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Everything posted by Necie

  1. Originally Posted By: Trip Originally Posted By: Darlene I don't think 'adult' jokes have a place ANYwhere on this site. I just got done deleting quite a few. Could you please stop deleteing them until I get to read em???? I have a note from my mommy saying i can read adult jokes... Easy solution: Since Darlene doesn't want 'adult' jokes on the site, yet Trip wants to read them..... Anyone with a 'questionable' joke should just PM it to Trip.
  2. Ok--so this explains the attack of the killer duck.....revenge for his roller bladed fallen brethren. Now, if she gets this turtle....it'll be attack of the fencing turtles.....(Trip asked for a Katana)
  3. Hmmmmm....doctor's appt--usually not a fun thing and costs money OR...FREE salmon??? I think *I'd* reschedule the appt. Anywho...for future reference... Yes, I brine (soak in salt water) ALL fish when I clean them. Yes, you can throw them in the freezer and can them later. I canned 6 pts today of baked salmon that I had in the freezer. You can also boil it and freeze it or freeze it raw.
  4. I can salmon just like the BBB says, except I skin mine. I also can some like it says for hot pack tuna. I bake it first, like I mentioned above, then follow the instructions in the BBB for tuna. Makes yummy salmon patties or salmon spread. My dad fished for king salmon for years on Lake Michigan. Like Skagit said-THOSE are prime salmon...poach, grill, bake, smoke. My boys river fish for salmon in the fall-those are spent salmon-they need some *help*...bake, can, mix with other ingredients. I baked and froze a bunch earlier this fall. Gonna can them up today. Wish I was there, too...we could do them together.
  5. If you smoke 'em...(NO comments, please ) then ya still gotta refrigerate or freeze them. Get Sherman out and can those babies up! Use it for anything you'd use store bought canned salmon. Bake some in some lemon and butter with a bit of dill weed. YUM, YUM, GOOD!
  6. http://www.canismajor.com/dog/livestck.html
  7. waaaaa... How do I find those posts? I tried the search and typed in the number and-guess what?-the only post that it found was mom11's where she listed them. lol Is there another way to do it?
  8. "I'm also going to do more of Darlene's marinara sauce and CAT's spaghetti sauce." Where are these recipes? Can't seem to find them. Working on basic tomato sauce and looking for ideas.
  9. (sorry, broken image link. - Cat) Just fill with your favorite beverage.
  10. Awwwww-let the poor boy have some soup. I love hearing that phhhu of a jar being opened AS MUCH as hearing the PING--means somebody is eating something GOOD and *I* get another empty jar to fill again. DS2 and his GF are moving into their first apartment this week-end and he called to see if I'd loan him some money for groceries. SURE! I also plan on packing up a few boxes of home canned goodies--with strict instructions to give me back the empty jars. The satisfaction is not in the canning, but in the joy of seeing the people you love being fed well.
  11. *my name is Necie and I'm a canning-a-holic....* One early March day a couple years ago, this guy comes into the tavern and says - "The renter's are moving out of Mom's house (his mom had been deceased for about 15 yrs) and I want to clean it up before I rent it again. The basement is full of jars of stuff that Mom canned and I can't haul it out because of my knees (he'd had surgery on both). If you want to clean it out, you can have the jars." Me---> DBF---> So having two days off in the winter, the first day I go haul box after box of jars full of stuff at least 15 years old out of this basement--THREE truck loads! It was a chilly spring day, a little drizzly, but not bad when movin' around and workin'. I stack them all right plum in the middle of the garage as I'm figuring on dumping them all the next day. The next day--IT'S 20F AND SNOWING!! I get two 5-gal buckets and start opening and dumping jars. Get both buckets full and haul them to the garden and dump-COMPOST! Then...go in the house to thaw my fingers, then back to the garage to do it again. Loaded all the empty jars into the back of the truck AGAIN and as soon as it was closing time at the tavern where I work, I took them in and ran them through the commercial dishwasher. Only took two trips with empty jars. Had to put two boxes of jars that I couldn't get open out for garbage pick up. After all was done - I had increased my jar inventory by over 700 jars! DBF said-"I think you have ENOUGH jars now" I said- " .......Oh, you're serious? Ok, Honey, whatever you say."
  12. Originally Posted By: Cat Quote: just remember.... in the end.. I will have the fabric to make jeans, shirts, dresses, underware, bras, panties, slips, and aprons. And I guess the rest of us will become nudists... OMG You DID NOT just say THAT!?! *necie wanders off mumblin': 'it's gotta be the full moon...gotta be...'*
  13. Nana's "YKK Zipper Thread" is here: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...=true#Post22238
  14. Very clear. Thanx. Gonna try that. How do you take the candle out of the shampoo botttle?
  15. Pegsol-you're funny, too! Then I would like to start doing one on my storage foods-like one of those continuous inventory things, but I have absolutely NO idea. So I guess I'll just keep working on it-bit by bit-and eventually I'll get it figured out. Ao5fG-I've been using a '$20'/wk. plan-but it's kind of a plan I made up myself. I only go shopping every 3 months or so, so I've been giving DD $20 a week with a list of things to get. She cooks dinner once a week, so part of the list is things that she needs for that, part is repacement things that we just use up, and part is for storage. This has been working pretty well. But I've never kept an inventory of my pantry or storage (cuz I've never really kept things as 'storage'). I just always keep about 6 months worth, and shop every 3 months to fill in things that we've used.
  16. Oops. Sorry. I guess the way I said that does sound like that. No, I canned cooked, dry beans. I'd made the soup for a little party we had. We ate most of it-had my WBC full-but I decided to can the left-overs. 5 qts. That's why I'm thinking that they were just REALLY overcooked. One of the sites that Violet posted said that you can soak your beans to rehydrate and then put them into the jars to can. I think that would be better, but it's just not necessarily something that I would do. I'd be more likely to can the ham/broth (which I already do) and then just make soup outa that with dry beans.
  17. Ok-the first link says to process for 75 min for qts. That's what I was thinking we always did, so why couldn't I find that # anywhere?! DUH! The last 15 min of canning was the worst-that's when the canner went dry and started spewing the burnt stuff out the jiggler and really smelled bad. ewwwwwww. I was wondering if the beans were 'overcooked', since I made the soup to eat and canned the left-over. Well, then I don't know, cuz I don't tend to just can bean soup. Humph. Think I'll stick to canning the ham and broth and just adding the beans to eat. I'll still do my beef/vege the same, though. And canned up perfectly.
  18. The main things that were *wrong*, was: #1-the beans ended up total mush, like paste. and #2-out of 5 qts I only have one that's still sealed. *BIG MAD* grrrr-my biggest pet peeve with canning! My *guesses* as to what could've went wrong. First time I've only done a patial patch in the canner-maybe I needed to add more than the 2 qts of water to start. Canner did go dry, which is a mess in itself with all that burnt stuff in the bottom. Not sure if it's cuz it was mushy or the water he added cuz it was so thick. (Our water isn't the best tasting, but it's the same water I cooked the soup with to begin with and it was fine.) So maybe it was keeping the pressure right or it going dry. Should I add more water when I'm doing less than a full batch? I've canned beef/vege soup w-barley for years and plain meats and such that all take 90 min and never had this problem. This is the first time I've tried to can dry beans with anything, though.
  19. Where's the soup? How did yours turn out? The books all say to parboil potatoes for 10 min. before canning-never raw pack. Were they ok? I did quarts at 10# for 90 min. Was the only thing I could figure-couldn't find actual canning directions for the soup, so I went with the ham directions. Let's just say, mine was pretty much disastrous. So, what's the scoop on yours?
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