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The WE2's

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Everything posted by The WE2's

  1. Thursday...woke up to what started as a wonderful day...then desktop pc crashed. PC gal just left and needs to create a re-boot disk. Too many pc's are sold without them. NEVER again! If we have to buy another pc, it will have an install disk or we're not buying it! Operating on my travel notebook for the time being. Sooo tiny and soooo slow. Better than nothing though. Tomorrow's another day.
  2. You're gonna be soooo blessed! My grand-daughter has graduated from HS and is enrolled in nursing college and working part-time in a nursing home. Grand-son is in HS and wants to be a fire fighter. He was a volunteer at their local fire station. BUT....pink is beautiful! (but so is blue!) LOL
  3. Today is a 'wifey" day...the rugs need vacuming, bed clothes need changing, bath linens need laundering...just regular weekly-daily stuff that just won't get done by osmosis!
  4. Wednesday...really had a "spook" this morning. Anti-virus software wouldn't launch, update or even acces . After much worry (and most of morning doing diagnostics) decided to just un-install the whole thing and re-install. It launch, scanned and now is working like it should...PTL! Can't afford a new PC. Mountain Man is finishing off repairing iron steps for a client. They lead to an upper apartment and they repaired four this spring and now are repairing the last four. MM got a tiny little burn on his cheek while cutting out the old wrought iron part of the step (they're replacing the risers with treated wood) but just a little dot. Aloe made it feel fine. Then he's headed off for another landlord's project to put on a 3rd coat of mud to cure until tomorrow, and then to another client's project to hang mini-blinds, ceiling fans, repair roof leak, and a few other things landlord's enjoy having him do. PTL for the consistent work! Trying to get back on our "semi-retirement" schedule of working Mon-Thurs. and then working on our 2nd house on Fri & Sat. so we can move into it and get this antique we're living in sold! LOL Not doing any prepping today. Need to get caught up on some "wifey" things!
  5. Sounds like tons of fun (and work) and wish we could be amongst ya's...but we've only been around this forum for a bit, and Mountain Man is taking work any time he can get it. I'll enjoy reading (hopefully with some pictures!) about everything going on and sharing with MM. Perhaps next time we'll be in a better position to hitch up and join every body! We're in the midwest and don't have any idea where you all are gathering. Hugs...
  6. Looks like we all love them! But as I've cautioned...I lost some tomato ones to bugs. So mine are stored via my food saver attachment, in jars. Just a caution to my friends who may want to stock up on some.
  7. From Philbe: Be sure to vacume seal them in jars...or little critters will try to get to them (bugs). I lost a whole bag full once, so mine are sealed in jars by my food saver jar attachment.
  8. From Philbe: Be sure to vacume seal them in jars...or little critters will try to get to them (bugs). I lost a whole bag full once, so mine are sealed in jars by my food saver jar attachment.
  9. Tuesday...waiting for hair to dry, then going out to deep freeze to take fresh onion rings out so I can bag them into smaller bags for storage. I'll appreciate having fresh onions when I want them and not having to peel them etc.! LOL As empty nesters, a bag of onions (like potatoes, tomatoes, oranges etc.) always seem to head south on us before we get them used, and buying just two or three is so much more expensive.
  10. From Philbe...we used to call it "the nesting impulse"! LOL
  11. From Philbe...got several jars of them! LOL I also store up the jars of chicken & beef "sprinkles". When they're empty (I make alot of soups) I save the jars and put these cubes in them to keep them moist and to keep bugs out...and they will draw those little black bugs! Lost several boxes of the tomato ones to those critters! So, I keep them vacume sealed (with my food saver attachment) in jars. They even have some in tomato and fish. Another (but more expensive) are the "flavor boost" packets. Love them all!
  12. We're snow shoe people so looking forward to that part of winter...but would prefer to drive to it rather than live in it! LOL
  13. From Philbe...years ago I used to have a bathroom that the pipes always wanted to freeze up. I had two methods...one was banking bales of straw around the foundation of the room, covering the bales with rolled insulation and then covering that with heavy black milar. A cheaper way (but not nearly as efficient) was just saving all my old leaves when I raked the yard, into heavy contractor trash bags and then piling them tightly around the foundation of the room. No guarantees, but we didn't have any more frozen pipes.
