's getting to the point you don't know what is safe to eat anymore. We have already had to have our blood pressure meds changed due to constant recalls on it.
  10. That picture is beautiful. Great job Annarchy. My father was an artist but was more commercial. He did the store adds for Giant Open air markets for newspaper. Designd bank bags for the banks. and did advertising for Leggett's department stores and furniture stores as well. he did do some drawings but nothing like what you did. You have a great talent. Love it. Still working on the kitchen cabnets but almost done. Only have the one under the stove and one under the sink and I am done. Got a great deal of reorganizing done in process. So happy with that. But 4 days on this one project is rough. Hoping to move on by tomorrow afternoon to another project that needs to get done.
  11. Out of the Ordinar: We have gone through what you are going through. I hope that things go a lot smoother for you in finding a new doctor. Not many good ones left around here. The doctor I worked for was also mine and DH family doctor. he was 81 when he had to retire for medical reasons. Bad part was when Obama pulled that obama care and our edlery patients couldn't find a doctor that would still take mediare. We to found ourselves in that boat. We did find one doctor in area that we had all our patients go to and then to hang in there till hopefully things changed and they could find better doctor. We have changed doctors 3 times since then. Hoping this one will be better. He is internal medicine and takes care of both thyroid and diabetic also. The doctor I worked for was internal med. That might be your best bet is to look for internal medicine doctors verses a family doctor. They take care of a much wider range of illnesses. But beware not all are that good. Will be praying that you will find the right doctor soon..Also I will tell you what DH's neuro doctor told him to do for the high Blood pressure. Drink a small glass of wine. It should bring your BP down. He said if it does not take it down to go to ER. You could try drinking a small glass and try relaxing. Hopefully it will go down.
  12. Wow. Mexican Birthday. Love the jar. The two of you look so sweet together. I know you guys had a great time with your friends. I love mexican food as long as it's not to spicy. I am still working on kitchen cabnets. Used to be able to get it done in one day and now I will be 3 days getting it done. Got all the cabnets with food in it done and new shelf paper down. Had to move some food around from back of house to kitchen. So the older food would all get used up first. And yes the cold weather is here and it's not really that cold yet but my hands are killing me. They said I need knuckle replacement. But I am not going there. As long as I can use my hands I'm good. Though I am not to good on the key board again tonight. Off to the pots and pans tomorrow morning. And then get the summer clothes put in dresser in spare room. So much to get done and feel I will never catch up. But it is what it is. I will get there eventually. DH is swollen bad today and had to take double on his fluid pills. But was able to get out and vote. We picked a time when it wasn't very busy, so it would be easy on him. In and out in no time. No waiting.
  13. Was in the 30s this morning. And warmed up to low 60's this afternoon. DH was cooking collards at market, So got clothes started and then started cleaning out the upper kitchen cabnets. Put in new shelf paper. And went through the dishes I haven't used in a couple of years. going to pack them up to put in shed for the grandkids. I have one grandchild that is planning to buy a house when she and her DH get transferred. So she will be wanting some things that I have packed away for her now and will see if she wants any of those other dishes that I am going to pack up tomorrow. Got the cabnets more organized now and going to start the lower cabnets and last 2 upper cabnets tomorrow. The last 2 upper cabnets has all my can goods that are the oldest. Going to go through those and get them all to the front. Then the cabnets under the side cabnets has a few can goods and pastas that we are going to be using up this winter. Going to clean that up and make sure all the older foods are to the front. The 3 closets that house our food storage will get done after the first of year. Been at it since 5 am this morning, so I am very tired right now. And I hate this time change, it was dark at 5:30 tonight. So now we have to deal with that for about 3 months before we start seeing it stay light a bit longer. Wish they would have left the time like it was.
  14. The adrendal gland meds came in today so will start that tomorrow. Hoping to feel a big difference by end of month. Already feeling a difference from the Bovine thyroid meds. labs will be done end of month. So wll see what happens. Really hoping it is working so I will have that back up. right now with the synthroid, I am 6 months ahead of the game. But might not be able to get any if SHTF. I think that was me that forgot to finish a post and never hit submit. Think it was DH was calling me as he scratched himself and was bleeding all over the place. Gotta love blood thinners. Sorry for that.
