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Ah Buttercup I'm so sorry. Remember you're the mom and she needs your support, love and hugs no matter what you all decide to do.


No matter how bad it seems now it'll all work out in time!

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I view this baby as a true gift from God.. It will be loved. And I am not mad at my daughter.. A little disappointed yet. I am allowing her to get married. She has been with this boy for 8 months and I know his family. I feel they will be taken care of.. So in the mean time I am planning along with many others a Western Hillbilly wedding.. It won't be the actual day they get married because I have to take her out of state.. It will be the next day... She's excited and appears to be happy.. That's all that matters to me at this stage.. She is going to finish high school with lots of mom's help I am sure. Thanks for thinking and praying for me...


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Buttercup, in October of 2003 right after my Daughter graduated from high school we did a pregnancy test together and she cried like a baby when it was positive. I told her I don't love you any less than I did five minutes ago. I told her we were disapointed and worried that her life had taken this hard row to hoe, but we were going to be there. We now have a beautiful baby girl with the biggest bluest eyes you have ever seen. Her name is Gracie. She is 14 months old. I watch her while my Daughter goes to college. She lives with us. Gracie has brought us much happiness, laughter, and love. Her father has never seen her and does not want too. I am not going to tell you this will be easy, but at least the Father is there for her. They will make it. It will be hard, but with your love they will make it. And you have my prayers.

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I hope things work out for your daughter and her new husband. I married about a month after I turned 15. I wasn't pregnant, just hard-headed and anxious to get away from home. We stayed married for 14 years and have 3 great kids. I just wish we had worked harder at staying together.


If the young man is as young as your daughter, he is going to need lots of support from a strong male role-model to be a husband and father. If you set your expectations high for them and give them support and love, they will do fine.

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Well no he's not as young and there's a chance he could get into trouble.. So now we may have a legal battle on our hands even though neither family wants to be involved in it.. But the state may take over..

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When I married, I was 15 and he was, well, much older. I wasn't pregnant, but he could have gotten in trouble anyway. We went to Nogales, Mexico to get married.


I would advise parents to not let their daughters date older guys, no matter how nice the guy seems or how responsible the girl seems. In my experience, the greater the age difference, the better the guy is at 'talking the girl's pants off'.

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Goatherder that looks really good on paper but with

children, I have a 15 year old myself, the more you

tell them no the more they want to do it to see why

you are saying no.


For example my daughter has a friend and her mother

will not let her wear a black shirt. Black is considered

punk around here. Punk = trouble. Her parents are

divorced, and at her dad's all she wears is black, why

because here mom won't let her.


She has another friend and his mother only lets him listen to Christian music. What does he do? When his mother is not around he listens to punk music.


If you take away all of thier abilities to make

dicisions then they will rebell.

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We have to take her out of state anyway because she can not get married in this state if she is only 15

I just saw a news story somewhere, where, with girl's mom's blessing, underage pregnant teen girl and her bf went out of state to marry, then reside in the original state they live in. Original state is going after him for statutory rape.

The guy in this case is older, but still, he tried to do the right thing and now is getting punished for it. Who's going to support the baby when he's in jail? GRRR.

Anyway, Buttercup, so much to say, no time to type, I will get it typed up when I can. Huge hugs to you and your daughter! Many prayers for you also.

Mommy of Five, plus one very anxious to get here child.
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It is true that if kids don't get to make some choices, they will rebel. However, if mom and dad are on the same page and dating standards, etc. are set from an early age with explanations of why the rules are what they are, you have a better chance. Also, things like wearing a black top, are the small things. If you pick too much on the small things, it's hard to enforce the big things. I've raised three kids and I'm sure I made my share of mistakes, but the one thing I always made sure of was that we communicated. So far, they've not had any major issues and the youngest is 21.

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Dawn, I have been so concerned here at home I haven't posted here. I'm so sorry.


I'm sorry about your situation and I will be praying that all turns out the way you want it to. I will also be praying that God's will is done.


I have known people who have gotten married very young and it worked great.


We can always teach the kids what we believe, but it doesn't mean that is what they will do. I know, as we have 3 adult kids and their lives are not liike DH's and mine at all.



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