  14. Penching pennies ALL day long! Posted elsewhere here. Why are there so many dirty dishes when you only boil up potatoes, freeze onions, freeze tomatoes, turbo cook chicken breasts, bag up white queso and make a chocolate/pecan pie?
  15. Can't hardly ever pass up the opportunity to save money, time and have good stuff to eat!
  16. Spent the afternoon doing some winter preps. Cleaned a bag of onions, sliced them, separated them, laid them out on my large bake pan, sprayed them with veggie spray, covered them with clear wrap and they're in the freezer waiting for me to bag them up into smaller bags for future use. With only 2 of us it keeps us with fresh onions (not just dehydrated ones). Sliced some oranges also and they're bagged in the freezer for citrus water or "zest" or ??? Last week found 4 huge chicken breasts on sale in a package for $5.25 so I put them all into my turbo cooker and we had one for supper w/pasta and the other 3 are vacume sealed and in the freezer for another day. Already picked all the tomatoes from the SQF garden and they're bagged and in deep freeze. Received a gallon of white queso as a gift, so divided it up. Mixed a small amount with some garlic powder, onion powder and my house fajita seasoning and had it over our pasta with our chicken. Figure supper costs us about $3 a plate...max. Been a busy, busy day...like the rest of my friends here!
  17. *** I use my stock pot and put as many whole potatoes as I can in, then bring to a boil. Put the lid on, reduce heat and cook until "done"...not mushy. When done, I lay them out on a clean towel to cool & dry. Then I just bag them in manageable bags and put them either in my deep freeze, my freezer or my frig. Since we eat hashbrowns nearly every morning, I keep some thawed. They brown so nicely! I just add dehydrated onions, peppers, a bit of garlic and some chives or parsley, and we're walking in tall cotton! ***
  18. Monday...spent most of the day setting up a few things for a few weeks. Found 4 huge chicken breasts last week for $5.25 (for all 4) so I put them in my turbo cooker. We had one for supper and I vacume sealed the other 3 and they're in the freezer for another meal or two. Sliced a bag of oranges and put them in baggies in the freezer for citrus water etc. Sliced onions and they're laid out in bake pan, in the deep freeze until frozen, then I'll vacume seal them into smaller bags for future use. Mixed up a trial batch (1 gallon) of laundry detergent in a mix I saw on this forum. Will give it a try even though I already have 5 gallons mixed up of my regular liquid w/the Fels Naptha. Washed up Abby's bedding. Washed up all dark laundry. Watched Dancing With The Stars (I'm sorry...I love this show!) and am now trying to wind down for the night and let Mountain Man have the pc to read his favorite prepper blogs! Good evening friends!
  19. Does that mean we can hug you and keep warm!?
  20. Already did "some"...when I boiled 2 bags of whole potatoes and they're either in my deep freeze, my frig freezer, or my frig (for quicky hashbrowns!) I've got my small deep freezer packed to it's limit as well as frig freezer. Wish I had a big deep freeze, but no room for one right now. Maybe we'll get some things moved off the back porch/pantry that don't need to be there and I'll get a bigger one before too long! :wink (2):
  21. Very interesting...would wonder if the caps would seal tightly enough for the oxygen absorbers to really do their work. I'd probably be one of those that would "try one" and see what happens in a month or two. I'll bet others here have more experience than I.
  22. Yippeee...more new "babies" being born into Mrs. Survival!
  23. Another funny for Mountain Man and I to laugh about! Abby has her "greeny ball" that we can insert a milk bone into. It keeps her busy for quite some time...or did! She's figured out that she can "crunch" the greeny ball, then roll it across the floor, and then very smartly go behind and pick up the pieces! Animals absolutely NEVER cease to amaze me with their antics!
  24. Sunday...took a nice motorcycle ride, even though it was chilly! Had our gear on so wasn't too bad, but wished we had went ahead and put our jacket liners in! Thought I'd share two of my favorite web sites...maybe some of you visit them regularly as I do? SeasonedCitizenPrepper.com survivalblog.com Got the travel trailer winterized, but we'll probably still do our anual Thanksgiving campout. We just don't use our fresh water tank etc. We just fill up plenty of milk gallon jugs to flush & sailor-wash with and our Berkey for drinking water etc. Everybody have a great day!
  25. Hmmmm....wonder if one can "barter" things then?
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