  15. Haven't done any canning since middle of Oct. But here is a list of all I have canned this year' Chicken 12 pints Veg. beef soup. 24 quarts pizza sauce. 12- 1/2 pints green beans 48 quarts salsa 12 pints carrots 24 plain and 24 glazed Beef stew 24 quarts Chicken soup 24 quarts So far this is about all I have canned this year. Hoping to have a better year next year. We are not going to plant a garden per say. Might still do tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers. But that will be about it. Those I will plant in flower beds instead of the garden. Going to hit the farm markets next year. Still have a ton of meat in freezer that I need to get canned but will wait till after the holidays. To much going on right now.
  16. Got clocks set back an hour. Though I like the way it is now. I do better on this time than falling back. So today I have been trying hard to catch up on house work. Switched out the summer clothes to winter clothes and went through all the ones we don't wear any longer or are worn out. Stripped bed and got sheets and blankets washed. Had to run to pharm. to pick up the RX's. Now that the pharm. close to us closed. I have to go a way down the road and fight traffic to get to the next closest pharm. Got things together to start in on Monday cleaning out kitchen cabnets. Was hoping to start that job today, but DH gets cold easy these days. So decided to get the winter clothes out. So much to do and so little time. I don't remember ever being this far behind before. But the driveway had to be done. Still work outside to do but will have to put off most of it till spring. Will try to do what I can when time permits for outside work. Did get the bigger garden weeded and ready for mulch as soon as we can use the driveway. Got about 2 weeks before we can drive on it.
  17. Jeepers get the shingles vac. We got ours about 3 years ago now. DH's father and brother both had the shingles. And I have a friend that it just about ruined her. She ended up in hosp. and on a walker. Shingles about did her under.
  18. Out of the ordinar, the bovine thyroid is all natural from pigs and is very much like our own bodies. Armour thyroid is suppose to be the same but by RX only. I have now ordered the bovine thyroid from Neuta meds. And yes the bovine is from cows. Guess I had pigs on my mind. And with the swine flu or whatever is killing off the pigs maybe bovine is the best choice. I have now been taken 32.5 mg a day and can already feel a difference. Waiting now for the other one to come in for the adrenal glands. Hoping it all works for me as well as the ratings are saying. Only time will tell. At end of month I get labs done. So will see what happens from there.
  19. This is an old post but with Lymes disease increasing, we need to be fully aware of it. And now that deer hunting is starting soon, this is very important. My daughter has lymes disease. There is no cure but can be controlled. She also had rocky mounted spotted fever. Found out she had both when she wasn't feeling well and was preg. with 3ed child at the time. She has to take certain vitamins daily to counter act the symtoms and at times has to go back on an antibotic for the lymes. She has had this disease now for over 18 years. So you will never get rid of lymes disease once you get it. I see above they had a vacine for it . Never new that. They need to come out with it again. I for one don't like vac. but in this case I would get that one. Right now the only ones I get are the flu and phnemonia, with the phn. being every 5 years. Lymes disease if not treated can lead to arthritis and can be debilitating. I have already seen what it has done to my daughter. If she does not stay active, her muscles and joints get very stiff.
  20. With flu season around the corner. This needs to be bumped. We never know how bad the flu season can get from year to year as it is also based on location as well. For some it won't be bad and for other areas it can be really bad. I see some good post on pandemics as well. I know elderberry is very good. My daughter swears by airborn. But must be used at first signs of a cold. We have started back taking Vit. C. We don't usally take that during the summer. Fire cider is another one that is great. We got our flu shots about 2 weeks ago, so that should have now kicked in. October is the best time they say to get the flu shots. Any other ideas on staying well from the dredded flu season?
  21. Out of the ordinar, the bovine thyroid is all natural from pigs and is very much like our own bodies. Armour thyroid is suppose to be the same but by RX only. I have now ordered the bovine thyrod from nutri meds and as soon as I can find out about dates and how to store long term I will post on the other forum about it. I ordered the 130 mg and quartered it. So starting off with the lower dose. I have not taken the synthroid now in about a week and feeling better. I went back and ordered the 65 mg. So only have to cut in half and after a bit of research, I also ordered the adrenal glandular. Those haven't come yet but has shipped, so will be adding the adrenal glandular to see how I am feeling. Hoping that this all works out well for me. Then after a bit more research to find out shelf life of both of them. i am going to start to stock up on it as it is looking like our heathcare system is starting to fall apart. Already they are talking about a shortage of heprin that is needed for heart surgery. This is not a good sign. And just a sample of things to come. Most of our prescription meds come from over seas. It's past time that we start manafacturing our drugs in the USA and fix our FDA for approval of these drugs and not having the FDA paying our politians for favors to look the other way.
  22. Yes thank you. Something we really need to know about medications and how to store them. Will be checking my books on this. And post as I find answers to these questions.
  23. Be careful with those hot tubs. They say do not stay in them no more than 15 minutes. My DH cousin's wife got in one and stayed in it for almost an hour and when she went to get out, she was so relaxed that she fell and broke her ankle. They had to put in rods and took her a long while to be able to use that foot. Had a rough night last night. DH was having a hard time with the fluid and just could not get to sleep. So was up with him most of the night. And Halloween was something else. We went from having just 2 to maybe 6 kids for past several years with one year with no kids. To having 4 car loads bus in a slew of kids putting us over 60 kids. Cars everywhere on street. Neighborhood next to us had over 140 kids with half being bussed in. Don't know why parents bring their kids to other neighborhoods for trick or treat but a lot of folks here was not prepared for that. Didn't get a lot done in house today, but did get the work done on the car. That put my whole morning in the shop. But everything is good. Still need to go get the inspection done. Have to go to a different place for that. But shouldn't take long for that. We had a bad storm last night. Though it was only 6 tenths of an inch of rain, it was blowing sideways with winds 60 to 70 miles an hour. Current lost for about 2 hours, but generator kicked in. Thinking we may need to get new battery for the generator. Noticed it was hesitating a bit. It is getting about that time for a new one. Thinking of maybe buying an extra for emergency situations. Annarchy that is so sweet that your DH proposed like that and everyyear for that long. That just goes to show how much he loves you. My DH was sneeky. though it was a second marrage for the both of us. Daughter and I was at his house for Christmas and he had talked to my daughter, she was 12 at the time, about him marrying me. She was all for it. So they plotted to put an engagement ring in the tree where I would not see it. And nope I never saw it. He had me go look at all the tree decorations and there it was, well hidding. He had done things like that almost every year. Been married almost 35 years now and loving every minute of it, even though we both have slowed down in our old age.
  24. Haven't had to use mine yet, but yes we do need to keep our fish healthy. Starting a thread on this sounds good.
  25. Snapshotmiki, that is funny. I go to the general dollars around here but that has never happened. Ambergris, you are right about not being his time. But his health has suffered in the past few months. And we will get through this also. He just turned 82 this past Sat. Plan on keeping him around a lot longer if God wills it. I remember that poem. I have always washed on Monday's though but never thought about the poem. And yes I do have ironing to do but it won't get done on a tuesday. I will be lucky to get to it tomorrow. I also need to get busy and bake brownies or cake for the cake walk for fall festival. I am way behind in getting things done. Already took candy to the church for it. So guess I better get baking in the morning. The weather is a bit crazy. It will be cold in morning and then warms up really nice. Then by about 3 the temps drop suddenly and back to cold but still mild enough to get outside stuff done. Been busy with getting the yard work done. Worked on the larger garden getting it ready to put down mulch. My yard man came and cut down the bushes in front yard. They were way up past the windows. So he cut them all the way back to ground. So they will start over again next spring and maybe we can control them better. If not, I am having them removed. They are called mop tops and were only suppose to grow no bigger than 3 feet. Guy at nursery that sold them to us was wrong. They can get as high as 10 feet tall. Can't have that in flower beds. But if I do end up removing them, it might be the front yard flower bed but I might just plant herbs and other things that we can eat in there.
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